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How did MLP: FIM influence you?


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Becoming a brony has actually helped me more than (and I hate to say it) going to youth on Wednesdays.

In youth groups, if you don't fit in, then nobody talks to you. (except for the hyperactive fakers and maybe the pastor if he even notices you)

Through the show I actually became happy with myself and learned that no matter how weird you are, a friend will stick with you through thick and thin.

I'm a little curious to hear other's stories. :)

btw not stereotyping against church goers, but from my experience a lot of "Christians" don't know how to treat other people, especially new people.

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MLP forced me to examine what it means to be a man. That journey has taught me a lot and given me greater confidence.

But that was just because I enjoyed it.

What I actually learned from the show?

From sisterhooves social, I realized that I was unwilling to take part in activities that I did not think I would enjoy, even if my friends would be participating. Later, when I was invited to a movie that I thought I would hate, I decided to give it a whirl because the others were excited about it. I still hate horror, and there were absolutely parts that made me squirm (I'd have walked out had I been alone), but the experience was enjoyable because it was with people that I loved.

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Hm, I'd say MLP has led me to have an increased knowledge of mythology and skill in writing, due to my interest in it being high enough to want to write a fic.

All of the lessons in morality and such, well, I already knew! I didn't learn anythin'!


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The knowledge that I have, yet don't regularly act upon could fill a book.

True, there are not unique lessons to be learned, but I certainly enjoyed the refresher course. I am Rainbow Dash competitive (What are you two doing? Are you having a race? Oh, can I play? 1 2 3 GO!), and episodes like Fallweather Friends are good reminders to hold it in check.

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Honestly, this show has influenced my outlook most of all. I'm usually flatlining in terms of emotion, not happy but not exactly sad. This show pretty much taught me to look at life in a bit of a brighter light and to see the joy that life brings, and that even the most mundane things can be an adventure. Something that I had forgotten from the days of yore.

Really the lessons of friendship are nice, but not why I watch the show, though I have to say I'm happy that there is a show that really stresses some of these things. I miss the 90s and 80s where morals in shows was practically a given. Now shows don't teach kids much of anything past a certain age and only seek to entertain. For a show to be able to do both is a sigh of relief imo.

Basically this show has, put simply, made me happier in the simplest of ways. And the show it self makes me feel happy without straight up comedy or crazy destruction (well the comedy does make me laugh, but the happiness I feel after an episode isn't a comedy derived happiness if that makes any sense)

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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic helped me in a couple of ways.

1. It resparked my desire to start writing fanfics again.

2. It encouraged me to draw even more than I did before.

3. It made me realize that it's not about what other people like, it's what I like.

4. It showed me what a well made cartoon with great characters, plot, music, animation, and a message can do.

5. It made me realize to like something because I like it, not just for the hype.

6. It opened me up to a world of fun roleplaying and meeting some cool ponies! (That'll be all you! :smirk: )

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MLP has done a lot for me actually.

It's caused me to look at friendship in a new way, and it has also caused me to cherish my friends more. It's made me realize how important they all are to me and how much I take their company for granted.

Not only has it influenced my social life, but my hobbies as well. It has gotten me into drawing and it even revived my urge to be a writer. I've wrote several fanfics and I've been practicing drawing every day or so for a week now. It's gotten me into music which in turn got me in to dancing which in turn got me into working out, a long chain reaction I know but nonetheless it stemmed from MLP. I've even admittedly been eating apples more, haha!

In summary, it's helped me a lot as far as I can tell. Honestly, I couldn't be happier with my life.

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FiM was a veritable boon last semester. I was working two jobs, going to school, and stressed and depressed as all heck. On top of that, my roommates were fighting (still kind of are), and my aunt and uncle moved into my parents' house and were causing a fair amount of tension because they said they were going to pay rent, but have yet to. So I really had very little sanctuary -- not at school, not at work, not at home, not at my parents' home. I could watch TV to escape, but nothing really made me feel all that much better. (As much as I love Doctor Who and Bones, they're not exactly... soothing.)

But then I found ponies, and all of a sudden I had something to watch that instantly put a smile on my face. It gave me something to think about and look forward to. It's given me community (yay bronies! <3 ), a rekindled urge to write and draw, and just all around warm-fuzzies.

It has also made me re-examine the way I treat my friends. If I don't think about it, I tend to fall into a pattern of not being the first one to call, or text, or invite people to things. It's very easy for me to get lazy about my friendships and just be utterly passive about them, and I didn't even realize until this show got me thinking about what friendship should be. Since then, I've been trying to be better about calling to catch up, to randomly do nice things for my friends, and just generally try to hold up my end of the deal, y'know? I think it's had a very real, positive impact on my personal relationships.

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Well MLP has taught me to go into all aspects of life with an open mind and not to judge without reason and also what it truly matters in this world; that being not material things but that of emotions and the feeling of satisfaction when you know you have truly helped someone. I'm happy to say that I've been able to decide my career through MLP to become either a Doctor or a Vet in an effort to help other people from all walks of life.

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Hmmm.... The show itself has affected me some, because it has allowed me to connect with my younger sister, which there is a big age difference me older by 10 years, the show allows her to be able to connect with on common ground. It has allowed me to think of something other than the hell I just left behind.

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I actually got a lot of my influences from the fandom. The artwork I saw drove me to be more devoted towards my hobby of drawing. I've always wanted to get into digital art for the last two years, but then seeing the artwork and how cool the artists are got me into drawing everyday for the past month and a half. I even got myself a graphics tablet a week ago to get started in going digital.

The fan music got me into dubstep and other electronic genres of music, as sad as that sounds, and I've always despised dubstep before because my friends kept force feeding me it. I used to purely listen to metal.

Finally, I learned to be more open about what I enjoy instead of just hiding away my interests. I don't declare that I'm a brony but if someone mentions MLP I'll be on it.

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I was really down in the dumps around this time last year. The show really cheered me up. I started to smile more. I didn't feel as grumpy. I also met a lot of nice bronies around the web. It also helped me to become an all around more tolerant person.(A lot of the things that used to annoy my about people no longer do)

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Well the show showed me the innocence in life and it made feel warm and fuzzy inside now I quote all the time and it gave me and my seven year old sister to talk about.Then i read fanfics and the show lost a smidgine of its innocence but didnt change it much.Thats kinda threw me back into the closet a bit but fanfics arent that big of a deal.

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I can't quite put a hoof on what it inspired within, but it inspired something. it also brought about this fandom, to which I attribute my renewed interest in creating (namely pixels). It also put in me a tremendous amount of faith for the future generation of young men and women. This show is not done spreading in influence, and I suspect it will continue a trend of bridging the ridiculous and useless gender divide.

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Okay you guys, get ready for some serious testimony here. TL;DR at the bottom


I've always had a knack for speaking and presenting myself. It's what I'm good at. As a performer in theater, orchestra, choir, and various solo works, I've come to find ways to place myself in various circumstances and have it work out for me. I had figured this out very early in my life, driving me to manipulate those around me to get what I want. Many males wanted to pick fights and show off, but I was clever, I could talk someone else into fighting for me, and still receive credit. Oh, I climbed that ladder, and I fell all the way down.

High School was a lot more unforgiving. People were more cynical, and most everyone had trust issues (since it was a school for the gifted, having no more than 200 students). But because it was a talent-based school, I got to finesse what 'art' I had started. Faking emotions, reading faces like books, it was underhanded power at its finest. I BS'd my way through relationships and life in general. Sure I got hurt in the process, but it didn't much matter.

Then I got to college, where I could blend into thousands of people. My craft didn't work. The more people I hurt, the harder I would get hurt later, and I got to hate it. I stopped smoking (a habit I picked up at my first job, but later put down), and I started to find a way to redeem what I had left. On the night in which I considered to be my last, someone dared me to watch the first episode of season 1.

Suffice it to say, I now use the Elements of Harmony as a code to live by. The nostalgia of having a lesson at the end of each show (You 90's kids remember Sonic X, don't lie), and the joy that all the resolution brought seriously turned my life around. Now I'm a professional musician with a legitimate career.

Each time I'm feeling down, I always look to MLP to brighten my spirits. I use the same Elements of Harmony guideline to help other people, and it has yet to fail.

Ponydom saved my life, and the community helped.



a lot

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