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Shark Jumping


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Not for the show, but the fandom.


I have seen signs of some of these things that have made me uneasy as well.

A good 1 point example is a MLP Facebook group I am in that started out nice and fun that had an attempted [colour=#000000] [/colour]coup d'état against one of the founders and had an ugly row for a bit. Now there is a very vulgar section popping that get hateful when reminded to keep it PG and honestly are making me less likely to visit the group.

I know there are other incidences like this out there. Are we starting a melt down from within?

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I read the article; and yeah all fandoms act crazy. But I think the problem is that the MLP fandom has surfaced so much and been exposed to media alot.

While a fandom can be how crazy it wants (Lorax fandom, anyone? More like the Once-ler fandom..), giving it so much attention by the rest of the world (that may not understand completely), makes it really vulnerable. Media wants a piece of this "brony thing" because it is so popular and an odd thing to alot of people. Sometimes good things are mentioned about the MLP fandom, but sometimes they're just making fun of the whole thing.

A few weeks ago there was a Swedish radio show that brought up the Brony theme. One of the radio hosts claimed to be a brony, but all the information he gave about it was pretty weak. He probably just googled it and read for 30 minutes just to be able to bring up the topic.

While he briefly explained what (he thought) the show was about, the other two hosts made fun of him. I listened to this twice and it was just so, so fake. These people clearly only wanted to bash on bronies and point out that it's weird.

And with such stabs media, bronies get an even worse reputation.

And with that I think alot of people will have difficulty in joining the fandom, because it is too much for them, and they may fear being judged.

I am soon getting a few pony tees, and I am slightly worried about what people may think. While I wear it proudly for being a pony fan - people may not get that impression, because of what media has been saying about them pony lovers.

I understand if people are leaving the fandom or choosing to not call themselves Bronies anymore. It's hard to know how people will judge you.

Hope any of that was understandable!

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Do not mind this article.

It's drivel.

Let me be honest, this fandom is NOT fading. Daily Dot is simply taking advantage of INDIVIDUAL stories and trying to make it sound as if the fandom itself is collapsing. Heck, the name of the article "5 Signs of a Fading Fandom" likely DOES NOT apply to any other fandom!

Essentially, they're trying to take a big hot dump on the Brony fandom by dampering our spirits and trying to make accusations, leading to mass-hysteria. This is NOT a good idea.

In fact, Daily Dot publishes many "articles" that try to undermine the fandom. Their countless articles that spread lies about Everfree is one fine example.

I say; ignore this completely. Be a Brony, and love it, as there's no shame in it. In fact, you should LOVE it.

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Essentially, they're trying to take a big hot dump on the Brony fandom by dampering our spirits and trying to make accusations, leading to mass-hysteria. This is NOT a good idea. Anybody ever heard of Salem, Massachusetts? Exactly.

I don't think it's quite fair to compare an unfavorable article or two about MLP to a witch hunt where actual people got killed, eh? :P

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I don't think it's quite fair to compare an unfavorable article or two about MLP to a witch hunt where actual people got killed, eh? :razz:

While I can say it's absolutely extreme, my point isn't comparing the two in fatality rate.

My point is that false accusations can lead to tremendous mass-hysteria, and eventually trouble.

I don't mean to compare witch hunts and this. I'm just stating that causing mass-hysteria never leads to anything good...

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It's natural fandom progression and regression. The key to the fandom's health is long term:

1- How we treat new people. You don't want to get cliquish and superior to those that join years from now.

2- How we produce content and what we do after the show is finished.

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As long as the fan material comes in a large procession, even after the show ends, the fandom will last into the long term.

Believe me, as a long-time member of the Ed, Edd, n Eddy fandom, the fandom didn't survive very long after the show, thanks to the fact that barely any fan-work was made after the show ended. At this point, it's on life support as I type...

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I apologize if that's what it sounded like, though. That piece of history is dark and sad, and I would never intend to try to make such a comparison...

No need to apologize. :)

At any rate, it's kinda hard to get an objective measure on how "healthy" the fandom is by means other than sales figures for merchandise and convention tickets (which we still both totally dominate at, by the way). Too bad there isn't a way to find out how many MLP communities are founded or abandoned per month, or something like that.

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Hmm, from what I've seen, the furry fandom has been through all that and much, much worse, and yet is steadily *gaining* in popularity. Of course the fandoms aren't exactly perfect mirrors of one another, but I think I can safely say that the stuff listed in that article isn't a death sentence by any means.

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I don't really trust any of this article...people don't really know what's happening with the brony fandom. They'd have to be one themselves or have done extensive research to cover all their bases. Just like FOX News' take on bronies, the aim of this seems to be overly dramatic and sensationalized. Everypony wants a piece of the brony pie and this was their sad attempt at trying to start something they know nothing about.

From my perspective, they clearly cherry-picked their sources to confirm that the fandom is dying. These incidents with various other big names bronies are few and far between. The hype in this "article" made it seem as if it happens all the time....it doesn't.

So yeah, my little 30-second rant of the day.

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That's not jumping the shark at all.

Also, a fandom is what people make of it, and you're always going to have jerks, catty people, people who make it too much of their identify, etc. but pony fandom will never die. After all, even if there is not FiM related content coming out, Netflix/DVD/YouTube etc. exists. Sure there'll be a lull for a few years when the show is over but then people will rediscover it.

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That's not jumping the shark at all.

Also, a fandom is what people make of it, and you're always going to have jerks, catty people, people who make it too much of their identify, etc. but pony fandom will never die. After all, even if there is not FiM related content coming out, Netflix/DVD/YouTube etc. exists. Sure there'll be a lull for a few years when the show is over but then people will rediscover it.

Don't forget the comics. If those continue to sell, the characters' stories could extend PAST the show...

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Don't forget the comics. If those continue to sell, the characters' stories could extend PAST the show...

Yeah, look at what happened to Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog comic series. It goes on and on even though the Sonic cartoons they were based off of died off long ago in the early 1990s. :o

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Yeah, look at what happened to Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog comic series. It goes on and on even though the Sonic cartoons they were based off of died off long ago in the early 1990s. :-o

I understand the IDW comic is a 4 issue deal... If it goes on... Welcome it be (Got half a long box with Sonic comics, asking for company)

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The thing I find funny is that Thoth's use of the Salem witch-hunt somehow implies that people are hunting down Bronies - it's essentially the same issue that keeps coming up over and over again when it comes to brony 'culture'.. which is that it isn't a culture. It's a fandom. And more importantly, it's the fact that bronies, like it or not, are a simple subsection to a much larger fandom; furries. Furries who also go around making outlandish and overdramatic hyperbole cries of 'fursecution', citing 'witch-hunts' and other such things to somehow imbue themselves with a sense of vindication.

The fact, however, is quite simple and straight forward.. and for some reason it seems to elude furries all the time, and it's always disheartening to see how the lesson continues to not be learned: Don't shove your fandom down peoples' throats. It's pretty much exactly that. And nobody try to tell me that bronies don't do that - I think we all know better. Almost all furries (and furry subsects) are guilty of this exact same thing; constantly thrusting their interests in others' faces and demanding acknowledgement, tolerance and acceptance of their liking of something, rather than just accepting that, no, not everyone's gonna like it. And people are going to judge you for liking it. Don't wanna be judged? Don't advertise your fandom.

The biggest punchline of the brony fandom is 'love and tolerate', and it is a punchline namely because bronies don't seem capable of realizing that it's a two-way street - particularly with the toleration thing. Tolerance doesn't mean everyone accepts what everyone else likes. Tolerance means you'll put up with it, whilst rolling your eyes, just so long as they aren't pushing what they like in your face, telling you to accept it - or worse still if they happen to hate what you like, also like it along with them. That's why it's called tolerance, not acceptance. Bronies need to learn to tolerate the idea that people are just putting up with them, and that some people just don't like them. It's a tough break, but it's what you gotta tolerate, and perhaps one day accept.

Every single other fandom out there has had to learn this, from Sonic fans, to Trekkies, Star Wars geeks, Transformers fans, Dungeons and Dragons players, and just plain ol' nerds and geeks in general. Every single one of us has learned that our interests are a niche - not meant to be shoved out into the daylight, accompanied by screams of 'ACCEPT ME DANGIT!' Being a fan of MLP, or any of those other things, isn't a lifestyle. Therefor it doesn't need validation, or acceptance.

It isn't a religious choice or a spiritual calling. It isn't your gender preference, be that a matter of what your perceived gender identity is, or which gender you are inclined to feel attraction or romantic feelings towards. These are things that warrant outrage and defense, because they are things that people genuinely face adversity over because it is their very life. Being a fan of a TV show, a video game series, or a series of books (religious texts excluded) is not. And therefor it doesn't require being fought for in some display of 'public acceptance'.

You're a fan of something. Be prepared to be judged, often negatively. Tolerate the fact that you will never not be ridiculed for your fandom - because people have opinions, and not all of them are in your favour. In fact, most never are, regardless of what you like or dislike. Your message of 'love and tolerate' doesn't mean other people have to accept you, it means you have to tolerate the fact that they don't accept you, and that as such you shouldn't go making grandiose displays of yourself, unless you are prepared for the negativity that follows your drawing attention to yourself.

So why this lengthy rant? Well, I ditched my community because, ironically enough, it peaked (at least dramatic stupidity-wise) around the 2004~2006 marker point. There's no secret that the Sonic community is one of the worst fanbases surrounding an anthromorphized character out there. However, it's also starting to even out a bit once more in the last year or two, a sense of balance and general 'yeah, okay'ness between the extremes of the fanbase and a respect of each others' variant viewpoints.

The thing about that, though? As bad as the Sonic community got.. it still never got as bad as a lotta the stuff you see in the brony negativity department. And yes, yes, I know, I know, 'vocal minority', 'don't go judging the whole of us based on the few of us', and all that repeated shtick - again, let me remind you that these are all rationales used by the furry community for well over a decade now. But what's jaw-droppingly worrisome is the speed of which it got to this point. It took the Sonic community years to reach their breaking point of negative behaviour, and yet the brony fandom's hit it in just around two years..

..and that's why the long rant. I figure, as someone who's been on the interwebs for far too long for my own good, seen far too much stupidity and negativity, and more than anything else self-righteous immaturity, I should at least attempt to highlight the things that can be done to at least try and make things easier - even if my advice is generally that of 'yeah, so you'll be ridiculed for the rest of your days, so what?' in nature. But then, what did you expect when you became a fan of something? Oh sure, in the last few years it's become something of a 'cool' thing to be into nerdy, geeky content like comics, anime, games and cartoons.. but do you really think that'll last?

It's a fad. Within a few years they'll be back to mocking geeks and nerds, same as usual. And being someone who started out during that bleak period, I'm giving fair warning: the long winter will return. And those who try to cling to the warmth of public acceptance will freeze in it. The place of a fan of something geeky and nerdy is out of the spotlight.

And if you are truly a fan of that something geeky and nerdy, you honestly won't care. Since your fandom springs from something more than a need to be accepted by others who don't enjoy it. It comes from a need to engulf yourself in the things that interest you, and to possibly share with others LIKE you. Ya do it 'cause that 'one thing' you like is something you cherish and adore, for whatever weird reason that it appeals to you on. And you do it for yourself, not for others. And thus you accept the stigma that accompanies your ickle obsessive need to gather comics/games/figurines/DVDs/old VHS tapes/etc, because in the end, it's not about impressing anyone other than some newbie nerd who's into the same things you are. And having lots and lots of stuff that you really really like.

tl;dr version: You're a nerd. Stop whining about 'fursecution', 'witch hunts', or what the public thinks, since the moment you became a nerdy fanboy/girl of a niche you gave up the right to complain.

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I understand the IDW comic is a 4 issue deal... If it goes on... Welcome it be (Got half a long box with Sonic comics, asking for company)

From what I've heard..This is not an 'limited series', but an ongoing one...From IDW's publisher

"My Little Pony is planned as an ongoing monthly. We'll be breaking story arcs into four issues, at least for the first 8 issues. I kind of consider each four-issue story arc to be equivalent to a 2 part episode of the show, if that makes sense. Gives us a little bit more room to play with 'bigger' stories. So no new #1 are planned. Though if sales take a dive, it's not uncommon to relaunch with a new #1. Hopefully that won't happen. "


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Needlemouse: I can't argue with what you're saying.

Since I started this thread let me say that at least personally my concern isn't out of some persecution complex.

I like the show because I like the show. I was a fan and watched it and talked about it with my family for a year before I ever bothered to look for anything pony related onthe web. Generally I'm not a fandom type. Good or bad I'm inclined to go left if the crowd goes right.

But I saw a fandom that responded to negativity with positive feedback, not hate.

Now I see a group that were started by young, bright-eyed types hoping to be a safe place for all ages getting over run by people that seem offended when they are politely asked not to post vulgar profanities in the group and tell this kid what he can do in graphic terms. Other avenues seems similarly affected when I look at them.

I just worry about that path and damage from the inside, not the outside.

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