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Status Replies posted by MyLittlePonyTales

  1. So it looks like I'll be going to India because they have Rupees. I'm going to smash some pots and try to get 2000 Rupees for a Heart Container.

  2. I just want to sit upside down... on a bus....

  3. I need a band name / artist name (music). Genres, various from pop to hiphop-ish. Let me know your suggestions pleeeeeease!

  4. Yay! No more cone for my poor pup!

  5. When you leave, My colours fade to gray. ♪

  6. That awkward feel when your roommate walks in on you cleaning and whispering sweet nothings to your camera. *Ahem*

  7. All aboard the art object express! Any more book binding and I might just saddle stitch myself into oblivion.

  8. Leaving the site. Don't know much people to try slipping time. Too busy on another pony site that is requiring help by keeping it alive and keeping members happy. Doubt much people know me to worry. I say this here cause I can't enter chat. I'll still respond PM's 'n stuff. In final word, move along. Smile.

  9. Well, it's official. The 4 wheeler is ready for the riding season, and phew, lemme just say it's running like a champ.

  10. Going to have an amazing weekend!

  11. Finally I added a background to my Spin Art and Jigsaw Fight picture! Took foreverrrrrrrr........

  12. We just wanna see yuh... SHAKE THAT!!

  13. I'll be heading to Big Apple Ponycon in Brooklyn, NY with three of my friends from March 23-24. It's really the only pony convention close to me and I can stay with my friends. So, I'll post a con report afterwards, so stay tuned!

  14. Going to have an amazing weekend!

  15. Lookie IMA zeh brah! zebra zebra zeeeebrah

  16. you never ACTUALLY know someone until you have talked about nsfw stuff with them.. :D

  17. Feels dumb having just found the Status update page.

  18. Now,I'm actually 20% cooler now with my wolf picture XD

  19. Like my profile Picture anypony??

  20. No more drawing today! My eyes are tired! D:

  21. today, somepony asked me why i have a purple aurora when i use magic...its a long story and a secret i do not share.

  22. Hug me Squeeze Me Cuddle Me and feel the warmth of my love <3

  23. Mmm...french toast,delish!! XD

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