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I only have two major ones, Hydrophobia and Nyctophobia. Don't get me wrong, I can swim, and I have a pool. But it took me half the summer to get in. Unless someone I know I can trust is right next to me, then I can't go in the water. As for my horrid fear of the dark, I just can't stand it. It feels like something could always be there and I would have no clue. I can't sleep without some kind of noise to keep me distracted, and even then I usually cant sleep.

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Also, I don't know how to describe it but I have a fear of heights. I dont know if it's actually heights though. I can be up somewhere pretty high and not be phased but I can't stand the climb up on a rollercoaster.

I'm the same way, actually. I don't think I'm really afraid of heights, but on the way UP on a roller coaster, I feel like I'm going to fall out of the car backwards. Scares the heck out of me. Same concept here - if I'm standing somewhere high up and look up, I get really disoriented and feel like I'm going to fall back.

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Of all things, Ice Skating. This does not extend to Hockey or figure skating, pro events. But I see a group of amateurs, especially children, I get all panic attacky and sick and just envision severed fingers (yes, I rationally know how unlikely it is to actually happen). And of someone dares suggest I join them, I almost throw up.

No idea why. Guess that's why it's a phobia. They're not necessarily rational.

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I'd say i'm scared that i'll never have an impact on the world... i'll die and then i'll never be remembered... it's not that i want to be in the history books or anything, but Edd Gould at least made an impact and is still remembered by those who loved his work...

This. I completely sympathize with you here, as I'd be lying if I didn't think the exact same thing. Being forgotten is truly an awful thing, isn't it?

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I'd say i'm scared that i'll never have an impact on the world... i'll die and then i'll never be remembered... it's not that i want to be in the history books or anything, but Edd Gould at least made an impact and is still remembered by those who loved his work...

I'm also scared of never finding love... i don't want to be alone... i want someone to be with me...

I used to be scared of both of those things.

I no longer take value in what others think of me though. I still want to have an impact on the world, but I think I am doing that. It is not important that I be remembered in this life.

Also, I am happily and comfortable single, though it took a lot of anguish to get to that point, and I am certainly keeping my eyes open...

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This. I completely sympathize with you here, as I'd be lying if I didn't think the exact same thing. Being forgotten is truly an awful thing, isn't it?

I used to be scared of both of those things.

I no longer take value in what others think of me though. I still want to have an impact on the world, but I think I am doing that. It is not important that I be remembered in this life.

Also, I am happily and comfortable single, though it took a lot of anguish to get to that point, and I am certainly keeping my eyes open...

I just feel that if no one remembers me, and if i didn't have an impact on anyones life, was my life truly worth living? would anyone's life be different if i weren't around? Much of the time i dont think it would...

As for the love, It really means a lot to me... I was deeply in love with someone not too long ago. holding her, comforting her, making her feel safe and secure... making her feel good was what made ME feel good... it gave me purpose and made me feel like i was having an impact on her in a good way... but alas, it didn't last forever... and now i'm back to feeling like i'm worthless... so yeah :\

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It seems that you are equating impact and being remembered. I think those with impact are more likely to be remembered, but only having impact is important to me now. When being remembered was important to me, it was the motivation for any donations, or community service, or mentoring that I did. Now, I get the motivation from love itself. I have been loved, and I want to show that to others.

I actually moved to Alaska to pursue a girl that I met in Texas, but who lived here. We dated for 2.5 years long distance, and then 1.5 years in Alaska. When it became obvious that we would not work together, we amicably separated, and I sunk into depression. Unfortunately, I thought it was seasonal affective disorder, and didn't get it treated until the middle of the next summer when it could no longer be SAD. It took another year to get into a healthy mindset, where I could date again. But now I don't NEED to date. Like I don't need to be remembered, now I don't get my value by being a boyfriend anymore.

You have my sympathy. I hope you find something that gives you purpose soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a strange fear of climbing ladders. I always get nervous when I have to climb a ladder that leads up to the attic or the triangle/lean on ladders. I don't like climbing those, but when it comes to emergency ladders or other types, I'm perfectly fine.

I also get nervous around dogs...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't mean to shamelessly self promote, but if you have any kind of fear related to insects and spiders, might I suggest you visit my bug thread? Fear is very often derived from a lack of knowledge or clinging only to a certain fact (example, When Many people think of spiders or wasps, they only think about them having fangs or stingers) Taking time to learn more about our fears can very well help us realize that what we were used to be so afraid of, is actually hardly dangerous or not even threatening at all! I'm always talking about all sorts of bugs and I very often take requests. If you'd like to debunk your phobia of creepy crawlies, I urge you consider it an option at the very least.

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In the past I was afraid of mice/rats, but now I used too. I know this because I went in the haunted ship and overcame my fear of rats like when Batman entered the Batcave for the first time and overcame his fear of bats in the first movie.

Honestly I still think I'll be scared of them maybe. >.<

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I'm scared of dogs, things that can sting, and the ocean.

No, I'm not scared of pools, or lakes, or rivers, but if you want to see me get uncomfortable just put me on a cruise liner.

The first two are because of traumatic childhood experiences (attacked by a doberman and stuck my hand in a yellow jacket nest) but I have no clue why the ocean frightens me.

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I have a fear of fighting. I guess you can't call if a fear of fighting, but a fear of losing control. I hate being powerless. The last time I fought it was a nice spar with my friend, accidentally put him in the hospital. Whenever I know somethings wrong, but I can't fix it, I get a deep feeling in the pit of my stomach and I get real hot.

So everything after was...tumblr_ln81ndlWng1qbugkz.png

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  • 1 month later...

Some late night introspection (and grappling with a project) has lead to an alarming self discovery, so I'm bumping this thread to sort of lay it out on (electronic)paper for myself and see if anyone has any thoughts on it.

[Panic attack]

I've come to the realization that I have a Professional Phobia.

I'm not scared of or even put off by work, mind you! I give my house a cleaning overhaul once a month, I've helped tons of people move businesses and homes, I've done plenty of volunteer stuff, and I've volunteered to help with organization/data entry at my school a few times!

But the idea of holding an occupation or even worse, OWNING a business (which is the project I'm working on that is giving me more stress than I've ever had before) utterly terrifies me!

I think this is why I've not yet and don't plan to any time soon open commissions. It's not that I have no sense of worth, but I've no sense of fiscal worth. The idea that someone would be paying me to do something I'd already do for free not only feels gross to me, but I'm utterly petrified that I'd either forget about them in my scattered brain, or worse yet I'd fall short of the standards the commission would require! I mean, they WORKED for that money! Probably really hard! I'd need to at the very LEAST match that hard work!

And this isn't limited to just art either! I'm about to graduate my trade school course and the professional world literally terrifies me! I know literally 3 things about economics.

1) Taxes are freaking everywhere, if you do them wrong or not at all you go to jail, and I have no idea how to do them.

2) Over half the planet is somehow operating while under astronomical amounts debt with ITSELF, our own government seems to run on trillions of imaginary dollars that came out of nowhere, and the only country that is seeming to operate in the GREEN is about to collapse under the combined weight of it's own corruption and pollution.

Basically a game of monopoly where only one player is playing dirty and winning, but he doesn't want the game to end so he's letting everyone else steal from the bank each turn.

3) In America you can be fired at any time for any reason with no warning by anyone above you. So if you want to have a job you have to either sleeze your way above the other jerks asap, pray you have a nice boss, or lick boot till all you can taste are leather and shame.

[/panic attack]

TL;DR Krypt is a jobless coward who's too afraid to face the real world and should probably be a stepford wife

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1) Taxes are freaking everywhere, if you do them wrong or not at all you go to jail, and I have no idea how to do them.

I had to do taxes for the first time this year. It was surprisingly easy... probably because I just had a full time job for half the year. Although if you plan to own a business, you should probably research that.

3) In America you can be fired at any time for any reason with no warning by anyone above you. So if you want to have a job you have to either sleeze your way above the other jerks asap, pray you have a nice boss, or lick boot till all you can taste are leather and shame.

Pretty sure there are laws for that.

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I have terrible fears of hights and small spaces but one thing that is a fatal flaw of me is I take everything into a worse case scenario type of thing ie: I can't walk alone in the dark without thinking somethings there....lurking....watching.

I also feel like somethings always watching me, I will be alone in my house and my ears will start ringing its very scary.

One last thing that scares me is relationships, I've never been in a relationship before so I'm always afraid I would do something wrong and she would break up with me, heck I'm still not in a relationship, would you call being afraid to talk to girls a phobia?

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I don't have many, but this is my big fear.

One is that I'll be in a place where no one will be able help me or care about me. In other words, where I'd be utterly alone.

You've got ponies here who care about you :D So that would NEVER happen...we'll love, and tolerate the SH....you get the idea.

My phobia...needles. :-| I hate them! and the doctor's as well because they're associated with needles, and that weird cleaned everything with bleach smell.

Oh, and Slenderman, Ben from Majora's Mask Creepy-pasta, did I mention Slenderman?

Since we have a dead version of this thread, I will post one that I didn't post in that one:

I have a fear of cars merging into my lane when I can't escape due to the traffic around me. I have no idea why because it has never happened to me, and I never let myself get into a position where I don't have an out.

At least you have a car, Weesh. :scream:

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I may have the mildest case of Coulrophobia. For some reason, getting near those darned things you call...clowns...ach! :x I can't even explain that feeling. The only clown that doesn't effect me is the McDonalds clown, for some reason.

I definitely have Autophobia. I just don't like being alone... :sad:.......... :mad:

Keanuphobia JK I love Keanu Reeves. :lol:

I'm scared of being in really wide open fields in the dark. Yes, I know it's specific, but I just have that calm, sound feeling, and there's always anxiety in the back that's telling me that I'm going to be killed.

I'm also REALLY afraid of going deaf. I love music, and not being able to hear it would make my life miserable. :sniff:

Clowns are just men or wemon, hope and dreams. They won't hurt you. ^_^

And of course no one is scared of Ronald McDonald, he sells burgers and fries. -.- How can anyone be scared of something like that?

And if your scared of wide open fields you should play Slender. No wide open fields there! :D

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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