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Status Updates posted by MetalBronyATL

  1. The "ATL" in my name means Atlanta, not All Time Low. Seriously, you think a metalhead would listen to that garbage?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. tacobob


      Attach Those Lemons!

    3. QuickLime
    4. MetalBronyATL


      "Applejack Best Pony". Wait, hold on.......yeah, that's correct.

  2. The banner...I'm digging it.

  3. The battery in my car died today, which happens to be Friday the 13th. Wow.

  4. The beautiful and sexy picture of Moonshield you are currently looking at is courtesy of CaptainMcDerp's awesome drawing skills. I still can't thank her enough. I love it, Derpy!

    1. CaptainMcDerp


      I'm glad you like it so much. I didn't realize crystal ponies would be so fun to draw. The crystal texture makes everything look so pretty :3

    2. tacobob


      We shall promote McDerp. From Captain to Major! MajorMcDerp!

  5. The EQG2 trailer was almost exactly how I pictured the mane 6 would be in a band. The only difference is I would let Fluttershy play bass and AJ be another guitarist.

  6. The government is now required to respond to the petition to deport Justin Bieber. It probably won't happen, but still....ROFL

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Solaria


      When you accept status as an icon, you no longer get a choice beyond good fanbait or bad! :D

    3. Sailu


      @ QuickLime yeah i get that, sorry... but its just so dumb that no talent morons (i get he had talent to get found and all but still) get the lime light like that when 90% of us that are actually light years ahead of what JB does, don't get the credit we deserve

    4. Duskfall


      Justin's job may not be being a rolemodel, but he nonetheless very popular and influencial. Rolemodel or not, a large amount of people do look up tp him.

  7. The NBA Finals are crazy.

  8. The new 300 looks EPIIIIIIIIIIC!!! I'm pumped for it to come out.

  9. The status bar asked me what was on my mind. In Flames, football season, college, and Applejack, that just about sums it up.

  10. The three best cartoons ever: Metalocalypse, South Park, and of course My Little Pony.

  11. There are currently 91 episode of MLP, each one 22 minutes in length. 91 x 22 = 2,002 minutes, which divided by 60 minutes (one hour) equals roughly 33.4 hours. So if my math is correct, and consider you watch them all back to back nonstop, it would take you approximately a full 24 hour day plus an additional 9 hours and 40 minutes to watch every MLP episode to date start to finish.

    1. CaptainMcDerp


      Challenge accepted! (not really XD)

    2. smileyface1010


      I saw something right before season four premiered that said seasons 1-3 were 23 hours and something minutes in length all together XD so you could be challenged to watch all the episodes in less than 24 hours


    1. stormchaser1991


      *falls onto hindlegs look towards the sky and raise fore hooves towards the sky* "NOOOOOOOOOOOO"

    2. tacobob


      Actually, it appears that you got potato in your sand salad!

  13. Thiiiiiiiis is your singing telegram, I hope it finds you well! You're invited to a party cause we think you're really swell! MetalBrony's 21, lets help him celebrate! The cake will be delicious, the festivities first rate!

    1. smileyface1010


      Happy birthday! *steaks cake and runs off*

    2. SunsetSombra


      I would have gotten GLaDOS to bake you a cake...but something tells me that may not be the smartest thing to eat.

  14. Things are slowly settling down. One day at a time.

  15. This day is going to be perfect, the kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small.....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MetalBronyATL


      Mine....all mine..... *evil and slightly seductive laugh*

      Best. Song. In. The. Whole. Show.

    3. SunsetSombra


      This day has been just perfect, the kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small - soon I will control, every stallion, mare and foal...who says a girl can't really have it all? :3

    4. QuickLime



  16. This day is going to be perfect...........just kidding, this day kinda sucks so far.

    1. Solaria


      So make it great!

  17. This day sucks and I require pizza.

    1. Dio


      Grief pizza is always a good choice.

  18. This Seahawks-Saints game is getting ugly. I want to see somebody get punched!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NeoExlucky


      Is foot ball the one where you hit ball with the bat into the net to score a hole in one, and then the announcer guy says, "Fifteen love"?

    3. Halide



    4. XanXeto
  19. This semester I have a female professor that literally talks just like Suri Polomare. I swear if she asks for coffee I'm going to lose it.

  20. This was a bad weekend for football. My Falcons lost, Auburn didn't play and I lost a point for the Elimination Pool this week. Ugh....

    1. RarityDash


      But the Texans won! Wooo! :D

    2. tacobob
  21. To be honest, whenever I post a status saying that Applejack is best pony, 90% of the time it's because I have nothing better to say. Applejack is best pony though.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Frogmyre


      I stand resolute by Pony is best Pony.

    3. Halide


      Zonker Harris 4 prez 2017

    4. RedCedar


      Really, though, what more needs to be said?

  22. To follow up yesterday's status, I checked out the Season Finale reveal, and I literally tried my hardest to find what could possibly be causing unrest in the fandom. Seriously, what's the problem?

    1. leapman


      In all seriousness I really don't know what the big fuss is all about. People should just relax and stop being pessimist. Honestly judging by the backlash from last seasons finale, plus the latest episode. I think it's pretty clear now that they won't disappoint us with the season finale. I guess bronies don't wanna be left with a crappy episode till the next season.

    2. RarityDash


      Some people just really want something to rage about. I don't get it.

  23. To say that I'm devestated right now is an understatement. Things just seriously took a nosedive.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MetalBronyATL
    3. QuickLime
    4. Sailu


      someone played all of Creeds albums and forced you by being tied down to listen didn't they~..(just trying to lighten the mood)

  24. Today I caught myself singing Let It Go at work to myself. *facedesk*

  25. Today I got told to kill myself because I said I thought Black Veil Brides were cheesy and generic. Gotta love angsty emo kids.

    1. Chevelle


      BVB is 10/10 NOT great.

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