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World of Equestria: The Age of Heroes!


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Superhero: Sun Sentinel


Powers: The Power of the SUN! During the Daytime (and night time hours if she hasn't exhausted her energy supply) The Sun Sentinel is indisputably the most powerful Heroine on the face of the planet. During the day she is like a living solar energy generator. Through her millennia of crime fighting she has learned how to manipulate her powers  to strengthen her body, increase her speed, and fly by empowering herself with the sun's energy. She has also learned to combine her natural magical abilities with her solar abilities to allow her to make constructs of solid sunlight. While many are unsure whether it is a power , The sentinel has a strange ability to inspire and bring hope to those in the immediate area and even some who learn of her exploits through news or other media.


Alias: N/A


Backstory: Doomed dimension, Desperate alicorn, Kindly couple. These six words are what tell her origins in the most simple of ways. Celestia and Luna are the last remaining members of a species of Alicorns from another dimension. Their mother a mare named harmony had warned them that their dimension was nearing the end of it's life... and soon she proved right. The mare conceived of a powerful spell to save her only remaining daughter with all that she could muster, but she only had enough magical power to send the two foals through the bridge between dimensions as she was left in the collapsing reality of her own world.


Once the two siblings arrived in this dimension they were found by a pair of farming ponies who raised them as their own and taught them the values that they would take to heart: Those who have power, have a responsibility to their world to use that power to make it better. Celestia's magical and sun augmented prowess manifested at a young age and she after deliberation took up the mantle of the Sunlight Sentinel and began a long life of fighting villains and helping all that she could out. At first her life was that of someone who thought themselves an outside trying to make their homeland better... but over time things became bigger than that: Once she had hit adulthood... she'd been more comparable to an Icon and considered less relate-able because of the sheer power she manifested... and she had to admit that it was true that she may not be the most down to earth hero this was who she was and the hoof that life had dealt her. It was around this time that her sister betrayed her out of what seemed to be jealousy but perhaps there was more to it... an attempt to take over the world from her former sibling ended in a colossal battle on the moon where the Sentinel used an old magic to bind her sister to the moon for as long as the magic lasted.


In the time of her sister's absense and due to the inherent limitation she had, The Sentinel elected to build an institution that would let her find and train heroes who could help maintain the peace for all. Many times this has called for her to help make those who could make the best difference in the world stronger and so came the concept of 'ascension'.


In the past select great heroes have been called candidates for ascension by the greater public but in the end Celestia has only ascended those she puts her faith in to represent the best traits of their planet's inhabitants. In the past ascension has a sort of official mark that a creature was a great hero... but it came with conditions. Those who had been picked to ascend gained a noticeable increase in their power's capabilities, however only enough that it was a slight advantage at least for the first years of it and over time it would grow to become stronger and only reaches to even close to the level of either the sentinel or Luna after a century of letting their power grow... given the inherent dangers of the Hero life some of the ascended don't reach that point at all... An ascended hero regardless of species maximum lifespan wind up growing to about two hundred years until they eventually meet the fate that wait all things. Those who have ascended in the past have passed on in either doing their calling as heroes or just to the nature of time passing. While there are no heroes of this age who have been granted these powers… yet but quiite a few applicants of the academy have entered hoping to get such a glorious chance as the ascension ability has been given to species beyond ponies as the Sentinel is basically granting the hero a bit of her power… seeing as ponies and equine are the closest to the alicorn in her biology they take to it best whiel other creatures (while not deformed) tened to get more obvious changes and more overt powers that appear over time.


Upon the day her sister returned She tried to make it in time to try and stop her but with all the power she had from the time on the moon she had a hard enough time dealing with a vast army of Moonlight Constructs the former Moonlit Knight sent to deal with her. When the night was over she arrived in time only to see the six heroes who had managed to defeat and cleanse her of the mysterious evil taint. She thanked them for their work but said that she would take care of her from now on... Currently her sister is assisting with the academy while under close watch by the Equestrian government (despite the sentinel's protests).


Notable Villains:

The "God-King" Sombra, Discord, Tirek (currently imprisoned).


General Notability: A thousand years of heroism does wonders for one's PR. She has inspired many heroes with her stories and adventures, and has legions of admirers and fanclubs... but because of the immense power she wields there is an equal but opposite group of the world's populace who think that she cannot be trusted or that she see's herself above normal mortal creatures.


The Sentinel’s role is one of a constant internal debate. She has the power to affect the world whether she exerts her will over it, chooses to inspire it, or if she had wished to hide herself from it. Despite what many think, she does not exist to save everyone from everything… she exists to inspire the entirety of Equestria and the world beyond it to save each other by being an example of hope of things being able to improve no matter how bleak things may look.

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4 hours ago, Ciraxis said:

Oh this looks like fun. Lemme!


Superhero Name: Silverbolt


Powers: Silver is a flying brick with few additions, and one of few heroes that can keep up with Sunlight Sentinel. Strong enough to effortlessly use skyscrapers as baseball bats, and taking hits from adult dragons like it was nothing. In flight he's fast enough to achieve escape velocity without any trouble, and Silvers reflexes are a match for his speed. His name codename comes from ability to generate lightning,usually from his hooves. It also tends to course along his body when he is in physical combat, although that is involuntary. The most effective display of this power however. is his trademark 'Lightning Gaze', and ability to emit electricity from his eyes of such intensity, that it appears to be a laser beam (and it generates a heat like one), but using it tires him considerably. Silver can also change color of his mane and coat at will (but not that of his eyes or Cutie Mark). Additionally his senses are about twenty times sharper then a normal pony, but thankfully only when he specifically focuses on them.


Weaknesses: A special crystal rom outer space know as Snyd Crystal. When in close proximity of Silverbolt thy cause him extreme and can eventually kill him. Few characters learend how to syntetize it, but the process is very costly. Dreasion Mist, a gas driven from the Crysal (along with may other substances) is also painful but not lethal. It however greatly reduces his powers when Silver's exposed to it. A common rubber provides good protection again Bolt lightning powers....at least until he generates enough to start melting it with pure heat. Silverbolt is also valuable to Dark Sorcery, moreso then any other type of magic.


Alias: Cocoa Bean, a chemist from Fillydelphia. Although that was a while ago.


Backstory: Found as a foal in cradle stranded on the reed bed, Coca was adopted by a couple of childless ponies from Mustangia. His adoptive parents - longing for a child of their own despite being unable to conceive one - poured all their love on little Silver and installed within him the virtues of justice, selflessness and kindness. His powers displayed themselves the moment he started to walk, but unlike most heroes he never did attended Sunlight Acadamy nor he was part empowered acclimation program. His parents didn't wanted Cocoa to be involved with such dangerous thing like super-heroics. As a result he learned to control his power on his own, hidden by the remoteness of his farm in the Strand.

However the same values that made him such a good colt also made him restless. Cocoa knew that he was different then other ponies and that he can make a difference. When he announced his plan to attend collage in Fillydelphia his parents knew immediately that he will put on the costiume eventually.

That was exactly what happened. Bean begun studying at Department of Chemistry at University of Fillydelphia and at the same time created identity of Silverbolt. As time passed he became one of most famous and successful superheroes of his age, partaking in many adventures ans saving the world more then once, eventually becoming one of the teachers at Sunlight Academy.

However one time a crisis stumbled upon the Equestria. A giant asteroid, named 'The Tear' for it's shape headed upon the planet, and it's impact would without the doubt mean end of the world. All known superheroes teamed up to deal with a problem and it soon discovered that upcoming impact was not a natural phenomenon. One of the world most dangerous supervillains - Contra Fall - initiated it, to wipe out all his enemies, and then reshape the planet to his imagine. While much of the team deal with the psychopath, others were sent to stop giant space rock - Coca Bean among them. His powers reacted with those of superhero Temporal, opening the rift between dimensions. Silverbolt managed to drag the astroid into it....but he himself was pulled inside too. Considered KIA, his colleagues and friends mourned his sacrifice. In Filldelphiay a memorial was erected in his honor, one that stands in the city to this day. Two hundred years has passed, and those few supers who are still alive, to this day remember the day know now as the 'Tear Shock'.


Personality: Bean always had an ability to empathize with others, but what makes it special, is his honest to earth conviction that he isn't above or below anyone. Unless one does something undoubtedly evil one can always count for his helping hoofs or ear. Even in face of supervillany Silver always sees the best in others, and firmly believes all has capacity to do good. Some attributed this to naivety but the stallion always stood firm in his beliefs.

One shouldn't mistake this for weakness however. Silverbolt generally prefers to talk the way out of the problem, but when it's not an option he does not hesitate to take action. Even then however he always uses only as much force as necessary.

When not in costume (and often with it) Cocoa tends to be a huge dork. As a farmer turned chemist, Bean is amazed with science and even small things can get him to squee in excitement and is overall a sweet guy. He also used to collect fantasy book, but it's doubtful that he's collection survived to present day.


Notable Allies:  Every superhero that is still active since the last two hundred years worked with him at one time. The same can't be said however about the current generation of Capes.


Notable Enemies:  Most of them died or retired  due to old age. The three are however still around, causing trouble.

Ms. Epoch - the ageless mare from Maretonia with astounding telekinesis and telepathic powers. Has tendency to collect powerful artifacts. Seeks to establish her own nation, no matter the costs.

Lash-tam - quilin dark sorcerer and necromancer who eventually ascended to lichdom. He seeks others of his craft to suck out their souls and increase his own magic. He often teams up with others super-villains,who relay on different sources of power, to that end.

Judgment Day - pony shaped monstrosity from space. Almost unstoppable, it always takes effort of more then one hero to stop him whenever he shows up. Despite brutish appearance he's very intelligent. He however is also a nihilist, aiming to 'reduce everything to zero'. Has' grudge against Equestrian superheroes after being foiled so many times.


General Notability: Two hundred years ago you had to live under a rock to not know who he was. Nowadays while still remembered, he's know as inspirational historical figure and an icon. There are few remaining heroes and villains who knew him as a pony. 


Well, this is a bit awkward seeing as we both are going for the superman comparison and mentor comparison>_< I've nothign against flying bricks since well... I'm playing the premier one for this AU... but please think about whether you'd like a hero who can do it all or if you'd like one that can grow over time into something greater. Another thing confuses me as I read over this, Is he alive or in another dimension, do you plan on bringing him back in some form in the AU? If he is as powerful as his powers chart makes him look...  please try to include some drawbacks because being able to swing skyscrapers is impresive, a hero needs to be able to take into account the damage their powers can do.


4 hours ago, DerpRavener said:

Public Identity: Detective Stalwart, Manehattan PD


Powers: Technically, Stalwart has no special powers.  Though uncommonly skilled in hoof-to-hoof combat, that doesn't necessarily stand out in an earth pony police officer.  What would stand out is an expertise with explosives of all kinds, both creating and using, whether planted or thrown, and almost regardless of the payload.  Neither would one expect the ability to change race and appearance, inherent in someone who's actually a changeling using an earth pony disguise.  Naturally, Stalwart goes to great lengths to keep the latter two traits hidden.  Since the incident a few years ago, he has started using some light illusion magic to conceal a little extra gear he carries around with him on a daily basis, but also to provide a reasonable cover story should someone catch a whiff that he is actually a disguise for another.

As a rule, Stalwart comes across as knowing his limits and is content to gather and pass along information for proper heroes to act on, though as often as not this is him holding back to avoid revealing his secrets.


Alternate Identities:  Deep Strike, personal name Naj, minor villain and an agent of a distant enemy dedicated to the destabilization of Equestria.


Backstory: Deep Strike was bred for and trained in disguise, combat and explosives by a distant villain.  She was then sent to Equestria to wreak havoc and sow chaos, weakening the nation in preparation for a later attack.  Deep Strike followed orders for a time, but eventually stopped obeying them in favour of her own approach.  Distancing herself from the chain of command, she operated for a time as an independent troublemaker and a vandal for hire.  Her bombings proved enough to attract the attention of a number of heroes at different times throughout her career, however she never grew to become a prominent antagonist for any of them.

Deep Strike's campaign of chaos lasted some time, and caused a fair amount of destruction.  However there were a few rules she followed, in the interest of preparing Equestria for conquest.  She always issued a threat prior to bombing a building, preferring the chaos of the escape to any actual loss of life, and always returning any whose identity she took to their place once the operation was done.  It was simple enough to engineer an accident to explain the loss of memory, and the practice could help mask Deep Strike's methods, among other things.


Then, as a part of a particular plot in which she needed to maneuver around a few heroes, Deep Strike incapacitated, stored and replaced the real Detective Stalwart.  The plot went as many do, proceeding well until a critical point at which point it was uncovered.  Deep Strike had expected this, and even prepared a trap to cover her escape, but what she hadn't accounted for was one of the heroes being able to tail her despite the preparation.  Thinking herself safe, she returned to her safehouse, in which she'd stashed the real Detective Stalwart as well as various supplies.  When the ensuing battle destroyed the building, Deep Strike managed to get clear but the detective was still inside.


For the first time in her life, Naj was overcome with guilt.  Experiencing life through Detective Stalwart's eyes was already straining her resolve, and now she'd not only broken one of her own rules, but she knew that if she tried to continue as she normally did, Stalwart's family would never see him again, forever wondering where he went or what happened to him.  Naj couldn't bear that thought, so she changed.  She resolved to take on Stalwart's identity more completely, taking up his duties as a detective and as a father.


Notable Allies: [Data Unavailable]


Notable Adversaries: [Hero's name redacted], who was the tailed Deep Strike back to her hideout the night of her change of heart: the Chairpony, leader of Manehattan's most prolific criminal organization, who sent goons to Stalwart's house when the detective.  The attack was repelled and the family kept safe, but Deep Strike was forced to reveal herself temporarily to accomplish this, and the family dynamic since then has been strained, if surprisingly stable.


General Notability: Detective Stalwart was always respected for his dedication and resolve within his precinct, however since the incident a few years ago there's been a slight change to his station and approach, though not his morality.  While perhaps not quite a match for any hero, Stalwart has proven himself able to keep pace with them better than any other, and even to stand up to them on those few occasions when it is reasonable to do so.  As such, he's often found himself called upon as a liason between heroes and more the more mundane defenders of Equestria, a role which occasionally even takes him far away from his home precinct.

Deep Strike is presumed to have died when the building collapsed a few years ago, and is presumably now forgotten by Equestria and its heroes overall.




A couple notes about this one:

I wanted to create a more supporting, 'Commissioner Gordon' type character, while keeping the options open for some heroics somewhere down the line.

Also, the 'Data Unavailable' and 'Hero's Name Redacted' are placeholders.  I'm up for listing anyone who has or likely will work with Detective Stalwart regularly to being listed as an ally, and I'm leaving it open for someone to lay claim to being Deep Strike's old nemesis who eventually defeated the changeling (as long as they run it by me first).


THis is an interesting one, like I've said, characters who are unpowered but still heroes are great! But this one whose a reformed villain in a sense promises to make things interesting. I'll look forward to seeing how this can come up in future rp!


As far as the whole student thing, there's not much I can think of that would mean my character couldn't be part of the academy. Sure she's already got some experience, but she knows she still has stuff to learn and I don't think she would pass up the chance to get better after her failure.


I made some slight alterations to my sheet, as per request. And also to figure out exactly how her powers should work. There aren't too many multipliers in fiction, but goodness they all operate under slightly different rules.

Powers: Zelda has all of the skills that her living counterpart had. Flight. Great Strength. Agility. And her creative mind that helped the black bird creative wonderful works of beauty either through her statues, or her well designed battle armor. These skills and strengths were amplified when she was given control of an android body. She also has the ability to heal injuries that would have killed a living griffon. And under her faux feathers, fur, skin, and muscles is an battle ready android body that can resist powerful blows of magic and physical nature. She also wields her old blacksmithing hammer. This can be thrown at foes, and it is enchanted to return to her. Along with being able to return to its owner, the hammer had been enchanted not to kill its target. It can hurt and even stun a foe, but will never draw blood. Heroes never kill!
Alias: None. She refers to herself as Zelda. She looks like a regular griffon who sometimes dons tights to defeat evil. Perfectly normal. However, if she suffers serious injury, her less than griffin-y parts can be exposed. Hopefully this will not happen.
Backstory: Zelda (Full name: Griselda) was born in Rockwington where she studied her family trade of blacksmithing. She later moved to Canterlot to study at the university where she befriended both ponies of justice (The R.E.A.) and very clever ponies of science (Inventors, chemists, etc). After school, she joined the small group of brainy horses. While she was not as clever as the inventors, she showed great promise and was quite good at building armored super suits thanks to her blacksmithing background. While working on one of the group's special projects, the griffon was severely injured when the suit she was working on exploded!
While she survived, her body was placed into a special healing tank located in one of the inventor's lab. This inventor was a pony named Sprocket. While as clever as a pony could be, he suffered from a very severe case of Agoraphobia and thus never left the lab. To combat this, he created an special android body powered with magic with the others in his group that he could control from the lab. While he would be nice and safe inside, he could experience the wonders and beauty of the outside world. This experience was just a little too real for the unicorn, so the body was shelved, until Zelda's accident.
Sprocket, along with his twin siblings Pocket Change and Docket, who were masters of magic and master inventor Bevel Gear worked day and night to turn the simple looking android body into a near replica of the black griffon. Not wanting her to look like a second rate animatronic from 'Whinny World', they toiled day and night to create the perfect faux body that could pass as a living griffon. And while the poor blacksmith slowly healed in her tank, she could interact with the outside world. This, of course lead to some superheroing!
Weaknesses: While her body resembles an living griffon in everyway, the poor bird cannot do the things she enjoyed in the past. While her real body feeds off of nutrient paste, the android body she controls cannot eat, or even drink. Nor can she feel pain or pleasure. While in her tank, she is notified if her body is injured and thus she can react. Being a very social animal, losing all sense of feeling has made things a bit more depressing in her already less than happy life.
Notable Allies: At the start of the RP, Zelda is new to the superhero world. She is well liked in the community due to her past as a builder of super-suits. Her best allies so far are the group of ponies that built her android body.
Notable Enemies: She has yet to gain any personal enemies, but she can simply say that those who wish to harm the good people of Equestria are right on her smacking list!
On 7/3/2016 at 5:50 PM, PyroBlaze said:

As far as the whole student thing, there's not much I can think of that would mean my character couldn't be part of the academy. Sure she's already got some experience, but she knows she still has stuff to learn and I don't think she would pass up the chance to get better after her failure.


Sound wonderful! Thank you! I'll be able to start up a more official op if we have more students at least in the Sunlight academy. 


On 7/3/2016 at 8:19 PM, Kirby Krackle said:

I made some slight alterations to my sheet, as per request. And also to figure out exactly how her powers should work. There aren't too many multipliers in fiction, but goodness they all operate under slightly different rules.


Thank you very much!


On 7/3/2016 at 8:39 PM, tacobob said:
Powers: Zelda has all of the skills that her living counterpart had. Flight. Great Strength. Agility. And her creative mind that helped the black bird creative wonderful works of beauty either through her statues, or her well designed battle armor. These skills and strengths were amplified when she was given control of an android body. She also has the ability to heal injuries that would have killed a living griffon. And under her faux feathers, fur, skin, and muscles is an battle ready android body that can resist powerful blows of magic and physical nature. She also wields her old blacksmithing hammer. This can be thrown at foes, and it is enchanted to return to her. Along with being able to return to its owner, the hammer had been enchanted not to kill its target. It can hurt and even stun a foe, but will never draw blood. Heroes never kill!
Alias: None. She refers to herself as Zelda. She looks like a regular griffon who sometimes dons tights to defeat evil. Perfectly normal. However, if she suffers serious injury, her less than griffin-y parts can be exposed. Hopefully this will not happen.
Backstory: Zelda (Full name: Griselda) was born in Rockwington where she studied her family trade of blacksmithing. She later moved to Canterlot to study at the university where she befriended both ponies of justice (The R.E.A.) and very clever ponies of science (Inventors, chemists, etc). After school, she joined the small group of brainy horses. While she was not as clever as the inventors, she showed great promise and was quite good at building armored super suits thanks to her blacksmithing background. While working on one of the group's special projects, the griffon was severely injured when the suit she was working on exploded!
While she survived, her body was placed into a special healing tank located in one of the inventor's lab. This inventor was a pony named Sprocket. While as clever as a pony could be, he suffered from a very severe case of Agoraphobia and thus never left the lab. To combat this, he created an special android body powered with magic with the others in his group that he could control from the lab. While he would be nice and safe inside, he could experience the wonders and beauty of the outside world. This experience was just a little too real for the unicorn, so the body was shelved, until Zelda's accident.
Sprocket, along with his twin siblings Pocket Change and Docket, who were masters of magic and master inventor Bevel Gear worked day and night to turn the simple looking android body into a near replica of the black griffon. Not wanting her to look like a second rate animatronic from 'Whinny World', they toiled day and night to create the perfect faux body that could pass as a living griffon. And while the poor blacksmith slowly healed in her tank, she could interact with the outside world. This, of course lead to some superheroing!
Weaknesses: While her body resembles an living griffon in everyway, the poor bird cannot do the things she enjoyed in the past. While her real body feeds off of nutrient paste, the android body she controls cannot eat, or even drink. Nor can she feel pain or pleasure. While in her tank, she is notified if her body is injured and thus she can react. Being a very social animal, losing all sense of feeling has made things a bit more depressing in her already less than happy life.
Notable Allies: At the start of the RP, Zelda is new to the superhero world. She is well liked in the community due to her past as a builder of super-suits. Her best allies so far are the group of ponies that built her android body.
Notable Enemies: She has yet to gain any personal enemies, but she can simply say that those who wish to harm the good people of Equestria are right on her smacking list!

Poor Zelda... an awesome origin story but I'm sure one day that trio of brillian inventors will be working tirelessly to help their friend! Until then though, let evildoers beware! Approved :)




Is it allowed for me to app for a villain?  Or perhaps an anti-hero?

8 hours ago, Lyipheoryia said:

Is it allowed for me to app for a villain?  Or perhaps an anti-hero?

Of course! encouraged in fact! WE need more villains, prefereably some more street level ones who are powerful but strong enough to hold their own against heroes. I was also thinking maybe we could look through eachother's apps for ideas and maybe we coudl play eachother's villains. :)

On 4.07.2016 at 2:17 AM, Pretzelpony said:


Well, this is a bit awkward seeing as we both are going for the superman comparison and mentor comparison>_< I've nothign against flying bricks since well... I'm playing the premier one for this AU... but please think about whether you'd like a hero who can do it all or if you'd like one that can grow over time into something greater. Another thing confuses me as I read over this, Is he alive or in another dimension, do you plan on bringing him back in some form in the AU? If he is as powerful as his powers chart makes him look...  please try to include some drawbacks because being able to swing skyscrapers is impresive, a hero needs to be able to take into account the damage their powers can do.


Well yeah he still around (kind off), otherwise I wouldn't bother to write the app, don't you think?

I also started to tweak the application some bit, like add a whole lot of weaknesses and toning his strength a little. Still not done but take a look if you like. If this would still not be actable I will keep working on it until he kind of becomes 'Captain Marvel' to Sunshine Supes.


Also can users have more then one character in this AU? Because I have brilliant idea for another one (that would make many quite nostalgic I believe).

5 hours ago, Ciraxis said:


Well yeah he still around (kind off), otherwise I wouldn't bother to write the app, don't you think?

I also started to tweak the application some bit, like add a whole lot of weaknesses and toning his strength a little. Still not done but take a look if you like. If this would still not be actable I will keep working on it until he kind of becomes 'Captain Marvel' to Sunshine Supes.


Also can users have more then one character in this AU? Because I have brilliant idea for another one (that would make many quite nostalgic I believe).

I have three already

On 7/5/2016 at 4:58 AM, Pretzelpony said:

Of course! encouraged in fact! WE need more villains, prefereably some more street level ones who are powerful but strong enough to hold their own against heroes. I was also thinking maybe we could look through eachother's apps for ideas and maybe we coudl play eachother's villains. :)

Great!  Neria would make a great villain or anti-hero.  

I know the app's a bit brief, so I can add more if needed.  My PC is a bit...laggy right now, so it's a bit hard to write my usual walls of text.



Supervillain: Arsenic


Powers: The ability to create shields. Large ones, small ones, personal ones, health shields, energy shields-doesn't matter. However, she can only create one shield at a time, and certain shields (health, energy, etc) can only be cast on another being-with the health/energy draining from herself. In other words, those shields are like 'gifts' from villain to villain. The larger a shield is, the thinner it will be (and vise versa). Other than that-she uses a collapsible, double-tipped spear. She's quick and agile with it, and usually finishes her job with her beloved spear.



Powers Origin: Her powers were developed by instinct.  She always knew she was different-special.  She had heightened senses and could sense things coming ahead of time.  She could tell who would throw the first punch in a fight, and what move her opponent would use next.  Her skills had kept her alive for years in the streets of Equestria, but it never kept her alive anywhere in the water.  The day had been cool, but she decided to go for a swim nevertheless.  The river was unusually deep, but she knew how to swim-so drowning never crossed her mind.  Perhaps it was by the power of some unicorn, or just the catastrophic weather-but the cool breeze quickly turned into tumultuous storms.  She was already far from any city, and the waves swept her far from anywhere she knew.  She began to panic, and the waters took advantage of one moment of vulnerability.  She went under, her hind leg caught onto seaweed.  Her mind raced around, and the water suddenly turned to a freezing temperature.  She lost her breath in a second, and the realization that she would die here as a drowning victim.  

Suddenly, something dark blue appeared at her hooves.  Out of instinct, she waved it in front of her.  Water gushed out from her magical bubble, and she was saved from death.  

Her staff was something she crafted herself-realizing she needed some method of defense a rogue animal or pony.  She made use of a community blacksmith station and supplies she had gathered in her years of journeying.   


Alias: Her actual name is Neria Homes. Her street nickname goes by "Destroyer of Cities".


Backstory: Abandoned by her unmarried mother at a young age, she roamed the streets of Canterlot with the one thing that gave her courage: survival. She learned how to survive in the worst of times, how to fight of a large group of attackers with a spear, and...eventually landed herself a job as a mercenary to a rich gang. Killing other ponies was, by no means, something she enjoyed; but it ensured money for food and...survival. She found herself incredible good at what she did, and soon became renowned the the back streets of several major cities as an assassin and mercenary to be afraid of. Yes-Canterlot was no longer her only reaches. She traveled to different cities, struggling to stay alive, struggling to stick to any last remaining morals in her, struggling to hide from attackers. She''s a tough cookie, but even a cookie eventually cracks. She found her life more and more purposeless, falling into a routine of 'kill and run'. Survival no longer gave her courage, but was rather a chore to upkeep. Perhaps it's age that gave her this new wisdom, but part of her doesn't want to do this anymore. Sure-she still completes her job at getting rid of whomever she's paid to get rid of, but if she sees a hero in need fighting against some other villain: she might throw a little shield onto the hero...


Notable Heroes/Villains:

Sun Sentinel-More than once Arsenic's been asked if she could dispose of Sentinel, and more than once she's tried (and failed). Yet, as her mind grew less into the track of 'surviving is killing' and more onto the track of 'Is this my only hope for survival?"-she's become less and less willing to take larger jobs involving the Sentinel. In fact, if she dives deep into herself...she may look upon her as a hero. Afterall, the Sentinel can survive without having to kill, and the Sentinel is so powerful.

Royal Jewela-let's just say...she inspired this mare to be a hero after helping to steal five of her family's ten most precious artifacts. But then, all she really did was stand there and take guard...but then-of course-the one that stands there and takes guard is the one that's seen by the victims.

Big Boss-her unnamed boss, and the one that started her career as a mercenary, Neria doesn't quite know whether to love this stallion or target him next.

Everypony affected by one of her 'jobs'-Yeah. They all hate her.



General Notability: Not very well-known, and overshadowed by greater villains and assassins-this young mercenary honestly isn't quite sure where she's going with her life. What's her purpose? What are her dreams? Everything used to be answered, "Survival,"...but she's not quite so sure anymore. Part of her plays a hero is sending valuable health shields, but she's still doing her job and chasing after other ones. The backstreet, lamp-lit ponies might know her, but-for now-most of Equestria doesn't need to know her name until she decides what it's truly meant to mean.

13 hours ago, Ciraxis said:


Well yeah he still around (kind off), otherwise I wouldn't bother to write the app, don't you think?

I also started to tweak the application some bit, like add a whole lot of weaknesses and toning his strength a little. Still not done but take a look if you like. If this would still not be actable I will keep working on it until he kind of becomes 'Captain Marvel' to Sunshine Supes.


Also can users have more then one character in this AU? Because I have brilliant idea for another one (that would make many quite nostalgic I believe).


Like Steel said you can have several, I think I was mostly just worried that silverbolt would be your first choice... I do like the idea of having that sort of comparison though so I think he could stay, the only thing is that when you app a super flying brick ish character he'll have to fight someone worthy of his strength and if he starts out really powerful then what will he be working towards, but like you said you are apping another character so just keep in mind while having a strong character in and of himself isn't a problem, keep in mind how just having that power and bringing it into other threads can kinda take away from heroes who aren't as powerful unless their villain has somehow planned ahead for Silverbolt's arrival. 


Just keep in mind, being able to beat a villain with pure power alone can be awesome to behold... it's not all that engaging for other players. I'll take a look at the app again, tell me when you've made the changes, okay?


4 hours ago, Lyipheoryia said:

Great!  Neria would make a great villain or anti-hero.  

I know the app's a bit brief, so I can add more if needed.  My PC is a bit...laggy right now, so it's a bit hard to write my usual walls of text.



Supervillain: Arsenic


Powers: The ability to create shields. Large ones, small ones, personal ones, health shields, energy shields-doesn't matter. However, she can only create one shield at a time, and certain shields (health, energy, etc) can only be cast on another being-with the health/energy draining from herself. In other words, those shields are like 'gifts' from villain to villain. The larger a shield is, the thinner it will be (and vise versa). Other than that-she uses a collapsible, double-tipped spear. She's quick and agile with it, and usually finishes her job with her beloved spear.


Alias: Her actual name is Neria Homes. Her street nickname goes by "Destroyer of Cities".


Backstory: Abandoned by her unmarried mother at a young age, she roamed the streets of Canterlot with the one thing that gave her courage: survival. She learned how to survive in the worst of times, how to fight of a large group of attackers with a spear, and...eventually landed herself a job as a mercenary to a rich gang. Killing other ponies was, by no means, something she enjoyed; but it ensured money for food and...survival. She found herself incredible good at what she did, and soon became renowned the the back streets of several major cities as an assassin and mercenary to be afraid of. Yes-Canterlot was no longer her only reaches. She traveled to different cities, struggling to stay alive, struggling to stick to any last remaining morals in her, struggling to hide from attackers. She''s a tough cookie, but even a cookie eventually cracks. She found her life more and more purposeless, falling into a routine of 'kill and run'. Survival no longer gave her courage, but was rather a chore to upkeep. Perhaps it's age that gave her this new wisdom, but part of her doesn't want to do this anymore. Sure-she still completes her job at getting rid of whomever she's paid to get rid of, but if she sees a hero in need fighting against some other villain: she might throw a little shield onto the hero...


Notable Heroes/Villains:

Sun Sentinel-More than once she's been asked if she could dispose of this nuisance, and more than once she's tried (and failed). Yet, as her mind grew less into the track of 'surviving is killing' and more onto the track of 'Is this my only hope for survival?"-she's become less and less willing to take larger jobs involving the Sentinel. In fact, if she dives deep into herself...she may look upon her as a hero. Afterall, the Sentinel can survive without having to kill, and the Sentinel is so powerful.

Royal Jewela-let's just say...she inspired this mare to be a hero after helping to steal five of her family's ten most precious artifacts. But then, all she really did was stand there and take guard...but then-of course-the one that stands there and takes guard is the one that's seen by the victims.

Big Boss-her unnamed boss, and the one that started her career as a mercenary, Neria doesn't quite know whether to love this stallion or target him next.

Everypony affected by one of her 'jobs'-Yeah. They all hate her.



General Notability: Not very well-known, and overshadowed by greater villains and assassins-this young mercenary honestly isn't quite sure where she's going with her life. What's her purpose? What are her dreams? Everything used to be answered, "Survival,"...but she's not quite so sure anymore. Part of her plays a hero is sending valuable health shields, but she's still doing her job and chasing after other ones. The backstreet, lamp-lit ponies might know her, but-for now-most of Equestria doesn't need to know her name until she decides what it's truly meant to mean.


Before I approve this I wanted to ask, are arsenic's abilities and powers inherent abilities, somethign she awoke through training? or does she have an origin story. I noticed you said you had to omit some stuff. She looks liek she'd be a fun villain or anti villain for some characters possibly school attendees to face at some point. :)


Also I feel I shoudl have been more clear about something in general! ONce your character -is- approved you can feel free to start threads or posts when you like. I do plan on having a thread which is like an opening ceremony for the sunlight academy... So keep an eye out for that. :D


1 hour ago, Lyipheoryia said:

They all hate her.


Guess who doesn't.



57 minutes ago, Pretzelpony said:

Also I feel I shoudl have been more clear about something in general! ONce your character -is- approved you can feel free to start threads or posts when you like. I do plan on having a thread which is like an opening ceremony for the sunlight academy... So keep an eye out for that. :D



It just occurred to me. I could be in every single thread. Every one.

1 hour ago, Pretzelpony said:

Before I approve this I wanted to ask, are arsenic's abilities and powers inherent abilities, somethign she awoke through training? or does she have an origin story. I noticed you said you had to omit some stuff. She looks liek she'd be a fun villain or anti villain for some characters possibly school attendees to face at some point. :)

Added a power origin section to my app :) 

Glad you like her!  I've actually been using her a lot lately for FFA stuff.


We need an Academy RP for general interaction and learning purposes.

My Applejack, The Equestrian threads plan to be run with a post limit. Once we hit 22 posts, thread is done- 22 pages to a comic book, you see. There will be exceptions of course.

20 hours ago, Lyipheoryia said:

Sun Sentinel-More than once she's been asked if she could dispose of this nuisance, and more than once she's tried (and failed). Yet, as her mind grew less into the track of 'surviving is killing' and more onto the track of 'Is this my only hope for survival?"-she's become less and less willing to take larger jobs involving the Sentinel. In fact, if she dives deep into herself...she may look upon her as a hero. Afterall, the Sentinel can survive without having to kill, and the Sentinel is so powerful.


20 hours ago, Lyipheoryia said:

General Notability: Not very well-known, and overshadowed by greater villains and assassins


These two things are very counter to each other.  First, you're declaring Sun Sentinel - this universe's Superman - as your arch-nemesis.  Not only that, but you're declaring that she has NEVER been able to stop your character, despite giving it her all.  This isn't just some normal supervillain, out to rob a bank or a museum, or even hold a city hostage.  This is a professional assassin, whose only goal is to kill - a very harsh thing in a ponyverse.  And Sun Sentinel has not been able to stop her.  This is an unheard of feat.  Someone on the power level of Lex Luthor, Metallo, Brainiac, or Doomsday - those BIG NAME villains - can be stopped and captured by Superman.  The only villain I can think of offhand who Superman has seriously tried to bring in and failed is Darkseid - and even then, that's a matter for debate.  We are talking only the topmost class of villain.


Yet you state she's 'not very well known'.  Despite Sun Sentinel personally being after her - she's not very well known.  Nuh-uh.  if she's that good that she regularly beats the premier, number one, highest-level and epitome of superheroes for this world, then EVERYPONY knows her.  She is the number one supervillain, that EVERY villain wants on their team, and every crime family wants in their crew.  She can demand any price for her services, and there is no such thing as being overshadowed, because there are no greater villains nor assassins.


Either that, or she's not as good as advertised.

10 minutes ago, Bramble Rose said:



These two things are very counter to each other.  First, you're declaring Sun Sentinel - this universe's Superman - as your arch-nemesis.  Not only that, but you're declaring that she has NEVER been able to stop your character, despite giving it her all.

I believe what was said was that Arsenic, the villain, has yet to deal with the Sun Sentinel.

1 minute ago, PyroBlaze said:

I believe what was said was that Arsenic, the villain, has yet to deal with the Sun Sentinel.


Sun Sentinel-More than once [Arsenic]'s been asked if [Arsenic] could dispose of this nuisance (Sun Sentinel), and more than once [Arsenic has] tried (and failed).


Sun Sentinel-More than once [Sun Sentinel]'s been asked if [Sun Sentinel] could dispose of this nuisance (Arsenic), and more than once [Sun Sentinel has] tried (and failed).


The former is bad grammar - the latter is accurate.  However, that doesn't mean it is what was intended - true, this could just be a grammar issue.  Problem with leading a pronoun with the wrong name.  On top of the grammar structure telling us that 'Sun Sentinel' is 'she' which is being spoken of, the 'this nuisance' lead me to believe that it was Arsenic who was the nuisance, but it could be artistic understatement referring to Sun Sentinel.  If this is the case this should probably just be reworded to make sure that the pronoun 'she' is not immediately preceded by 'Sun Sentinel' but instead by 'Arsenic'.


It could be as simple a rewording as this:


Sun Sentinel-More than once Arsenic has been asked if she could dispose of this nuisance, and more than once she's tried (and failed).

1 minute ago, Bramble Rose said:


Sun Sentinel-More than once [Arsenic]'s been asked if [Arsenic] could dispose of this nuisance (Sun Sentinel), and more than once [Arsenic has] tried (and failed).


Sun Sentinel-More than once [Sun Sentinel]'s been asked if [Sun Sentinel] could dispose of this nuisance (Arsenic), and more than once [Sun Sentinel has] tried (and failed).


The former is bad grammar - the latter is accurate.  However, that doesn't mean it is what was intended - true, this could just be a grammar issue.  Problem with leading a pronoun with the wrong name.  On top of the grammar structure telling us that 'Sun Sentinel' is 'she' which is being spoken of, the 'this nuisance' lead me to believe that it was Arsenic who was the nuisance, but it could be artistic understatement referring to Sun Sentinel.  If this is the case this should probably just be reworded to make sure that the pronoun 'she' is not immediately preceded by 'Sun Sentinel' but instead by 'Arsenic'.


It could be as simple a rewording as this:


Sun Sentinel-More than once Arsenic has been asked if she could dispose of this nuisance, and more than once she's tried (and failed).

While I agree with your suggestion there at the bottom, I think the "Sun Sentinel-" was more of a divider to tell who that section was about generally, like the other examples further down in that section with Big Boss and Royal Jewela. I can see why what is there can be confusing though.


Regardless of if it's part of the flow of the sentence, a header on a page, or the last mentioned name in the previous chapter, a pronoun is considered to be referencing the most recent use of an appropriate proper noun. 


*EDIT*  And here I made the same error.  To demonstrate, the following is properly reversed so the subject/pronoun is appropriate..


Regardless of if it's part of the flow of the sentence, a header on a page, or the last mentioned name in the previous chapter, the most recent use of an appropriate proper noun (or, if none is available, then the next use of such) is considered the anchor for any appropriate pronouns.


Yes, which is why I said I agreed that what was there could be confusing and that your suggestion to fix it was good.


Thanks for the input guys!  I read over what I wrote-and yep-it makes...very little sense.  

I'll fix it right away :) 


I have made another edit to the story. A crippling inferiority complex has led me to try and make this Pinkie fit better in-universe. There will be more to come. I'm not sure how much more. You wanted a character bio, not a thirty chapter epic.


Here are some villains. While I am apping them, they are free for anyone to use.

General Blindside

Supervillain name: General Blindside

Powers: None. Instead relies on minions, proxies, espionage, and politics. Has the resources of an absurdly well-connected government official, though often times these are simply misguided members of the the government and not true bad guys. Has several secret bases with real loyal troops, and is believed to have allies and aides everywhere.

Alias: Unknown.


Backstory: A corrupt official high in the military- whether it is the REA, REIN, REN or otherwise is unknown- whose exact identity is not yet ascertained. Believes that Equestria has grown weak, and is trying to take control of the government. Has implemented assassination attempts and false flags as well as dirty deals and all manner of espionage in an effort to further his or her agenda. Most well known publicly for the Heartland Affair, when a Griffon diplomatic team was kidnapped and about to be executed by Equestrian 'radicals', and were saved by the intervention of Applejack, The Equestrian. This turned out to be a plot by the General to provoke a Griffon-Pony war. Sees himself or herself as the last real Equestrian patriot, and believes that the Greater Good is an Equestria under the General's iron hoof. 

Notable Allies: Unknown and changing. Has worked with and against various villains to further the Agenda.


Notable Enemies: Applejack, The Equestrian, who has defeated several plots by the General.


General Notability: Varied. Unknown to the public at large, with rumors in the press at most and in the lower ladders of government. In the government at large, more well known in intelligence communities and anti-corruption forces inside the government. That that know too much go missing or are his or her allies.

The Everfree Avenger

Supervillain Name: The Everfree Avenger


Powers: Unknown whether or not the Avenger controls the Everfree or it merely moves with him. Either way he can seemingly summon all the beasts of the Everfree to fight for him, as well as vines and a great deal of other fauna and flora. The battlefield quickly starts terraforming into a poisonous, treacherous mess that disorients foes and leaves them vulnerable for other attacks. Has little hoof to hoof training and instead gets by with a wild streak of naked aggression if threatened  in close combat, which is rare as whether he is in control or the Everfree is simply protecting him, the closer you get to him the more violent the Everfree around him.


Alias: None.


Backstory: Pleasant Hooves was a sweet little deer who lived on the outskirts of the Everfree on the wilder side of Equestria. His family was robbed and forced to flee deeper into the woods by a quartet of Equestrian low lifes, where he became separated. He would wander the dangerous forest for years, but found the wildness of the land delightful, and the lack of any pretense refreshing. When he found his parents, he discovered they had been captured and were being forced to work on their very own homestead by the group who had taken them. He tried to save them but was wounded, and fled once more into the woods. The ponies then mocked him by executing his parents. There he pleaded with the firest for help, promising to do anything in order to get his revenge. A few weeks later the homestead was suddenly and swiftly swallowed by vines, and four new writhing trees took deep root there and in a few days the Everfree fully expanded. Believes that the modern world has corrupted and turned evil the creatures of the world, and that in the Everfree one finds true freedom. Seeks to extend it globally, so as to destroy these sick societies and usher in a new age. It is unknown if his presence merely indicates where the violent forest is about to strike or if he has control. Either way, he is a constant threat to all cities on the edge.


Notable Allies: None.


Notable Enemies: Applejack, the Equestrian has stopped a hoof full of his plans, and remains the only pony he has attacked with the Flower Transmorgification toxin to not have succumbed to it.


General Notability: Very well known.


Supervillain Name: Sachadara, Mistress of Nightmares, the Scream Without a Mouth.

Powers: Sachadara has a variety of magical formulas which, if touched or ingested, allow her to expend very little effort to utterly rewrite a pony's perception of reality, including space and time and not ending at changing the very basic building blocks of their personality. Can rewire ad rewrite any creature to suit her needs, though she often uses such power for unending torment.  She can make you experience a thousand lifetimes of torture in a few seconds or make one second of terror extend throughout time. She breaks even the strongest of heroes and has turned many to her cause, as well as a small army of agents placed around the world and as her henchstalions.

Backstory: Most villains kill for money, ideals, or survival, but Sachadara does what she does because it is a great hobby. A deformed changeling born to the upper crust of Chrysalis' hive before her ascension, Sachadara was often treated poorly. Her high education and resources came about purely because of her station in life, which endeared her to few. By the time she was an adult she had no friends, no connections, and little to hold back her more scientific ambitions. She started working on ways to utterly dominate the mind and found her former tormentors useful test subjects. She was eventually discovered, but the active Queen thought her efforts might prove useful. Sachadara was put under royal control, but when infighting threatened the hive, she proved more interested in seeing her experiments en masse rather than helping...after the battle she left the hive a broken, shattered, horror filled mess, and went about traveling the world, selling her services to continue her experiments. She has basic changeling ability, but what makes her utterly terrifying is her lack of remorse and intelligence. Those that prove unbreakable are simply killed and used as symbols of what awaits all who do not bow to her will. Though her will is not to rule- just to play with her little toys forever.

Notable Allies: Many, though it can be argued not even they know who they are....The Red Jarl is her most public ally.


Notable Enemy: Applejack, The Equestrian, who managed to stop her from poisoning the Heartland reservoir and put an end to the Transfinite Emergence plot.


General Notability: Widely known and feared, which suits her just fine.


I think this would be interesting to join. I have a few superhero characters that I have been designing for a while. Might as well start with this one.


Superhero/Supervillain Name: Titanium
Powers: Titanium does not have much in the way of powers; Her magic is sub-par (though she is able to assemble/disassemble technology fairly easily and quickly), and while she does have above-average physical strength for a unicorn, she can still be outmatched by an Earth Pony. However, her real power is her intellect. This she has used to craft the Titanium Battle Suit Mark III.
The Battle Suit is very bulky, but is surprisingly fast for its weight. This is because the armor increases her strength to the point where she can run up to 60 MPH within the armor that weighs several tons. She can use gravity-based magic gems to make the suit lighter, to allow her to fight in buildings without wrecking them, however this also decreases her strength.
Her main method of attack is through twin concussion cannons. They look a bit like miniguns due to the many small barrels, and are capable of rapid fire. However, all the barrels can fire at once for a blast powerful enough to punch through metal.
Her hooves can cling onto walls, though she has to reduce her weight dramatically to do so. The power drain leaves her unable to use her cannons.
The lens themselves have a combination of tech and enchantments, giving her night vision, echolocation, and thermal imaging. The helmet masks her voice as to prevent ponies from identifying her.
The armor is designed to soak damage without failing. She could be on the bottom floor of a skyscraper and have the whole building collapse on top of her, and she would get out unscathed.
Alias: Wrench Works is the owner of a multimillion industry that produces most of the materials used by other companies. Her company offers more benefits and higher wages than other manufacturing businesses, leading to more ponies working for her, leading to her buying out those businesses. She has also bought out several seats in the government, halting any investigations towards her monopoly. 
The only pony who knows her true identity is her twin sister Spanner Works.
Backstory: Wrench Works had considered herself superior to her peers from an early young age. She used her intellect to get ahead of everypony else, and after taking several masters degrees in fields such as engineering and politics, she began working for her father's company, Whatever Works industries. She quickly got promoted to CEO, and renamed the company to Wrench Industries. Her tactics caused the company to grow immensely.
However, this was all just a part of her plan. Wrench Works is very dissatisfied with the world, viewing it as wasteful and inefficient. One notable aspect is a perceived lack of governmental security. She brought her sister into the company for research and development, and together created the first Titanium armor. She created it to be mass produced to create her own anti-super security force, but found that the suit was simply too bulky, complex, expensive, and underpowered to serve the desired function. She decided to refine the design twice until she got what she has now. She is currently working on a far cheaper version in order to create that security team, but until then she works on her own, testing it out through fighting crime... And those opposed to her interests.

Appearance: Her fur is the color of rust, her mane black and often unkempt. Her cutie mark is a gear with a monkey wrench superimposed over it diagonally. She also has a golden-harvest left eye, and her right eye is similar in design to a camera, complete with shutter for blinking. Old burn scars cover the right side of her face, though her regrown fur makes it less noticeable. Her right foreleg is entirely mechanical, and whirrs when she walks.
The Titanium armor is bulky. The design is rather boxy, with glowing red eyes. The cannons can retract into the armor. The metal is fairly dull and unpolished.

Notable Allies: 
Notable Personal Villains:
General Notability: 
A lot of heroes are unsure what to make of Titanium. She does fight crime, and has a policy not to kill (a promise to her sister), though she is sometimes involved in fights with super-villains that just so happen to wreck the factories and construction projects of Wrench Industries' competitors. Nothing has been proven, however.
Nopony gets along with her or her superhero persona, due to having a very cold mechanical viewpoint on the world, and other ponies.


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