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Good Ways To Blow Off Steam...


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I've been having a rough time today and was thinking about what I could do to relax. My mind wandered, as it usually does, and I began to wonder what other people/ponies do to let off a good bout of steam and frustration.

Usually I turn to video games, but when I'm in a mood such as this, it often inhibits my ability to play games effectively and as such I just do sub-par, become aggravated, and sink further into the bowels of depression and frustration.

So, what do you folks do to relax and have some fun, I could use some ideas.

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Blowing off steam? I usually practice martial arts. I find a nice heavy bag or a training partner and just go at it until I cannot move anymore. If a heavy bag or a training partner is unavailable, I tend to work out. The pent up frustration and anger make for great motivators. And by the end all that energy has been released or at least redirected into something positive to benefit myself.

Though neither of those two things are fun for everyone, they are fun for me at least :P

However in HS, I occasionally wrote. However I sparred with friends more often when frustrated.

As for relaxing? Well, that is entirely different. I either read a book, meditate, or listen to music (usually either jazz or classical) with my favorite beverage for relaxing, and just let everything melt away or allow my mind to be taken away to some place else entirely.

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I've been having a rough time today and was thinking about what I could do to relax. My mind wandered, as it usually does, and I began to wonder what other people/ponies do to let off a good bout of steam and frustration.

Usually I turn to video games, but when I'm in a mood such as this, it often inhibits my ability to play games effectively and as such I just do sub-par, become aggravated, and sink further into the bowels of depression and frustration.

So, what do you folks do to relax and have some fun, I could use some ideas.

On the weekends I film weddings. While yes it is work, it's my escape. I am at my happiest when I am behind a camera. I also love how much energy the DJs I work with have. I've been thinking of hopping behind the DJ board at the company where I work at to try my stuff! I also enjoy photography whenever I get the chance to get to it. Snapping that amazing shot always makes me feel great.

I also do a lot of writing and planning for video projects on the side. Planning gives me a buzz. I'll also write fan fics or short stories for the fun of it just to blow off some creative energy. I've got a Granny Smith fan fic in the works right now.

When winding down at night I like to listen to comforting noises. The sound of rain or ocean waves really helps me clear my mind. My mind tends to race badly at night which does not help contrubute to a good night's sleep, so using these sounds helps me push things out of my mind and helps me get to sleep. I get these sounds from a youtube contributer who calls himself YogaDuke, and I am a HUGE fan of his white noise work. He has several rain, wave, wind, and other white noise videos ranging from half an hour to eight hours long. I play the videos on my phone while it is charging at night when I need to relax. You can find his channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/yogaduke?feature=watch Enjoy!

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hi hi

Try doing calming things, listening to relaxing music, taking a short nap, light exercise, whatever you can to distract you from feeling stressed out or angry. Things that lower your heart rate are probably best, but constructive exercise is good too.

I've got an increasingly vast library of soft, soothing music that I listen to when I'm stressed out. If you've got a kitty, you can take advantage of the excellent calming properties of a purring cat. :)

(Catharsis flat out doesn't work, and there's a wealth of empirical evidence to back me up on this. Hitting a pillow or blowing away dudes in a video game may make you feel better, but it doesn't actually reduce stress or anger, it just makes you feel better about being stressed and actually prolongs it.)

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When im stressed + upset i sit in a dark room with a bucket of icecream, while watching the notebook and uncontrollably crying.

....So much yes. In all honesty, minus the ice-cream, that would probably be the best for me.

All interesting ideas, though unfortunately many aren't terribly viable for me, especially that rock/hill-climbing thing. I live in mid-western Ohio where we use old mole-hills to sled as there's not much around that's got a higher elevation.

Reading and walking are two very good ideas, possibly even at the same time! Distract the body and the mind! Plus in this small town, there's not much else to do anyways.

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I used to play video games to relieve stress but I found that sometimes it would just make it worse.

Now, I just go outside and walk around for a bit if it is cloudy or raining.

When it is sunny or at night I usually make some hot chocolate, sit back on my comfy couch, and watch TV with my cat.

When I am REALLY stressed I will sit at my computer, listen to music, and click on a pen a few hundred times.

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i always go for a walk a nice long walk with some music playing from my ipod, i always take the scenic route, go to some look out view points and stuff and just sit there with tunes playing, really makes you forget things, either that or i choose to watches ponies

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Usually i just nap and i wake up okay... But in the past i've tried just screaming at the top of my lungs when no one was around... no though there's ALWAYS someone around... so i can't do it as much...

Just talk about your problems with someone... rant a bit t ocomeone... hell, just rant in front of a camera... Letting out your frustration is always good...

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I'm a musician. And musicians are only good at one thing: being musicians. I play music when I'm depressed, happy, angry, satisfied, excited, tired, and even when I'm tired of playing music!

Just kidding. I never tire of playing music. Ever.

It's all I do.



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Ever thought to play for weddings, or become a DJ? Live bands can be pretty popular in some weddings too, and good cover bands who know a lot of top 40 or generally popular songs are loads of fun. Some brides even love live music during their ceremony. Might be something to look into. Get a little weekend work, and do something you love.

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