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Good Ways To Blow Off Steam...


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Get a "Fine india" grinding stone, a 6" or more knife and grind it to shaving point...

Oh, if someone asks, I cackle, lick the edge, and say "it's never sharp enough"

That is actually really calming for me too. When I had knives I loved sharpening them. (things happened and I had to give them up)

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  • 1 month later...

You're all gonna laugh. But when Ever i get sad or angery I usually just watch the episodes from MLP: FiM. Calms me down to see all the beautiful designs, friendly faces, and comforting tunes. Even if it all is fantasy. One can always dream. :3

Also I listen to music. But lately that hasn't been an effective tool.

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You're all gonna laugh. But when Ever i get sad or angery I usually just watch the episodes from MLP: FiM.

And why exactly would we laugh at you for finding MLP: FiM soothing on a FiM fan-site of all places. Don't be such a silly filly! :P

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And why exactly would we laugh at you for finding MLP: FiM soothing on a FiM fan-site of all places. Don't be such a silly filly! :razz:

haha, Silly Filly. I like that. :3

I figured it'd give you a laugh as in a giggle. The way you laugh at something cute. ^ ^ I know i'm with a safe crowd and thanks for reasuring that. :3

(But this is so off topic. xD)

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Back when I had a double-edged sword, I usually went and swung that around for an hour or so. I was actually pretty good at it, though I got kind of wild with it at times.

Now that I both no longer have that sword and realized how much of a disaster waiting to happen that was, I usually just crank up some hard rock or my 200+ Brony song compilation on my MP3 and go walking for an hour or two. Or play Mount and Blade; it's amazing how theraputic shooting arrows into the foreheads of digital representations of people can be.

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I have multiple ways..

When I was younger; I used to play video games. Usually puzzle games or games with puzzles.

Usually i'd get more mad at the game than I was at anything else. (Darn you, Crash Bandicoot!)

So, really, video games kinda didn't help. It would depend on the game, though.

Sadly, as I got older; I realized I couldn't play video games anymore due to motion sickness and eye strain. :( So I rarely play video games anymore.

Now I either draw or write. Which is something a bit more productive than sitting around a TV.

I do world building and character designing. (Or visa-versa)

I tend to make my characters miserable, but try to be creative in doing so.

But sometimes I can't be productive. So, I just take the dog, Boss, out for a walk with me. Boss tends to prance around like a deer whenever I take him out and it cheers me right up. Plus a little exercise won't kill me.

And, finally, if i'm too mad about something/anything I'll curl up with a close friend and dribble out my problems.

(I also tend to sleep if i'm too stressed and wake up in a better mood. Ahah...)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Physical outlets are good because your body will eventually release endorphins which make you feel good. Activities like running, and lifting are good ways to achieve this. And it's good for your body over all.

I recommended staying away from things that require focus like video games or reading. However passive media will work ok, stuff like watching movies, tv, or funny YouTube vids are good. I find that writing about an issue or talking it out can help as well.

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  • 3 months later...

The gym! I swear by the gym! I love it so much :D It's great for getting out frustration and being frustrated leads to better lifts and better times on the rowing machine. I get a kick out of going there with a friend or two too! Yep, I'm kinda addicted... I think there's worse things to be addicted too though... :)

After the gym, come home, take hot shower= insta calm!

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Have you tried installing Origin? Computer nerd joke aside...

The way I blow off steam is by playing an incredibly frustrating game. I am pretty introverted in real life when it comes to emotions, but games do bring out the rage from me. In the end... I stand up... all relaxed, and flop on the bed and let the light headedness from screaming wash over me in a euphoria.

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I can't play a game when I'm upset, quite unfortunately. If I'm upset, when I'm playing the game, I play terribly, so it just ends up causing more frustration. Since originally posting this, I've really gotten in Warhammer 40k though, and making models and such can be really relaxing for me. There's something oddly soothing about taking the time to assemble one guy out of a couple hundred, slowly clipping him from the sprue to avoid damaging the details, gently removing the mould-lines, and then finding a good way to put the pieces together. Very zen for me.

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