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This is a thread for Phobias!

We post our own, sympathize with folks with similar fears, offer support for folks who suffer some of the really debilitating phobias, discuss our thoughts on why we have certain fears, and maybe even come up with ideas to help each other deal with those fears!

My two phobias are Mascots and Dolls. Thankfully it's not a debilitating fear so long as I avoid Disney world or antique malls. I might also be afraid of riding in cars, but it doesn't stop me.

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I don't have many, but this is my big fear.

One is that I'll be in a place where no one will be able help me or care about me. In other words, where I'd be utterly alone.

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I have a very severe fear of... Cockroaches.. Blattodephobia. It's a huge phobia of mine. I can't even say the word and I get the haunting visual of them... I'm slowly getting over it, since I love all insects and animals (Just..Not them).

I had this phobia since I could remember. I just realized not that long ago that it was a severe phobia. It's even hard for me to type about it. So... Yeah.

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1. If a bee, wasp, or hornet is flying around in my general area, I stay away as far as I can. Especially if they're not busy with flower business. If a big bug flies outside my window and I think it could sting me, I shut the window even though it wouldn't be able to get past my screen.

2. As I never quite learned how to swim, I get real nervous if I'm in a small boat. I absolutely will not swim or dive in anything bigger than a backyard pool.

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Since we have a dead version of this thread, I will post one that I didn't post in that one:

I have a fear of cars merging into my lane when I can't escape due to the traffic around me. I have no idea why because it has never happened to me, and I never let myself get into a position where I don't have an out.

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I sympathise completely with Bellosh - I cannot stand wasps and bees inside the house, or if, outside, they seem like they're going to mistake me for a very large flower or something. The instant I spot one, and I am very good at spotting them (a la Phil Jupitus' spider vision in his standup show Quadrophobia, if anyone's seen that) every bit of my attention is focused on it, to the exclusion of all else, I break out in a cold sweat and I will run away gibbering (I'm too afraid of the blasted things to scream) if it gets too close.

I've put up mesh screens over the windows for the summer, and I won't listen to the Heritage people's wittering; they are staying! I refuse to have parts of my own home off-limits because a stupid wasp or bumblebee has blundered its way inside.

My mother's quite afraid of dolls, too, Kryptchild. Not the modern ones as per se, but we have a rather large collection of the older porcelain ones, and they've had to be boxed up in a storeroom because she really doesn't like the sight of them. It's not a fear I share; I just think they look a bit lonely and far-away, but I can see where you're both coming from and I sympathise.

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I may have the mildest case of Coulrophobia. For some reason, getting near those darned things you call...clowns...ach! :x I can't even explain that feeling. The only clown that doesn't effect me is the McDonalds clown, for some reason.

I definitely have Autophobia. I just don't like being alone... :sad:.......... :mad:

Keanuphobia JK I love Keanu Reeves. :lol:

I'm scared of being in really wide open fields in the dark. Yes, I know it's specific, but I just have that calm, sound feeling, and there's always anxiety in the back that's telling me that I'm going to be killed.

I'm also REALLY afraid of going deaf. I love music, and not being able to hear it would make my life miserable. :sniff:

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Since we have a dead version of this thread, I will post one that I didn't post in that one:

I have a fear of cars merging into my lane when I can't escape due to the traffic around me. I have no idea why because it has never happened to me, and I never let myself get into a position where I don't have an out.

That's not a fear, that's smart driving! I always assume the worst when I'm driving, and so far I've been correct!

I used to have arachnophobia, but after a thread here on Canterlot (seriously) I don't freak out when I see a spider.

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Well lets see, I am terrified of a few things, but I only have one rather severe phobia, which would have to be needles. *shudders*

When I say phobia, I mean to the point where I can't even stand looking at one (although, I suppose that's the idea of a phobia). Many a good movie scene has been ruined for me because of injections, and I am very unlikely to be a blood donor. The whole idea just feels... creepy, and wrong, and it really has ruined my day on at least one occasion.

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I'm afraid of most creepy-crawlies (insects, worms, etc). However, as far as TRUE phobias go - where panic attacks ensue - I'm horribly phobic of stinging insects. If a wasp/bee/etc gets anywhere near me, I freeze up, my heart starts pounding, and I freak out if I feel trapped and can't get away from it. I recently discovered though that I may be truly phobic of maggots.

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Well, I don't know that my fear of spiders is quite strong enough to be a phobia. I have a very simple arrangement with spiders. If they don't wander towards me or stay where I can see them, they live. If they are charging at me, or just hanging out in my face, they die. I tend to be disgusted by insects and spiders in general, and I am a bit jumpy when I see them crawling around. After I notice them, I'll either just let them go or dispatch them as necessary.

The only phobia I am certain that I have is a fear of death by suffocation (or suffocation in general; this includes drowning). This is basically claustrophobia; going by Wikipedia, I have the fear of suffocation, but not a fear of restriction. Any fear of restriction is really because I'm afraid I'll start to suffocate. I have been in a few situations where I could not breathe, and it was the worst feeling I've ever experienced.

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My mother's quite afraid of dolls, too, Kryptchild. Not the modern ones as per se, but we have a rather large collection of the older porcelain ones, and they've had to be boxed up in a storeroom because she really doesn't like the sight of them. It's not a fear I share; I just think they look a bit lonely and far-away, but I can see where you're both coming from and I sympathise.

OMG those are the ones that creep me out! I don't care about the new tiny plastic things with no elbow or knee joints... it's the old porcelain and rag dolls with the creepy eyes CONSTANTLY JUDGING ME and the stubby fingers... and don't get me started on their sadistically fake smiles... honestly who DESIGNED those monstrosities?!

In regards to creepy crawlies? I think I'm the only one on this board who actually LOVES spiders XD

I actively let them crawl on me, cause they eat the nasty flies and mosquitos that harass me.

One that I TOTALLY forgot about was caves... I can do sewers and basements just fine, but I am absolutely terrified of going down into deep dark natural caves. Spelunking movies are the only scary movies I can NOT watch. The thought of a single misstep sending me tumbling into a network of looping and gradually shrinking tunnels until I get stuck part way down with no way of dislodging myself until I die of thirst. Or getting swept away by an underground river into pitch blackness that spits me out into an underground lake with no air pockets to save myself with... Or even getting lost in a laberynth of endless blackness, acoustics constantly throwing off my sense of direction, no plants or animals to eat, fumbling around until I either starve or freeze to death...

Oh my god I'm going to give myself nightmares tonight ;_; someone please hug me...

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Some one said it on the first page, but I too have a fear of wasps, bees, and hornets. I'm not allergic, and I handle being stung quite well. I just can't stand the sight, sound, or look of them. their appearance freaks me out. It fascinates me how nature made them, but I still get scared. Recently this has turned from a "run away silently" fear to a "let them be" fear and now its coming to a "I'm bigger than them, they'll leave me alone" fear. Unfortunately my hair is blonde so they always, ALWAYS, think I might be a flower and come close to me. (I read somewhere they see color before the image so that would explain it. Might ask stonetribe about that....)

Also, I don't know how to describe it but I have a fear of heights. I dont know if it's actually heights though. I can be up somewhere pretty high and not be phased but I can't stand the climb up on a rollercoaster. Which sucks because I live in Florida where there is a bunch of those and all my friends want me to go with them. And then everyone else who doesn't live in Florida thinks I'm silly for not. The irony of it all >.>

there's me rambling away ^^ enjoy.

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I'd say i'm scared that i'll never have an impact on the world... i'll die and then i'll never be remembered... it's not that i want to be in the history books or anything, but Edd Gould at least made an impact and is still remembered by those who loved his work...

I'm also scared of never finding love... i don't want to be alone... i want someone to be with me...

and then theres the generic darkness, heights, bugs snakes, etc..

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