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Hearts and Hooves Day (Open till Valetines Day)

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To Queen Chrysalis, Light Harmony, and Discord


(gasp) "Discord! How are you buddy?" Lovinity asked, flying over to him and hugging him.

"Discord's your buddy, (chuckle)?" Armor asked.

"Everyone's my buddy. Discord, you, Light Harmony, Chrysalis, Cadence, all my friends!" Lovinity replied. "So..." Lovinity nudges Discord. "What's new in the world of chaos?"

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[colour=#800080]"Sure went quicker then expected." [/colour]Rarity sighed with relief. She put the item into another gift box, as she floated that as well. [colour=#800080]"This will hopefully please her." [/colour]Rarity left the boutique, and began wandering Ponyville again. She eventually found Flashbomb and Applejack together, with somepony else whom she didn't recognize. She walked up to them, being sure they heard her. [colour=#800080]"Hello everypony!" [/colour]She snuck the gift box by Applejack. [colour=#800080]"Aren't you going to introduce me to your new friend?"[/colour]

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Puzzlebeat lead her to medium size building, the place he was staying. [colour=#008080]"come on in."[/colour] he led her to the kitchen and started to take out random ingredients. [colour=#008080]"lets make so something we never had before. What do you say?"[/colour] He looked around and found the cook book.


Discord wrapped his arms around Lovinity. "I'm good. the world of chaos is well. If fact two residents are especially happy."

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Razor sat at a table at a cafe that sold food he could enjoy. He sipped at his drink of water and thought on what to do now. He didn't see any reason now to stay in town, after all he wasn't going to some lame dance.

"Speaking of that. Might as well see what scheme Twitcher, aka Pinkie, had cooked up." He said as he grabbed the paper note and read what was inside.

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Quillhart had his hoof still reached out for applejack when he turned his head to rarity.

"oh! I assume you to be the simply dashing dress designer in this town."

He smiled widely at her and reached another hoof to rarity. So at this point he had one of his hoofs on the front reaching to Applejack and one of his backer hoofs to rarity.

"I'm Quillhart, but for you it's quill. All of my friends call me that"

He smiled at each.

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Rarity shook then new ponies hoof, and noticed the wink from Applejack. He introduced himself as Quillhart. She giggled at his compliment. [colour=#800080]"The pleasure is all mine, Quill." [/colour]She stopped shaking his hoof. [colour=#800080]"Yes, I am the seamstress of Ponyville. My name is Miss. Rarity."[/colour]

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Chrysalis looked up, "Discord," she nodded her head, "Looks like I was a bit late to the party," she said jokingly about how she was just accepted by Cadence and Shining, "Eh, were not all like you though," she smirked and stood up stretching, then looked over to Ponyville, "To be honest I have been coming up with an alternate Alais, Liesha, maybe I will be her?" she said outloud.

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To Queen Chrysalis, Discord, and Light Harmony


"Aww Chrysalis you're not late for the party. The main event in Ponyville hasn't even started yet. Wait... we're in Ponyville right now? How did we get to Ponyville? I thought we were in the crystal empire." Lovinity stated/asked.

"Magic... (chuckles)" Cadence said, and winked at Lovinity.

"There's a party going on?" Asked Shining Armor.

"Yeah... the town is having a big Hearts and Hooves Day Dance this evening. Everyone's welcome to come. You and Cadence are welcome. Chrysalis and Discord is welcome. Light Harmony, you're welcome too! I don't know if the dance is big enough to hold all of the changelings... but I can see if they can come too." Lovinity explained.

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Puzzlebeat lead her to medium size building, the place he was staying. "come on in." he led her to the kitchen and started to take out random ingredients. "lets make so something we never had before. What do you say?" He looked around and found the cook book.


Discord wrapped his arms around Lovinity. "I'm good. the world of chaos is well. If fact two residents are especially happy."

"Something I've never cooked before...." Pinkie sat on her hind legs. "I know how to cook allot of things. But... I'm not sure what I’ve never cooked before, because if I knew I would have cooked it." She giggled to herself.

Pinkies grabbed the cookbook and thumbed through it and randomly choose a recipe. "This one looks good! We should try this one!"

She quickly began to work her magic in the kitchen, although most of the time she was only preparing sweets, she knew how to follow basic recipes. Although she was not as good of a cook as Fluttershy she could make scrumptious meals.

Razor sat at a table at a cafe that sold food he could enjoy. He sipped at his drink of water and thought on what to do now. He didn't see any reason now to stay in town, after all he wasn't going to some lame dance.

"Speaking of that. Might as well see what scheme Twitcher, aka Pinkie, had cooked up." He said as he grabbed the paper note and read what was inside.

When he opens the note it reads

'Pinkies Prediction: You are Pinkie's date to the H& H's day dance. If not read the back side.'

Although it made no sense since the outside of the letter was blank. When turned over the backside of the letter read:26

'If you’re reading this I didn't ask you to the dance. Maybe because we were to busy having so much fun! With balloons, and streamers, but no cake. There’s time for cake later. The mostly like reason was because... I couldn't work up the courage to ask you. Laughing doesn’t always work...

You’re really cute and cool! Trust me; I know a little bit about cool. I hang out with Rainbow Dash all the time! She said if you looked up cool in the dictionary you would see her name. Although I've tried several times, but it wasn't there (I don’t have the heart to tell her). But the point I’m trying to get to is.... on the other side of this letter!'

Upon flipping the letter again, the text that was there before is gone replaced with:

'Will you go to the dance with me?'

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Puzzlebeat watched. Pinkie was running around with so much energy. He loved it. he walked up to pinkie and started helping her. he threw a little bit of flour at her. "whoops. here." he picked up a napkin, got it wet then started to wipe the flour form her face. He started wipe behind her ears when he pulled her in for a kiss.

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Razor read the note, and was very confused. Mostly on how Pinkie managed to write all of that on two sides of paper and somehow magically switch the words.

"Maybe she's like that Discord fellow. They seem like two peas i a pod." He said as he scratched his head and sighed.

"Well.....how do I tak this....what do I do with it? What do I do at all?" Razor said, placing his head on the table and ignoring his meal as it was brought to him.

He sighed and started hitting his head against the table, "I've got to think. Think. *Bam* Think *Bam* THINK! *CRASH*"

Razor groaned and held his head as he got a serious bump from slamming his head into the hard wood. This was a situation that he had no experience in, nor any knowlede of what to do.

"It's just a trick. That has to be it," He said, chowing down now. A full stomach would help him think, "She is just desperate to prove her con....or maybe she just likes to mess with griffons. I don't need anymore of that."

Razor looked at all the couples around him and snarled, feeling angry. All these lovey dovey ponies, all happy and together. It made him sick and angry. Furious even....because.....he was always going to be alone.

Razor snarled, and slammed his payment onto the table and walked off. He had a full stomach, but now an angry temper and that was never a good thing to have with a griffon. Especially on a day where love and joy was being practically worshiped. Worse still that griffons had a holiday similar to this, only it happened yesterday. Like all the others it ended with Razor alone...as always.

"Bah!" Razor snapped, scaring two ponies, "I'll go and see what the con artist has to say about this. If she think's she can try to prove her false prophetic ability by messing with my emotions, I'll....I'll do something."

Razor stomped down the road, he didn't know where Pinkie would have gone with Puzzle but he would start with the Sugar place. All the way down he dug his claws into the ground, and was so focused on his destination that the rest of the world was outside his focus.

'I will not be made fun of!' Razor thought, standing before Sugar Cube Corner.

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Chrysalis sighed, "well i guess, but sorry Discord, I really want to find a stallion," she smiled and slowly headed off and turned to Lovinity, "Would you join me? Ponies might adjust more with you there"

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To Queen Chrysalis, Discord, Light Harmony


Lovinity answers Chrysalis. "I definitely plan to be there Chrysalis. I couldn't miss a Hearts and Hooves Day event. It's one of the best times of the year where ponies can come together and share love. But Chrysalis, I'm just a filly. I can be there to help you and other ponies and creatures adapt, but I can't be that special some pony."

"I suppose we should get ready for the special event." Stated Shining Armor.

"Lovinity, we're going to head back to the palace to prepare for the night. I can put my heart and trust in your hooves that you'll do a great job helping other ponies and creatures like Chrysalis here. If you need us, feel free to let us know. We'll be bringing the Element of Love with us to the dance tonight in case it is needed." Cadence replied.

"Will do," Lovinity replied. "I'll look forward to seeing you!"

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor start heading out when Lovinity thought of something.

"Wait!" Lovinity shouted, stopping Cadence.

"...the dress... where's the dress?" Lovinity asked.

"We have it at the palace for safe keeping." Cadence replied. "I'll bring it with me to the party so you can wear it. I wouldn't let you go without that beautiful dress. Rarity did such a wonderful job. Please tell her that for me."

"Hehe I'll do that. Thanks Princess Cadence." Replied lovinity.

"You're welcome! Take care." "You too."

Shining Armor and Princess Cadence leave and head back to the Crystal Empire while Lovinity stays with Queen Chrysalis, Discord, and Light Harmony.

"Chrysalis, any idea where those 5 po... excuse me changelings that turned into ponies... might have gone?" Asked Lovinity.

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Flashbomb looked as more ponies joined them. He looked around and listened to their conversations. He stayed quiet and allowed everyone to coverse. He then remembered his tea. He excused himself from the group. He poured himself a cup of tea. He sipped it and found it was still warm he grabbed his saddlebag with the snacks he brought them over. "there was no way i could finish these on my own anyway" He thought to himself. "Do you guys want some snacks or care for tea?" He felt cheesy asking this but he felt like sharing.

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[colour=#ee82ee]Fluttershy was carefully picking some pretty flowers from the nearby garden to give to her favorite friend Pinkie. She smiled softly and began arranging the flowers beautifully in a bundle and wrapped them carefully with a pretty pink bow. "I-I hope she'll like them." She whispered to herself shyly as she turned, she then began heading to sugarcube corner.[/colour]

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Puzzlebeat watched. Pinkie was running around with so much

energy. He loved it. he walked up to pinkie and started

helping her. he threw a little bit of flour at her. "whoops.

here." he picked up a napkin, got it wet then started to wipe

the flour form her face. He started wipe behind her ears when

he pulled her in for a kiss.

Pinkie froze as Puzzlebeat pulled her into the kiss. When their lips touched she closed her eyes. It wasn't her first kiss, but something was different here. She just met this pony. Although her feelings were going crazy she pushed Puzzlebeat away softly. She was gasped for breath; the kiss caught her by surprise. Although she had a strong feeling of attraction to the DJ something was missing. She couldn’t put her hoof on it.

"Hold your horses eager beaver!" She laughed. "I'm not that kind of pony. You have to at least take me out once." She giggled.

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Angel decided he was sick of sticking around his house. "Well, Guess I could go look for everypony." He got up from his bed after taking his nap and stretched "Two naps in a single day, New record for being lazy" He thought to himself looking on the self. He had taken off his WonderBolt Flightsuit so He wouldn't get it anymore dirty, He was sure Rarity wouldn't mind. He trotted over the table where all his camera equipment was, He grabbed his saddlebag and put a camera body and a simple lens inside. "I guess I could walk around a bit more and meet more pony's" He thought to himself. He trotted out the door and started to wonder around.

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[colour=#ee82ee]Fluttershy had just reached sugarcube corner when she spotted a griffin in front of the place. "Ah!" She grew scared at how angry he looked and quickly hid behind a tree with the flowers held close to her chest. "N-Not another o-one.."[/colour]

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Razor walked down the road snarling, he didn't know what he was going to do but...he was going to do something.

"Why am I acting like this anyway?" He asked himself.

As he passed a tree he slammed his claw against it, causing some leaves to fall and for his claw to crack. Razor pulled it back and hissed as he checked it over. It hurt to move it, but it didn't seem to be damaged. At least he felt sure of it.

"Bah, this entire holiday just seesms ripe to make me mad."

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"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened." Puzzlebeat stepped back. "i just couldn't help myself."


Discord felt Fluttershy's fear as his own. he clenched his fists. 'go time.' He disappeared leaving a burn mark where he stood and reappeared in front of Fulttershy with glowing red eyes. "where is the pony thats scaring you?"

(umm there not at sugar cube corner.)

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[colour=#ee82ee]Fluttershy sniffled but then her eyes widened more at the red eyes before her. "P-Please don't hurt m-me! H-He was a g-g-griffin!" She whimpered and hi[/colour][colour=#ee82ee]d her face behind the pretty flowers trying not to fall to the ground, apparent from her shaking knees.[/colour]

(She assumes they are, that's where she usually thinks Pinkie is.)

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AngelSnapp began to trot here and there, "Now, Where have I been that looks cool in this town so far?" He remembered back to Sugar Cube corner where there was cool looking bakery, "That might look cool" He thought to himself, He began to trot that way. "I think I might need a wide angel lens though.. Nah, This will be good" he smiled to himself. He noticed a familiar looking mare hiding. He tried to remember. "OH Yeh! Fluttershy!" He remembered the Magazine Rarity showed to him that had her on the cover when she was a model for Photofinish. He was about to approach her and introduce himself but then he remembered what Rarity said "She wouldn't Hate you, She would just really really really really really really dislike you" He changed his mind "Yeh, Id probably kill her with my enthusiasm" He trotted past.

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((Gave my previous one a fix to match it as well.))

Razor stopped his warpath and looked over at the tree, "Whose there? Come out I hear ya. Don't worry, I'm not gonna bite. You anyway."

Razor stood there, tapping his uninjured claw on the ground. As he waited he thought of what he was going to do when he found Pinkie....though he also thouht if there was any point to this. He was already sure where this was going to lead to. Him alone and angry as he always was.

"Stupid no good holiday." he said to himself.

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