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I'm a member of another MLP Role-Playing site, and I'd like to know if I should actually keep this account on here. Should I even bother with this site, or go back to my own, smaller site? Yes, it's smaller. But with that, it seems quite a bit more personable than the automated mechanism this site seems to be.

So, admins, mods, and members. Impress me. Give me some good reasons to stay here with you.

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How did you hear about Canterlot?

I'm MyLittlePonyTales, but I just go by Tales around here. I'm one of the many great staff here at Canterlot. Please feel free to message any of us with any questions or concerns you have, or you can just leave another comment here!

If you didn't already, please take a moment to check out the rules section, just so that you're up to speed! :RDash:

You'll need to make at least 3 posts anywhere in the Introductions section before you can post on other parts of the board.

A good place to meet Bronies is in the Chat.

Now, about Roleplaying. The World of Equestria RP is awesome. I Roleplay there myself, and have several characters. Speaking of characters, in order to Roleplay, you'll need to submit an Application. It's a pretty easy process, nothing really "automated" about it. The Helpstaff look at each Roleplay character individually, and help members to expand and develop their characters. The Application process isn't there to hinder anypony. It's there to prevent bronies from making characters that are too mary-sue. HOWEVER, the perfect place for your half Dragon/half Phoenix/half Alicorn is the Equestria Crossovers RP. There aren't really any limits on characters or Roleplay there, except to keep things PG-13.

Actually, I would say that a lot of stuff on this site isn't done "automated". Seriously, you can catch the staff in the Chat and hanging out all over the board. We're really into the community as well, not just here to run things and say goodbye.

Welcome to Canterlot! (I hope you decide to stay!) :)

Oh, and what other site did you come from? I visit a couple other forums myself other than Canterlot.

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...thank you, Tales.

But I already knew how to apply for a character, the rules, and all that. And this site doesn't have anything I can see that my current site doesn't have. In fact... they're almost identical...

So is there something you have that my current site doesn't have? What makes this place so special? And my reply to your next comment WILL be my third post, which will give me the ability to post my first character in your applications, should I decide to stay.

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Trust me, sticking around is probably a much better idea - there's a HUGE amount of RP going on, the community itself is evolving and growing ALL the time, and there's a fantastic array of Musical, Artistic and Talented writing Ponies all over the boards. It's ALL about the people taking part...not the site - and we DO have an awesome community vibe.

Actions tend to speak louder than words, so I suggest you actually take a look through ALL sections and ee for yourself...also, come talk to us all in the chat - a lot of stuff goes down there, and it's probably easier to get a sense of whats what from talking to the ponies who are actively participating both in any RP's or conversations in both #canterlotrp and #canterlotcentral...I guarantee you'll be greeted and given plenty to stay around for!

In all honesty, you'd be missing out on some fun times if you simply left - giving this place a fair shake is the best option.

Hopefully you'll make the right choice on that - we're all awaiting your participation either way! :3

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Unfortunately, I have no interest in musical poniness. As for Art... I have plenty on my home site.

And again, I'm from a rapidly growing RP site as well. As awesome as you make it sound, you've both proven one thing to me: You think that this site is the best. Neither of you has even ASKED what my home site is, and this tells me that you simply don't care about it. Ergo, you only want to keep me on THIS one.

Thank you both for being part of this test. I have learned what I came here to learn, and I will be returning to my original site... where I am currently a moderator.

- Hawk Johenson, host of Friendship is MADNESS.

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Unfortunately, I have no interest in musical poniness. As for Art... I have plenty on my home site.

And again, I'm from a rapidly growing RP site as well. As awesome as you make it sound, you've both proven one thing to me: You think that this site is the best. Neither of you has even ASKED what my home site is, and this tells me that you simply don't care about it. Ergo, you only want to keep me on THIS one.

Thank you both for being part of this test. I have learned what I came here to learn, and I will be returning to my original site... where I am currently a moderator.

- Hawk Johenson, host of Friendship is MADNESS.

I asked about what site you were from in my first post to you.

Oh, and what other site did you come from? I visit a couple other forums myself other than Canterlot.

Sorry you missed it.

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Well, Tales has covered alot of ground there. Hi! I'm Kuda, the resident.... I'm not sure. XD I help out with the RPs, along with keeping an eye out on the gallery and working on art for the boards.

One way we try and help everyone here have fun is we run events! Scheduled RP events with specific themes, usually with events that have happened in the show. We ran a very successful Grand Galloping Gala for our first event, and I know for a fact I had fun with it!

We also run contests. We recently finished our own 'Create your Dream Foal' contest, where members of the board were encouraged to design a foal from any two cast members.... we got ones from every pairing imaginable! We got many more entrants than we expected, and everything ran great!

We the helpstaff try and interact as much with the members as we can, and listen to each and every one of their issues, ideas, and problems. We never just dismiss somebody for an issue, we do our best to resolve and repair the issue following the brony rule! Love and tolerance!

I do hope you stay and experience for yourself what kind of fun we have here! It's one thing for us to tell you, it's another for you to go out and have fun yourself!

Is what I was going to say. Anyways. I doubt you will come back, but I need to say this. And I rarely speak out like this.


Tales DID ask what your home site was... in their very first post. It's at the bottom, if you cared to read it completely.

And another thing. If you wanted to know about the site.... why not actually look around and see for yourself how fun this place can be, not dismiss it without so much as a turn of the head. If you wanted to know even more, why not ask one of the staff members instead of trying to find out information in such a backhanded way?

Thank you for giving me a very negative view of your website, which I have never heard of by the way. Thank you.

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So you did, Tales... My apologies to you. I didn't read your post well enough.

However, I still have no interest in truly joining. And I have acted outside of my site, on my own accord. I doubt my admin would approve of me even making this account on here, and a fellow mod has already spoken out against me. This was not done as an act of trolling, however. I sincerely wanted some of you to impress me, and it seems... odd that the ordinary member did a much better job than the mods. Again, I apologize to you, Tales. I will not provide a link to my site, as I am not acting under their rules or knowledge.

And I did go through some of your RP forums... and I will admit that the size is very impressive, but this site is simply too large for my tastes. I will give you a compliment, though: You do have a nice set up, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little envious of it. But even so, I prefer to know the people I'm playing with, and this seems like far too big a site for me to do that. In all honesty, I acted and posted rashly. You have my sincere apologies, and you are welcome to delete my account if you wish. As I said before, albeit in a much more cruel fashion, I do not wish to join. Thank you for trying, though.

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So you did, Tales... My apologies to you. I didn't read your post well enough.

However, I still have no interest in truly joining. And I have acted outside of my site, on my own accord. I doubt my admin would approve of me even making this account on here, and a fellow mod has already spoken out against me. This was not done as an act of trolling, however. I sincerely wanted some of you to impress me, and it seems... odd that the ordinary member did a much better job than the mods. Again, I apologize to you, Tales. I will not provide a link to my site, as I am not acting under their rules or knowledge.

And I did go through some of your RP forums... and I will admit that the size is very impressive, but this site is simply too large for my tastes. I will give you a compliment, though: You do have a nice set up, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little envious of it. But even so, I prefer to know the people I'm playing with, and this seems like far too big a site for me to do that. In all honesty, I acted and posted rashly. You have my sincere apologies, and you are welcome to delete my account if you wish. As I said before, albeit in a much more cruel fashion, I do not wish to join. Thank you for trying, though.

Sorry to hear that you're leaving us!

If you ever decide to come back the door is always open~

Till next time my fellow brony. :artax:

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Cha0z didn't even give Canterlot a chance!

Oh well.

I came from a smaller MLP FiM RP site and to be perfectly honest, Canterlot is LIGHT YEARS ahead of that one!

Sure, there's rules here, but if you DON'T have rules, all you have is CHAOS!

I am LOVING my time here, even got a friend of mine to join too!

Your loss, Cha0z.

Canterlot.com is '20% Cooler' (actually, 200% Cooler) than anyother RP board I've ever been involved in!


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I didn't know some RP forum members are frowned upon by their admins solely for registering on another site; it feels like an unneccessary and cold precaution unfitting to any (small) community.

I find this concerning, myself. Regardless, I'm not a regular role player, and I won't be prejudiced.

He is, of course, free to RP wherever he enjoys it. :)

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My name on this site is Hawk Johenson. Again, I apologize... and please let me explain my situation.

My admin on that site used to have another mod, who went by the online alias "Mocha Delight." According to quite a few of the older members, and the admin herself, Mocha attempted to take over our site back in March. She failed, and left the site to make this one. When I learned of this event, I was seriously ticked off, and I unfairly attempted to take it out on all of you. Later, another member came to find me and explained that Mocha cracked and left the site to fall apart. After that, it was reborn under your current admins. Upon learning this, I instantly realized my full mistake, and I apologize in full for my actions.

My anger and disdain for this site was focused solely on Mocha, who is viewed as a traitor among most of our older members. I honestly have nothing against all of you, and upon being invited back to the site after my last post, as well as being tracked down and spoken with by a member here called RuqyoHighsong. He (she?) told me about what had happened to Mocha, and now... well, here I am.

I really have nothing against all of you. I won't role-play here, as I'm currently running a forum-wide event on FiMRPG (and dealing with a new job), but I'd like to at least promote my pony podcast here. Maybe, once my life has settled down a bit, I can try and play here with you guys.

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Who knows, a little cross pollination may occur - with this site and your own, perhaps fun and awesome things can happen...

I think we've ALL learnt a valuable lesson here today, oddly enough...letters to the princess all round! :(

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I usually try to greet everypony, but after all that initial stuff, I wasn't going to say anything here...

But now I think I will. So yeah, welcome to Canterlot! :( Please enjoy.

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My name on this site is Hawk Johenson. Again, I apologize... and please let me explain my situation.

My admin on that site used to have another mod, who went by the online alias "Mocha Delight." According to quite a few of the older members, and the admin herself, Mocha attempted to take over our site back in March. She failed, and left the site to make this one. When I learned of this event, I was seriously ticked off, and I unfairly attempted to take it out on all of you. Later, another member came to find me and explained that Mocha cracked and left the site to fall apart. After that, it was reborn under your current admins. Upon learning this, I instantly realized my full mistake, and I apologize in full for my actions.

My anger and disdain for this site was focused solely on Mocha, who is viewed as a traitor among most of our older members. I honestly have nothing against all of you, and upon being invited back to the site after my last post, as well as being tracked down and spoken with by a member here called RuqyoHighsong. He (she?) told me about what had happened to Mocha, and now... well, here I am.

I really have nothing against all of you. I won't role-play here, as I'm currently running a forum-wide event on FiMRPG (and dealing with a new job), but I'd like to at least promote my pony podcast here. Maybe, once my life has settled down a bit, I can try and play here with you guys.

I'm glad it looks like things got sorted out just fine, and that ponies made the extra effort to understand one another; it might sound a little bit corny, but I'm happy to see friendship working its magic here. After all; that is part of the whole hullaballoo that unites us in the first place. :o

Canterlot's got some interesting history, and its been a rocky path at times in the past; we have lost many good people in transition during those times. People I enjoyed seeing around the board; and its a shame to me personally because I miss them; but I am happy that they have communities they can enjoy in the way they want too. I am only disappointed in that they ever felt alienated enough to want to leave- but I can understand why some of them chose to go, and I try to learn from the site's past in order to better its future.

I've had the rare experience of moving up from being a user in a community to mod, then to being the admin of it; I never accepted my position in order to impress anyone- but rather because I believed quality could emerge where there was clear effort and drive to celebrate the positive aspects of our community. I had time, I had drive, I loved my community... I couldn't let them down when things got rough; so I adopted the role and I do my best. I certainly don't pretend to be the best at it though, lol! I'm downright pretty derpy when it comes down to it.

I plan and put effort into Canterlot as if I was designing the best site possible- but I know very well that doesn't mean it IS the best site, nor should it be the only site for ponies. Variety is the spice of life- I'm glad there are other pies for ponies to choose from, and I'm not such a snob that I can't have a slice of someone else's and enjoy it! But dangit, I *do* want my pie to be the best it can be, and I want other people to try it- and hopefully- enjoy it. I strive to be *my* best, to out-do myself. I do hope to have an impressive site someday; I do hope that it will be popular- but I am not vain about it. Those are not my reasons for building a site for this community; I do it because I love it and the community. I do it to better myself, and hopefully, that will benefit everypony. :blush:

I very much would like to encourage positive communication between both of our sites; I am not part of the brony community to make enemies in some e-peen contest about who'se site is bigger or better; I am here to make friends, and I would be very happy to have that opportunity with you, and extend my goodwill to your site and staff as well. I am certain there is a lot we can learn from one another, and even possibly collaborate on in the future. :(

I've said it before, everypony is welcome on my site, as long as they aren't hurting somepony else (or somehow really really being a problem on purpose). Please feel welcome here at Canterlot, i'm not going to shoo you off just because your staff on a different forum! :AJ::Flutter::RDash::Pinkie::Rarity::TSparkle:

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Not sure if I could add anything past what Mane has said so elegantly. Just that you are welcomed here and being a mod or ad admin for another pony site doesn't preclude you from membership here in any way. Heck if anything we would like to be friends or at least on good terms with the other pony boards. As for you saying you wouldn't do any RP here, that is 100% perfectly fine. We have several regular members who post frequently who do not involve themselves in the RP section at all. Showing off your podcasts as well should be fine.

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Personally I find the attempt to baits people into asking where he came from, then use that opportunity to advertises another site seem a little uncool, but at the same time, Manesteam and Brianblackberry handled it diplomatically and should be praised.

I run another roleplay related site too, but I'm not planning on advertising it like this here. I just like to say that thanks you for doing a wonderful job for running a site where ponies can share joy and get to know each other. Don't let any other people any other site make you think you are not doing what you are supposed to

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Of course, one thing to remember is that the internet has thousands of forums all over the place and there's nothing wrong with being members of more than one at a time (Heck, I'm a member of several, many of which I frequent far less frequently than Canterlot and most of those others are geared towards information I use often). Mane and Brian have already said all I might possibly say, so I'll just add that it's good that you've changed your views on Canterlot. We've tried to be different and really encourage what we started with Equestria. Even if things didn't work out, we really saw the potential and decided to run with it. And here we are today!

Nothing says you have to RP, and there's plenty of other content to go around (Especially once season two hits!). Also, no hard feelings. I know there's a LOT of other pony boards out there, it's guaranteed that there are others who were first, there is us, and there will be others that come following, but the best we can do is be what we are and encourage folks to come and stay and make this their home. We don't claim to be 'the best' by any stretch, because what 'the best' is will always be totally up to whomever is viewing the board, but we do take pride in what we've accomplished especially considering our rocky start. We really do foster the sense of community, and encourage users to join and bring others with them and the content that they feel contributes as well. So it's not just a race to be the 'best board' so much as to be the board we really would like people to come and enjoy. So far, I'd have to take pride in saying we've done pretty well. :P

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