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Status Replies posted by CaptainMcDerp

  1. Neeeear, faaaaaar, whereEEEEEEVEEEER you arrrrrrre, I belieeeeeeve that the heart does, go oooooonnnnnnn!!!!!!

  2. Someone wants to adopt the puppy already! Let's hope it goes well. If it does, I should be active again by the next week. :)

  3. Posts might be slow. We found a little beige colored hound puppy in the parking lot and are trying to find a home for it. He's a handful so I won't have much time to write until he gets adopted. X3


  5. *Runs around making horse noises*

  6. There are a lot of CAPITAL LETTER WORDS in these status updates

  7. WEEE! Legend of Korra!!!

  8. I just noticed there aren't any Winter Wrap Up 2014 badge thingies. Is that intentional?

  9. Debating drafting a new character for CC. I'm having enough problems getting my current four into action, but this idea won't leave me alooooooooooone! *Raritycouch.jpg*

  10. Hello Canterlot!~ How are you people today?

  11. Applejack is best pony again. I mean it this time. No more changing. Apple horse is my one true waifu. That's final.

  12. So with all these dating threads popping up, should I do a Zecora dating thread for World of Equestria?

  13. Gumball is love. Gumball is life.

  14. Do you want your RP history to be taken into account for the June RP Rankings (WoE and CC)? Reply to this status update by 8 PM Pacific!

  15. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  16. Once my current portrait thread concludes, I'll be making a new one in CC. Also the portraits be full body images instead of just from the waist up! :D

  17. Once my current portrait thread concludes, I'll be making a new one in CC. Also the portraits be full body images instead of just from the waist up! :D

  18. The beautiful and sexy picture of Moonshield you are currently looking at is courtesy of CaptainMcDerp's awesome drawing skills. I still can't thank her enough. I love it, Derpy!

  19. I hate spring and summer *sniff*

  20. So many dating threads, it's awesome XD. I think I might make a Maud Pie one when I'm not so busy.

  21. I hate spring and summer *sniff*

  22. I found a clay whale that looks like toothless today

  23. Disadvantage of living in a rural Georgia town: You can't find anybody who wants to start a death metal band with you.

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