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Everything posted by Armony

  1. This Is The End is a good movie. Go see it. Now.

  2. Look, a talking statue!

    1. Kodokuna
    2. Rosewind


      Not just a talking statue, a Princess Statue!

    3. Bellosh


      *has someone take cheesy tourist pic of me with Princess Statue in background*

  3. Welcome to Canterlot!
  4. If no comment is made saying you would like to keep this application within 5 days, this thread will be locked and removed.
  5. Feeling a little sad and lonely tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewind


      Nooo don't be sad, Miss Statue! *hugshugshugshugs*

    3. Dio



    4. tacobob


      knows how you feel. :(

  6. Armony


    Welcome to Canterlot!
  7. Welcome to Canterlot! Hope you enjoy your time here!
  8. If no comment is made saying you would like to keep this application within 5 days, this thread will be locked and removed.
  9. If no comment is made saying you would like to keep this application within 5 days, this thread will be locked and removed.
  10. How is this application coming along?
  11. How is this application coming along?
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