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Ponyville Scavenger Hunt


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Those of Ponyville that had been caught amidst the game to participate would find that their powers or natural talents have been reversed and to those fallen into the game would receive a set of instructions to find Discord and retrieve  a scavenger hunt list. Finding their items and using them properly would return their magic and talents and earn them a grand prize, courtesy of the god of chaos.


Over their cutie marks a big red X would be plastered on their flank and they would be provided with a saddlebag to carry the collected objects. Discord was lounged over the portal on his throne, perfectly between Canterlot and Ponyville, sipping jello out of a coconut with a tiny drink umbrella in his eyebrows.


Lens looks around with a fair amount of confusion; he had been wandering into Ponyville when somepony started speaking about some kind of competition, and now suddenly the sky was different, the sun and moon not quite where they belonged, and his cutie mark had been crossed out. Furthermore since this had happened he had not been caught in a single bit of bad luck or danger, of course he wouldn't know it, but due to his special talent being about getting into trouble, he was now jinxed with the ability to get out of trouble, a situation he did not really realise as of course he didn't have a great deal of experience not getting into trouble or having a situation be taken over by things outside of his control. So what was left was a pony as cautious and grudging as ever, but for once not having a reason to. Nonetheless, there was a job to do, so he may as well do it; upon receiving the instructions and saddlebags, he set off in search of the rogue god, not knowing what to be ready for or to expect. As he walked he managed to step over an open manhole cover as a board had just fallen down from above, missing Lens and blocking the manhole so he could walk over it, blissfully unaware he carries on with his search for Discord.




Discord was lounged out on a pink cloud, a number of balloons of various shapes and colors hovered about with furled missives tied to their tails. The mockery of madness and illusion of insecurities would all be gone in a matter of moments when the spirit was found being a showpony. With his hind legs crossed looking as if he was more on vacation the spirit was, in fact, hard at work, making sure the universe didn't collide in his absence. His ear swiveled back the squeaky chirp of balloons about. He popped his head out the underside of the cloud when Lens, the pony, peeked from the crowd. He wasn't the only with his Cutie Mark X'd out, but he was one of the first to seek him out! 

He popped back up and reached to the sky, grabbing the tail of one of the balloons. "Well, well well that was quick. Here's your balloon." He offered. "It carries your map and helpful hints." but far be it for the spirit to mention that the balloons only spoke in Balloon.

The missive for Lens had a few simple items to find. The first on the list was a bottle of wine! The lest, as a whole, seemed incomplete. The spirit laid back and gave his drink a sip. "You'll find that each item appears as it is required. Find item one, and the others will appear. If you ever get lost just as the Balloon, he's a green bunny, just for you."


Lens looks up at the creature, nodding as he approaches "Well you certainly look like an embodiment of chaos." he announces his arrival with his usual mixture of sass and dryness. As Lens drew nearer a rock was flying towards his head after being dislodged from the claws of a bird, as it neared his head a fox jumped over him, grabbing the rock as it runs off, leaving Lens none the wiser to the possible attack that he had narrowly avoided.

He nods from the evaluation from this 'Discord' "I try to be quick in my work. I owe a pony one daring adventure completed without his smug help." he takes the balloon with a nod "Great... these things are alive now..." he looks at his list, before looking back up to Discord, noticing the drink he had with him "Just for me, excellent. Say, what are you drinking there?" he gestures towards Discord's drink, he had no clue what was within it, but he may as well try his luck as he always did, more often than not it went wrong but it was always worth a try.


Why was everything so cold? Pyro had been perfectly warm just a few seconds ago, but now that he was in Ponyville he was freezing. All in all, it was a very unfamiliar and unpleasant sensation, especially with the implications of what it meant for his fire. Was this how his brother felt all the time? How could he stand it?


Shivering as he walked down the street, Pyro was beginning to wish he had brought something to wear besides his sunglasses. Oh well, too late now, he supposed. Following the crowd towards the source of the mass of balloons, Pyro blinked at the sight of Discord handing one of the balloons to a pony and explaining the list. Wow, he sure had missed something, though he wasn’t sure if he wanted to know what. 


“Umm... can I g-get my list?” He asked, shivering again and stuttering from the cold. “Why is everything so c-cold?”




The spirit cooed and folded his ears back, dipping his tongue into the glass, pulling out a malted milkball. "Chocolate milk. Now I am sure there are some ponies in Ponyville who quite specialize in fruity drinks. I am sure there is a registry somewhere. Or you can always make a trade~" He offered a hint, leaning back into the soft, pillowy cloud.

The balloon bobbed up and down, rolling its eyes before squeaking and moving to tug Lens along. They had a head start, so may as well before others arrived! They would have to find their way. They knew Ponyville well enough to locate a shop right? Hopefully. When Pyro arrived icier than a certain ice cream cake making pony he knew the spirit sat up and rest his paw on his knee, his malted, chocolaty drink floating beside him. he reached up to grab a red, grumpy looking balloon and lowered it down to the once matchboxed pone. The missive on his balloon required, at first: a box of nails. That seemed easy enough though it did not seem to have anything to do with Pyro's abilities. 

"Remember you can always ask your balloon for a hint oh and well." Wit ha snap The spirit provided Pyro with earmuffs and a scarf. "Free of charge." He grinned widely and seemed delighted some ponies had come by already!

The game seemed simple enough: go around Ponyville and find these objects. It meant talking to your neighbor and asking them from help. But such simple games weren't in Discord's nature! There was like some deeper meaning. Ponies finding themselves, or learning something dark and heinous about their neighbor! Oooor it just amused him to see them scurrying about for really common objects that they were normally without.




A trip to recover some equestrian ingredients had truly gone off the rails today. Yanhua had been out on an errand (a demanding one) to get some apples from  the farm of an... Applejack. Ponies had such odd names. What was all this fuss about chaos? The last time the world had reached even lose to this level of crazy was when Discord popped by in the imperial palace. Once the spirit had left, She realized she really should have asked for an autograph or something. Old friend's back home in Neighpon would certainly have loved to hear about a living legend of mischief like Discord.


     During her walk through Canterlot she felt a weird fizzle all across her body as if some invasive magic ran over her coat. For a split seconds her eyes widened and narrowed back to their constantly closed state. This magic smelled very familiar... 


     The cook raised her head up high and sniffed rapidly at the air, "Yep,It's him." She could feel something was off about her... her magic felt off, inverted. Her lungs swelled with breath and soon she exhaled it out in a puff of ... red flames? That was odd, normally her magic 'breath' was a minty green. Stranger still it was cold, freezing in fact. This needed to be fixed. Going back to the palace with cold magic: the magic she often used to aid in her cooking, would not do at all. Seems the only thing she could do was follow her nose, the magical scent of chaos leading her eventually to the game master himself. 

"Nihao" she called up to the lounging spirit and company, her eyes still shut tight.


"A holiday of your own...eh Gramps? Why am I not surprised?" Squall said after hearing the announcement - one that caught him sitting in Ponyville train station. Normally such words would come as condescending....


If not for the fact that Swift was wearing the friendly smile devoid of malice, directed toward the draconequus.

"About time I am say. Platinas know, some ponies could use a new perspective - and if being thrown out of their comfort zone is what is required to do so, so be it." noblepony mused. "To be honest, I don't think my ride will come today anyway, so your timing couldn't be better."  stallion confessed.

"I hope this will become a yearly occurrence? Let's see if Your day will knock Nightmare Night from it's crown position of my favorite holidays." unicorn continued speaking as if spirit could hear him. Although, seeing that he was talking to Discord that was probably the case.

"Still, you could use some work over the name...." Squall added while eyeing the banner. "Don't get me wrong. While very much accurate, some have ego's way too fragile to accept being called a 'fool'....Fact that we all deserve such moniker in one way or other notwithstanding." noblepony advised the spirit while rising from his seat and making his way towards the town center. He didn't even noticed the change brought the magic of the day. Hanging out with Discord made him completely used to such things.

"And if you really insist on the 'Fool' part....'Festival of Fools' rolls much better off the tongue, don't you think?" Swift asked while thrown station doors wide open.


"Alright Gramps. Show me your very best today!" Squall said, with barely withheld anticipation.


Lens sighed, it was worth a try. "Well back to Ponyville we go I suppose." he says begrudgingly, grabbing his balloon assistant by its tail as he starts to run back towards the town; this was a competition after all; it'd be fun to win something for once that didn't set him back in finance ir sanity. As he runs into town he guides himself by his memory; remembering the fact that quite often when he came to Ponyville he preferred staying at places which offered alcohol.




Discord was a fit with giggles as he rolled about on his cloud. Some ponies were quite surprised with their participation! The spirit leaned over the puffy pink plume to regard Squall with a cheeky grin. "I know I can't believed they agreed. Mind you there are some are some stipulations, but I suppose not permanently disabling a pony's talent is fair." He snarked. "Well I don't think anypony's ride is slated to leave since time has more or less been frozen in this particular area. The game board's bounds are strict." He reached up and tugged a balloon from the air for Squall. "I couldn't cross the trademark of another festival, so parade will do. And considering later..." He held the balloon out to Squall. "Copyright and all." He said, breaking a few walls, including the fourth.


Squall's first item was a stuffed dinosaur. His ears perked as came front an center an exotic pone! Well, well well! He grinned deviously, floating around the mare. "A balloon for you my dear? Welcome to the festival. Knee high, and all." He returned the greeting. The poor disguised fox would find her balloon nervously squeaking back, her own item looked to be a carrot. It seemed simple enough, but not everywhere in Ponyville could one find such an ordinary crop! Apples, after all, held the corner market on such sweet produce. 


Each pony was responsible for finding their own item. One would think it difficult to locate them, but with the pictures on the missives -- the amount of detail said pictures shown, it was perhaps not so easy. For Lens they had to locate a purple bottle with a brown label, grapes pictured on the label. Squall's stuffed dinosaur was a plate dino with an orange body, and green stripes. Pyro's box of nails was a small fifty pack in a red box and, lastly, Yanhua's carrot was yellow!


Banners would appear on shops it seemed Discord's game board was lending a hoof so ponies did not need to search each and every place! How kind. Unfortunately -- any hints they would get from their balloons were spoken in Balloon. They would need to mime with their partners to find their objects!


"Purple wine bottle, brown label stock. Well at least he doesn't want the premier stock I suppose." Lens said to his balloon companion as they ran back to Ponyville, noticing the banners, Lens smiles a bit, starting to scout which buildings had banners, looking for any alcohol shops, grape based shops, or convenience stores. He was well aware of the quality of competition that was now in the game unfortunately, but he continued with his usual bravado nonetheless; after all, he had bested somepony better than him once before, so maybe he was better at this kind of stuff than he thought. Moving with the aid of his own ego he sprints through the streets, making mental notes of which shops had banners above and what kinds of items they vended, hoping that if he got his planning done first he would be set for finding more items past his first.


"I think I can see the angle they were viewing this." Squall replied. "Some ponies are relying on their talents - or rather talents that their Cutie Mark represent - too much. But having that one, the most special of them all doesn't mean you can't have others. Turn that Special talent off for a day, and ponies start to tap into their supply of resourcefulness they didn't suspect they had." unicorn mused. While it was true that there was an ongoing game happening, not maintaining the conversation with his pal would be just rude. "That or they trying to troll you. I guess there have to be a lot of pent up feelings if you know someone for that long."



"No I heard that part when you laid out the rules for the event. What I meant is that I was was bored before you showed up. I was waiting eight hours if you can believe that. Almost sprouted roots....Wait you said area? This isn't nation wide?" Swift asked astonished. That and 'strick rules' that Discord was sticking to....

"....You know you being very mature in that immaturity of yours." he observed. "You really are trying to build the positive cred going with that holiday of yours...."


It also made sense why the events were limited to only those two areas, both of which were overseen by either Princesses and Elements of Harmony. They wanted to make sure Discord wouldn't go nuts with those suddenly loosened boundaries of his - so today was a test run of sort. They may had forgiven Discord for his selfish past self, but it was clear they hadn't forgotten.

"......Don't worry Gramps. I am sure that after seeing how much fun everypony had, and how much they grown thanks to experience they will allow you to astonish the whole country with your creativity next year." noblepony said reassuringly to spirit. While Discord was too proud to admit aloud his problems and doubts, Squall knew him enough by now to guess his real thoughts. Well, some of them. Draconequus was complicated. Regardless Squall was certain that he had only a good intentions these days...even if he had...unique methods of displaying them.


"Oh like that stopped you before." noblpony scoffed at Discord mention of 'trademark' while grabbing the balloon he was given. "You break laws of physics everyday and out of blue you stick to common law? What gives?" unicorn asked.

"You know if it's copyright that worries you, I know several good lawyers you can hire. I mean I know they a little too orderly for you, but maybe by proxy?" swordstallion offered. "Besides did you saw some hi-jinks they can pull in the courtroom? I did. It was.....instructive." he added while walking past sunglasses wearing stallion. He had a ballon too. Huh, must've been the other player.


"A dinosaur?" Swift asked upon seeing what he was to find. The fact that toy beared his color scheme didn't escaped his notice. "Are you implying something Gramps?" Squall asked clearly amused by the situation..... "Am I supposed to look in a mirror? Geez, least challenging search ever.".....but not enough not to be deadpan about it. "Trying to say I am relict of the past age Gramps? Pfft like I didn't knew that already. Besides, what about you, Mr. Ice-Age-Was-Weekend-For-Me!" unicorn continued with the playful banter.


"Implications and snark aside, where I could find a dinosaur plushie?" Swift wondered while rubbing his chin. "Toy-store would be obvious choice...too obvious. Discord isn't interested in objects per say - he can create anything he wished for. Material wealth is less then nothing for him. It's the meanings and feelings of ponies that owns and interacts with certain objects that pick his interest...." Swift deducted.

"The plushie on the store's shelf is not a toy yet, just merchandise....." swordpony reminded himself.


Suddenly, a flash on enlightenment flew thorough noblepony mind. There was a place that had literally an army of plushies. One where they were played with, cherished, loved. A place that Squall himself funded...and the one that Discord gifted with rather unique blessing....


With a warm smile at the memory in his head, Swift Squall made a beeline towards Ponyville daycare center.


Now here was an interesting turn of events, Starlight thought as she trotted through Ponyville with a tray of green jello cups floating by her side. Not all the long ago, the mare had been stealing cutie marks and practically gaslighting ponies into being 'equal', and now here she was practically doing the former for a holiday to help Discord! How time changes things. Granted, when the draconequus approached her with the idea she was...more than a little hesitant. Not that she didn't trust the god of chaos, he had been a good friend to her! No matter how eccentric he got at times he, as Fluttershy would put it, is really a sweetheart deep down. This holiday he plotted up was just as much for everypony else's enjoyment as it was his.


Regardless it did take some convincing for her to agree too, and some talking with Twilight on setting up the spell that whisked away cutie marks for the game without Starlight having to go pony to pony and do so, however at the Princess' suggestion, she did add a twist to it. Rather than simply tear it away, seal it! Which of course was a brilliant and easy suggestion, and so with her assistance, she sat up the magical barrier around the town. Now of course not everypony would be interesting in playing, some might instead want to help with snacks or other activities during the festival! Those who were setting out the scavenger hunt were given bracelets which kept the magic at bay, letting them enjoy the festival without feeling rushed to get their mark freed. Most ponies however seemed surprisingly eager to join in on the hunt! The promise of prizes often did that.

It wasn't long before Starlight was back to Discord's side, levitating the tray of jello up to him. "Whew, sorry that took so long. The pantry at the castle had nearly every colour of except green! I had to run down to the store and managed to get the last few packs. Apparently somepony's setting up a huge jello slide or something." the mare shook her head and chuckled before turning to the slowly growing group of ponies getting their scavenger maps from Discord. "Hello everypony, I hope you're all enjoying the festivities so far!" Thus far it seemed they were, with ponies throughout the town zipping to and fro with whatever whimsical items the draconequus' maps had them seeking out.


Well, at least the hat and scarf were helping, though he still felt really cold... All the more reason to get a move on, he supposed. Taking the map and balloon, Pyro nodded his thanks to Discord before trotting off in search of a store that would sell nails. Hopefully they would have the specific kind the map seemed to be asking for. The unicorn was moving rather quickly, partly to get done faster, though mostly in the hopes that the exertion would help to warm him up more.


His speed had some disadvantages though, as he nearly ran into the pony that got his map before him. Strangely, he found himself on the ground instead, having been intercepted by some random pony walking by, entangling the both of them. After extracting himself from that little situation, he moved on, stopping at each store he could find that would sell nails in the hopes that it was the correct one for him.



Leave it to Squall to remain unfazed as the world was being, literally, turned upside-down. Pretty sure the sky was actually starting to grow grass by this point. With the shops carrying banners to display their participation in the games Discord could feel his ears get talked off by the prattling paragon. He would reach up to remove one of his ears and reattach them. He grinning gaze was turned upon the spectacularly spry and eccentric noblepony. Oh he wouldn't have handled the checkers game half as well.


Crossing his paw over his claw, leaning over the pink puffs: his long neck leaned down to look over the spelunking sportspony. "I'm impressed you were even able to wait that long Squall." He crooned, quite used to having the surveyor pry on his age, unbothered by the limited count Squall could present such a, possibly, ancient creature. "Well I suppose while there is still spring in those bones of yours...you could stand to my challenge boo problem." When the noble went about his following the rules to a preciseness well that was when the cat was let out the bag.


From the paper bag beside the spirit an orange tabby spilled out and raced into the field, around its neck a silver bells. What the...? 


"Oh Squall, to say such a thing... Come now you know better. What's a game I'd the rules couldn't be bent just a little?" That was the Discord pranksters have come to respect.


While remiss to be downsized to just two locales it was easier on the princesses and their apprentices to clean up after the games. Speaking of! He snatched a cup from the air and would snap his straw into the contents. A long and sloppy sip allowed the spirit to slurp up its contents before looking to Starlight. He waved his paw. 


"Oh don't worry about the slide. I'm sure Spike has it all under control." Or had he put Big Mac in charge of that?! "No matter!" Wait, what? "I am quite expectant of Squall's sharp wit. But do you really think they'll get by long enough to figure out what they are really looking for?" He asked the mare, taking another messy slurp.


0 warmth was limited to his items, but it wouldn't make it an impossible task. With many ponies about his worst obstacle would be, well his neighbors! The balloon in the fire pony's possession squeaked impatiently and wiggled its string tail. Perhaps... No. If he held on could it really carry his weight over the crowd? Well such would only be limited to what Pyro could imagine, right?


This was a game of chaos...


As Lens inspected the shops it seemed each banner had a brightly cast item, but none were the ones on his list! His balloon seemed anxious and tried to tug away. It seemed more a hindrance. Typical Discord... Or was it? The balloons were there to help after all. In fact Lens' stretchy hint finder seemed to have it's gaze set upon a certain red stallion with  a honeysuckle mane.


Was that Big Mac?


Squall would find himself in a collision course with another pony! With a number of them around it wasn't a surprise some took similar paths. 



Lens was starting to get annoyed; there were no shops which had what he wanted or rather what he needed; that was when it hit him; Discord was a being of chaos, so why would he hide things in places that were marked, perhaps these stores were red herrings instead of his prize tuna. That was when he noticed the pulling of the balloon that was with him, he looks to where it's head was, following the gaze over to the stallion, not one he knew well, but he knew the name of at least. He wanders over towards the stallion, waving to get his attention "Hey big red, over here! Don't suppose you've seen a bottle of wine laying about have you?"


"I've been binding my time for many thing many times Gramps, there are situations that require it. It's the needless, avoidable waiting that irks me." Swift mused.

"Seeing that you were previously in a solid state that.....forced just that, I believe you agree with the sentiment, yes?" he added, pointing out the time when Discord was taken for.granite.


"Mathematical one? Bah, forget it. Of course I know better Gramps." unicorn answered when Discord pointed out how fickle he could be. However the very fact that spirit bothered with a warning in first place showed how much draconequus has grown as a person. "Somepony with that much experience....would certainly know the ways to find a loopholes in the words. Your own or that of others. And more then few stories that go along with those exploits too, I am sure." Squall added.


Swift paused in his path briefly, when he hear new, female voice coming from the cloud that Discord was lounged on.

"So this is Sparkle's student...." he mused, while eyeing the far away unicorn mare with a piercing glare...."Or rather, first student. I don't know what I expected." Squall said while squinting his eyes at Starlight. She seemed really cheerful for a somepony who almost....

"...I am nopony to judge..." noblepony finally declared under his breath before turning around and resuming his way to daycare. It would do batter to observe that mare's actions to shape his opinion first.


Perhaps swordpony should take more consideration when choosing path towards his destination. Just when he turned into rarely used, cramped alley between the houses, Swift saw that somepony else had apparently the very same idea - but from the opposite side of the backstreet. The play of shadows and light, further twisted by Discord magic's doing it's work made it unclear if that other pony was player or not, as well as it's gender. Apprently this other pony saw and heard even less then Swift did, because he or she wasn't slowing down! Faced with a possibility of potential collision noblepony saw fit to ask for clarification from the 'Game Master'.

"Gramps..." Swift started. "What does your rules say about player's interaction between each other?"  Squall inquired, potential courses of action already filing his head...


Pyro blinked a bit as he felt his balloon tugging at him, looking over at it curiously before shrugging and grabbing hold, allowing it to take him above the crowd and carry him through the sky. He wasn't sure where it was taking him, but he figured it couldn't be anywhere too bad with Discord in charge under the princesses rules. Maybe it'd take him to the shop, they were supposed to be helpers after all.


"Ooooh, so that's where Spike got off to, I was wondering about that. Guess I know why he was getting me to enchant some things last night now." Starlight chuckled, she wasn't really surprised. It seemed like everypony was keen on getting involved in these shenanigans. A holiday where ponies could be as silly as they wanted to be? Even some of the most serious ponies she knew were out in full force...Speaking of serious, it wasn't hard to feel the daggers being glared towards her by the stallion she assumed to be 'Squall'. His first impression wasn't the...friendliest. But Starlight had little room to talk in that aspect. He had already turned to move on though, so she hadn't any real time for a proper introduction. "Errr sure. He seems the pretty...intense?" she replied with an awkward chuckle. "I guess time will tell huh?"




He let out a laugh. The princess's little dragon certainly was still a hatchling if he could come up with such a brilliantly delicious ride! Well not that the ancient chaos noodle could talk. The balloon floating by Spike had been the one to show the clue over the mirrors and looked down to the dragon, it's headset still wrapped around its balloon. Dangling from its tail was a clipboard.


Intense wasn't the half of it. He motioned his paw. "Squall is competitive." In laymen's terms. If you left it to the noblepony he could nigh well have some chaos running through his blood. "Oh?" His ears perked, hearing the bellowing blowhard. "That's why you have the balloons. Ask them!" He smirked.


Squall's balloon seemed to be rather twitchy, not the bravest if spheres, always afraid it'd be popped! The balloon looked to Squall and nodded. It seemed a-ok to interfere with one's neighbor. Though that made the scavenger hunt sound more like pirates, ursurping your neighbor's treasure or stonewalling their progress! It looked to be an easy enough thing to do, but would Squall's plan be perceived as cheating or add to the madness that was the draconequus' game?


Pyro was carried to the roof of one of the shops, planted atop The grocer's which was just across the way from the hardware store! From my up there he'd be able to spot Big McIntosh talking to a pony below. Was he offering directions? 


"Eeyup." Mac turned about to tuck his head under the flap of his saddlebag and procured what looked to be the very bottle Lens needed! But -- Mac put it back away. "There." He pointed to a small stall that seemed to be passing them out as sweet sweet prizes. 


It seemed some ponies we're taking advantage of Discord's games to sell and promote their own goods! With that Mac would wave a hoof and head off. He was going to meet Spike after his errands to partake in the dragon's game.


"Oh, Glimmer did you prepare that?" He'd wiggle a bushy brow.


Yanhua let out a disappointing huff as the rest of the participants split. She'd been hoping for some sort of cooperation to make things easier but going it alone couldn't really hurt. While most of her other magic was all out of whack, at least she could still smell the curious magic in the air. The reveal of her objective as a carrot made her tilt her head, she'd heard of carrots having different colors before in various farmers markets... so this felt a bit normal for a game being lead by a being so chaotic and unpredictable.


Several banners appeared above various shopping stalls around the group, "Hm." She opened her eyes just a sliver to see one of them with her target painted on it. Being what she really was , Yanhua mostly operated by smell. Sadly she couldn't really ell colors without opening her eyes more... and well, her eyes were always the hardest part to keep under the glamour. At least the rest of the group were occupied by their owns stalls. All she needed to do was worry about the pony at her designated spot. 

"Excuse me sir, I'm looking for a yellow carrot? Do you have any?" She asked with a small smile as she approached.



Huh. Well, it definitely got him close. Pyro trotted to the edge of the roof and looked down before jumping off and floating down thanks to the balloon. Now on the ground, he made his way over to Big Mac just in case. 


“Hey, do you know if that store has this pack of nails?” He asked, still shivering a bit and tugging the scarf tighter around himself. Maybe he should find someone to team up with... might be nice to get a new friend. 


"Horseapples...." Squall cursed under his breath. The balloons answer wasn't as definitive as he had hoped. Swift looked at the street behind him, then into the alley and finally back at the street. While it was clearly a safer option it was just so...crowded! It seemed as if almost every single one of Ponyville denizens poured on the towns roads and pathways today. He could excuse his way through them, but it will take forever!

Uhhh what he got himself so fired up today? Squall didn't cared about the price to be honest. It was the act of winning that occupied his thought. If it was any other day, he would let it slide. But Discord was his friend, and it seemed only appropriate if he would win from the contest held by his pal. It was so frustrating! if he only could reach all those ponies to make a path for himself....


....Wait a minute. Swift recalled that Moto once said there is a certain tendency of the Ponyville had. Well more like their entire race, but towns-ponies of Ponyville in particular.

A confident grin crept on noblepony face. This will fit spirit of the day so well......!

A few minutes later Squall disappeared into a certain shop...only to emerge moment later along with...a microphone?! Oh he will channel his current feelings into this alright....


"Frustrated, degraded, down before you're done
Rejection, depression, can't get what you want!"


Squall started, making every single passersby turn around. It wasn't unusual for a those present in the town to burst into a song, but rocking out, out of blue was certainly eye-catching. It was helping that noblepony was actually a pretty good singer! Being pals with 'Ashened Coppers' certainly helped when it came to rock the crowd.


"You ask me how I make my way
You ask me everywhere and why
You hang on every word I say
But the truth sounds like a lie!


Live to win, 'till you die, 'till the light dies in your eyes!
Live to win, take it all, just keep fighting till you fall!"
Now he really got the crowd going! The ponies moved back, to give Squall space as kept dancing forwards and singing, his lyrics daring Ponyville usually sheepish and easily scared townponies to be more badass. Even his balloon got onto the action!
But it was more then just giving audience the pep-talk. Swordpony intended to win this game, and he was letting the whole town know it!
"Obsessive, compulsive, suffocate your mind
Confusion, delusions, kill your dreams in time
You ask me how I took the pain
Crawled up from my lowest low
Step by step and day by day
'Till there's one last breath to go"
As noblepony kept singing, more and more ponies joined his triumphant dance-march towards the daycare. Probably to great confusion of both Pyro and Yanhua. Yep, what he was doing was totally random, but wasn't being random entire point of the day? If they wanted to have a chance in this crazy competition they needed to let their restrains loose and let the rarely seen side of themselves out...even if for just this day.
"Live to win, 'till you die, 'till the light dies in your eyes!
Live to win, take it all, just keep fighting till you fall!
Day by day, kickin' all the way, I'm not cavin' in
Let another round begin, live to win
Yeah! Live! Yeah! Win!"


Finally Squall successfully reached his destination...but the song wasn't finished yet. And what kind of stallion Swift would he be, if he stopped rocking, leaving his listeners hanging?!


"Live to win, 'till you die, 'till the light dies in your eyes!
Live to win, take it all, just keep fighting till you fall!
Day by day, kickin' all the way, I'm not cavin' in
Let another round begin, live to win
Live to win!
Live to win!

Yeah! Live! Yeah! Win!"
Squall efforts were apparently appreciated, because immediately after the last word resounded he was met with an enthusiastic ovation! Gosh, now he knew why 'Coopers' loved their job. This was better ten bungee jumping! He has to repeat this in the future, this really got his blood going!
"Thanks everypony! Remember, all of you rock! Never, ever, ever give up! Understand?" Swift yelled while disappearing into the daycare, with more hoofclapping being a clear answer what the crowd thought about his farewell words.
Phew, that was fun! Now, to find that plushie among the army of other plushies!



Nira was unsure of what was in store for both Ishi and herself today. They had arrived for a meeting with the princess of friendship, though that was still a few days off. They arrived early as in hopes to get a look around the famed village of Ponyville. A village that they, even way over in Neighpon had heard of. Granted, there was a lot of bad heard with the good, which made Nira a bit skeptical of coming to begin with. A place that was routinely attacked by monsters wasn't really a safe place for the brother of the shogun. As long as they stayed within the confines of the city though, she supposed that they would be okay. At least... that's what she thought.


She had no idea that they would be arriving right in the middle of what appeared to be a huge game of sorts. The sky was green with a bit of pink hues over the sky. Both the sun and the moon refused to leave the sky. If she hadn't seen something when she first got here about some sort of special scavenger hunt, she would have thought the two princesses of the land were at war again. After all, she recalled in her history teachings that both sun and moon were present when the great war began in the past. Naturally because of this, she was skeptical. However, something else felt off, and as she stepping into ponyville, she noticed that there was a red x on her cutie mark. This didn't bode well at all... with a deep breath, she pushed some of her magic into the ground next to her, and the result made her jump a bit in fright. Everything around where she shot withered and died... almost as if the force of life itself was pulled from them... It was.... the completely opposite of what her magic normally did. She immediately turned to IshI. "Do not get hurt here. I cannot protect you like this. If I try to heal an injure, I will kill you... if that is any indication of what would happen," she pointed to the patch of death next to her.


That? Well that was really vague. There'd been a lot Starlight had sat about helping prepare for the festivities. Snacks, magical and other wise, the fail safe spells, the enchantments for what Spike needed, Discord's jello, the...Oh! "Oh! Yes, I scattered a few of the halves around town, and some of them are sat up as prizes at other booths." Starlight chuckled. There were a few dozen bits that had been cut in half for this event. By themselves they didn't do much of anything, but if the two halves came in contact with one another? Well the two lucky ponies would be in for a mile in each others horseshoes...At least for the festival anyway. There was already so many pranks and japes and silliness though, would they all be found? It'd certainly prove interesting either way.


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