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Looking to buy a Ukulele


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Isn't that one of those fancy dishes you get from a Chinese restaurant? (lol! sorry!)

Dont know much, but I'd suggest going on google and looking around for things like "how to buy" guides, if you want to get it on the cheep you can try eBay or Craigs List, or look for a forum dedicated to instruments that has a reputable B/S/T section (cant say that I know of any, but I know several for Tech, so I'm sure there are some out there)

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I'm sorry, I don't know much about the Ukelele. I'm assuming you want one with good timbre and made of good materials. But unlike guitar and percussion instruments I don't know what to look for in terms of sound and design. I'm not sure if you could change that much outside of material due to size and shape being seemingly static.

I'd ask in a music store if I were you.

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I want one too!

Currently I just put a capo on the eighth fret of my guitar, but it isn't the same. Lots of fun songs work best on the ukulele...

And the good news is that a good Uke is NOT expensive. Ask your local guitar or music shop for a recommendation for something entry level, but that will not go out of tune rapidly. I'd bet they'd point you towards something in the $100 range.

And now the best ukulele song ever:

I need that voice!

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I play Ukulele myself, and here are a few tips.

My favorite brand is Lanikai. The tone is fantastic, and the quality is very nice. They also sell for a very affordable cost! Also, try to get a design that fits your body, no circles or squares unless you really care about a display. There are lots of excellent Ukulele tutorials, but get familiar with the music first. I suggest Nevershoutnever and Eddie Vedder for some excellent beginner to medium tunes to play along with.

Good luck! And most importantly, have fun! Most people start with Somewhere Over The Rainbow and Hey Soul Sister nowadays.

Here are MY favorites to play:

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Um, i'm sure there are plenty of musical instrument stores nearby you could ask... or at least find something online... but my question is 'Why a ukulele?". Seems just ever so slightly out there... y'know everyone wants a guitar, a piano, a drum set, etc... but the ukulele is a bit of an odd choice... not a BAD one, just odd.

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Because geeks all play the Ukulele. Also I have a broken pinky and can't properly play a lot of instruments. :/

And I can play piano, and read notes... but not at the same time. I do better by ear. But pianos are not so portable. Also guitars are large. And pianos tend to take ten fingers. And drums are loud and I live with old people. XD Plus drum sets are expensive. And I have a guitar, back in AZ. Too big to bring with me, there were more important and less fragile things to bring with me in my luggage like books. ALSO THANKS FOR REMINDING ME OF MY DEFECT. :cry:

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Because geeks all play the Ukulele. Also I have a broken pinky and can't properly play a lot of instruments. :/

And I can play piano, and read notes... but not at the same time. I do better by ear. But pianos are not so portable. Also guitars are large. And pianos tend to take ten fingers. And drums are loud and I live with old people. XD Plus drum sets are expensive. And I have a guitar, back in AZ. Too big to bring with me, there were more important and less fragile things to bring with me in my luggage like books. ALSO THANKS FOR REMINDING ME OF MY DEFECT. :cry:

... I can only hope that the last line was sarcasm... cause if not i feel like a real jerk right now...

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Good luck on your endeavor, Tales!

SRG -- that's really neat you know how to play one! Can you play anything else?

Teehee, instruments are my thing, really. I adore everything about musicianship, even the blisters and cramps! I play piano, acoustic and electric guitar, bass guitar, cello, organ, synth, Moogs and other kinds of keyboards, ukulele, and a bit of percussion. I also compose, mix, and sing.

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Teehee, instruments are my thing, really. I adore everything about musicianship, even the blisters and cramps! I play piano, acoustic and electric guitar, bass guitar, cello, organ, synth, Moogs and other kinds of keyboards, ukulele, and a bit of percussion. I also compose, mix, and sing.

Woooooooow! You're so talented! I'm truly impressed -- though I already knew you had a great singing voice! :-o

Tales -- it's not a defect, it's a feature!

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Before my arm paralysis I did learn to play guitar, dunno if Ukuleles could use tab notation like on guitars, the main thing is to learn digitation (you need to be deadly accurate both plucking the string and on the frets) a song darn good for practice is "Danny boy" in a few minutes you could perform it almost good.

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Hey Tales! One of my pinkies bends in the wrong direction (Heh. Pinkie :D) and I can still play all those instruments! No matter what, there's no need to worry. Great musicians have done it before. It makes you unique!

Geddy Lee plays bass with ONE FINGER. Stevie Wonder was blind! Neil Peart used to be mute! Syd Barrett is freaking insane. It's all okay! No matter what! And Ukulele frets are so small, theres no deal at all. I don't even use my pinkie :)

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Geddy Lee plays bass with ONE FINGER. Stevie Wonder was blind! Neil Peart used to be mute! Syd Barrett is freaking insane.

A)Geddy Lee - No he doesn't. Maybe on some songs he does, but that is due to the simplicity of that song, but look at something like Digital Man where the bass is complicated and bouncy. Plus that's not a handicap. But you can't possibly compare anyone to Geddy Lee (Not even Les Claypool, and I will fight anyone who says differently). He plays bass, sings AND the synth at the same time. He is a god among men (even if he kind of looked like a woman for much of the 70s)

B) Stevie Wonder - Still is blind :P . But even moreso Ray Charles. Who changed the face of music forever and without his existence Stevie probably would have never had a career.

C) Neil-y boy I dunno about this one. he has the power to raise the dead with Drum Solos of Life though.

D) Syd Barrett is very dead and has been out of making music for a very long time(pours a 40 out for the crazy diamond)

But others that come to mind...Pete Townsend and Brian Wilson are pretty much completely deaf at this point. And the OBVIOUS is Rick Allen of Def Leppard who totally relearned to play drums after losing an arm. If a 21 year old kid can pick back up after losing his arm and go on one of the most grueling tours for one of the highest selling albums in history at that point, you can pick up uke after breaking your pinkie.

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My very close friend, Peter Lieberman, is one of the most famous ukulele makers in the world. He own Maui Music, and makes some of the best hand made ukues. I'd suggest buying one from him, his quality is amazing. Plus, I bought mine from him, too! He's actually giving me lessons! http://ukulelehunt.com/buy-ukulele/luthiers/peter-lieberman-maui-music-ukulele/

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A)Geddy Lee - No he doesn't. Maybe on some songs he does, but that is due to the simplicity of that song, but look at something like Digital Man where the bass is complicated and bouncy. Plus that's not a handicap. But you can't possibly compare anyone to Geddy Lee (Not even Les Claypool, and I will fight anyone who says differently). He plays bass, sings AND the synth at the same time. He is a god among men (even if he kind of looked like a woman for much of the 70s)

B) Stevie Wonder - Still is blind :P . But even moreso Ray Charles. Who changed the face of music forever and without his existence Stevie probably would have never had a career.

C) Neil-y boy I dunno about this one. he has the power to raise the dead with Drum Solos of Life though.

D) Syd Barrett is very dead and has been out of making music for a very long time(pours a 40 out for the crazy diamond)

But others that come to mind...Pete Townsend and Brian Wilson are pretty much completely deaf at this point. And the OBVIOUS is Rick Allen of Def Leppard who totally relearned to play drums after losing an arm. If a 21 year old kid can pick back up after losing his arm and go on one of the most grueling tours for one of the highest selling albums in history at that point, you can pick up uke after breaking your pinkie.

A) Correction on my behalf: He PREFERS to play with one finger, flamenco style. He twiddles it. Digital Man is genius. I also love how he plays both instruments on Vital Signs, its absolute perfection. Saw them last summer, best night of my life. And agreed, he is a God among men, and one of my heroes. A fellow Canadian bassist with a big nose :sad:

B) Love Ray Charles. He's The Man.

C) He was an elective mute because his wife and daughter died in a car accident while he was on tour. He refused to speak to anyone except Geddy and Alex, and would translate his feelings into lyrics. That's why the lyrics are more personal during and after Grace Under Pressure. He's since overcome his fear of speaking, and speaks freely with wisdom. It was quite tragic, though.

D) Dead as a door nail, retired early, but on the bright side (pun skillz): DARK SIDE OF THE MOON :P Yeah, he's definitely not the best member of Pink Floyd to use as example. Additionally, I love that you called him a crazy diamond. Hammers forever <3

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