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You meet your doppelganger


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I would do... Things... ;-)

Hah, just kidding. I'd tell him to get a job and cut his hair. Freakin' hippy.

As for a Rule 63 Doppelganger?

Sorry ladies, but [redacted].

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Eeeh, I'd be delighted to find another me. It means we'd have the same goals and all, which means, for all purposes of practicality, that we could both rent a house and keep the cost low ! Plus, since I'm lazy but sorta good at motivating others, we might end up being both more productive. I know it's the thing I'd do, push the other me to actually do things.

Evil me would probably end up with one of us being dead, probably me, because I don't tend to start fights.

And a r63 of me ... I'd be jealous ! And then we would spend all our money on shopping or whatever. Dating would be weird though. Probably.

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When I read first post the one answer flashed my mind.

Exploit that fact!

He/She's you right? So basicly you can be at two places at once. You can do numerous things with that for profit.


She/He's you. As much as it can be exploited it's also boring. Conversation? Nothing new to say, you doppelanger (or maybe YOU are the doppelanger?) knows and thinks the same. I suppose I would not like the encounter. It would expose every single of my flaws and worse - I would knew it's the fact, not some imagination.

One last thing....she/he's you....so she/he would competate for everything. You'r dog, your mom, your room, bed, clothes, boy/girl...sharing kinda sucks.

Working with you doppel? Cool and efficient. Anything else? Not funny.

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Meeting myself would be both cool and awkward, and would also give me a headache.

First we'd be like OMGWTF about the existence of the other, but once we accepted it we would have to try and figure out how it happened. Then we'd start arguing about what we'd be called and would eventually settle for one of us having our first name and the other having our nickname that everyone calls us. Finally we'd start wondering about the future, since now that we both exist and are having different experiences we're no longer the same person.

I actually think conversation would be fun, since I don't always agree with myself. One of me could take one side while the other takes the other side and we could figure out what to do.

Then we'd play magic and TF2 together for HOURS.

As for the rule 63 thing, who needs rule 63? I could make an encounter like that incredibly awkward all by myself, thank you very much!

Seriously though, any encounter between me and a doppleganger would be really awkward and I have to admit that I have no clue what would happen.

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Rule 63 me? Considering how starved I've been for relationships lately, [redacted to preserve Silver's dignity]. Now that aside, I have no idea what the hell I'd do with her except game and have intelligent discussion...

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According to legend, if you meet you're doppelganger, you are destined for death. I believe in them, and if I didn't die from my own, I would compliment him on how devilishly handsome he is and have him replace my current brother!

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According to legend, if you meet you're doppelganger, you are destined for death.

Well, if a doppelganger is an exact copy of you, that would make you a doppelganger of a doppelganger, no? If so, would that make him destined for death, or you, or both?

Anywho, If I met a good one, I'd probably just play chess or tennis or some such with myself. Maybe after I'd find something I'd like to improve on (and by extension him as well) and just practice on it. If he were an exact clone, he'd be just as bad, but he'd improve at the same rate! Perfect way for both parties to win. Oh, maybe we'd also screw around with people.

If I meant an evil clone, I'd still want to play chess, but he'd only want to play backgammon. Then, we'd compromise and play some sort of chegammon, only to have him cheat. But I'd anticipate that and cheat myself, so it would be a draw. But him, being the evil me, might see that one coming, so he'd threaten to blow up a small city with his MacGuffin machine only for it to turn out I'd have a Deus Ex Machina hidden up my sleeve that neither of us knew about, because it would be just so random neither of us could have anticipated it beforehand. Oh, and all of this would be televised and take place over a period of 30-60 minutes for viewing convenience.

As for rule 63 me, I'd probably just do the same thing as column A (exact clone), but as a couple. And less chess, to be replaced by more generally awesome stuff. This would be because we could actually go out in public, because as a gender swapped clone she'd look similar but plausibly non exact.

That covers the main three clones, I believe.

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I think everybody's thought of getting frisky with their doppleganger.

Or maybe that's just me...

Nope, I have a few times, but you absolutely deserve the glory on this one. Your profile picture matches the topic of "ruffling" your doppelganger's feathers perfectly.... mwahahahahaahah!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, I would totally get freaky with my doppelganger >;D then hmm I'd ask if they're right handed and if so- awesome we're mirror twins! I would ask them about their background too....I mean okay, so do their parents look just like mine? So, does that mean that my parents' doppelgangers' are the parents of my doppelganger? Makes sense to me XD. If not then, genetics are lots of fun aren't they now? <3 Sooo I would find my parents' doppelgangers' and introduce them to my real parents.^^

As to the evil thing~....hmm anyone ever thought that you're the evil doppelganger? :mad:

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If my doppleganger were female, I'd ask her out on the spot. If not, I suppose we'd end up becoming the best of friends/drinking buddies.

As to the evil thing~....hmm anyone ever thought that you're the evil doppelganger? :mad:


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