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Planned Inactivity or Leaving?


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Meh, I think it's high time I vanished from this place. My rp ideas get overlooked and it seems this place has gotten all the more exclusive with role play opportunities in WoE. It doesn't help that many I've known well either don't show up here any longer or have been sent to the moon... I doubt anyone will really miss me anyway but if you ever want to keep in touch with me I will have my skype open most of the time. hg.zeon if you are interested. For many of you, it is a simple farewell but to those who know me best, "Fuzzy Pickles!". I may return or I may not, it all depends upon if it ever feels welcoming to me again... *disappears as the Needle is pulled*


Sorry for the scare, after some heavy debate in the skype chat, I have decided to give this place another chance. I'll put myself out there more but in any event, I'm still a little shaky about staying here. I still have a fear of being hit with the ban banana though....

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Meh, I think it's high time I vanished from this place. My rp ideas get overlooked and it seems this place has gotten all the more exclusive with role play opportunities in WoE. It doesn't help that many I've known well either don't show up here any longer or have been sent to the moon... I doubt anyone will really miss me anyway but if you ever want to keep in touch with me I will have my skype open most of the time. hg.zeon if you are interested. For many of you, it is a simple farewell but to those who know me best, "Fuzzy Pickles!". I may return or I may not, it all depends upon if it ever feels welcoming to me again... *disappears as the Needle is pulled*


Sorry for the scare, after some heavy debate in the skype chat, I have decided to give this place another chance. I'll put myself out there more but in any event, I'm still a little shaky about staying here. I still have a fear of being hit with the ban banana though....

Well I know you are in one of mine and I welcome and posts in it, there is at least one other you could be in. I try my best to Rp with you at least. I do worry about people being a bit too exclusive at times though, need more open RPs.

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To all those chatroom users who know me, and anyone else, I'll be gone for a few days. Starting late on the 17th and lasting until the 21st or even until May 8th, I will be on at extremely unpredictable times, if at all. Just letting you all know, so don't be surprised when you don't see me, okay? :)

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Well, I've been coming here less and less in the past couple of months, and while I've had a great time here, there doesn't seem to be much point in me sticking around any more.

I'll always be grateful to the Canterlot community for making me feel at home and putting up with my weirdness. Without this site, I'd probably have drifted out of the brony community soon after the forces of cultural osmosis drew me in. However, the people here all kept me invested in the fandom, to the point where I'm now completely ensnared, and actually producing my own fan content. I've been more productive in the past few months than I've ever been before, and it's an amazing feeling.

I'm leaving for various reasons; chiefly that I never really got into the forum RP as much as I was intending to (not that there's anything wrong with RP on this site, all the threads I've looked at look amazingly fun, it's just I haven't had the time), and that I'm too lazy to upload the same piece of art to several websites.

For those of you who want to keep track of what I produce, I'm pretty active on my tumblr. If you want to keep in touch personally, feel free to add me on Skype (username: brainedbysaucepans).

Stay amazing and be well!

- Saucy

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Well, I've been coming here less and less in the past couple of months, and while I've had a great time here, there doesn't seem to be much point in me sticking around any more.

I'll always be grateful to the Canterlot community for making me feel at home and putting up with my weirdness. Without this site, I'd probably have drifted out of the brony community soon after the forces of cultural osmosis drew me in. However, the people here all kept me invested in the fandom, to the point where I'm now completely ensnared, and actually producing my own fan content. I've been more productive in the past few months than I've ever been before, and it's an amazing feeling.

I'm leaving for various reasons; chiefly that I never really got into the forum RP as much as I was intending to (not that there's anything wrong with RP on this site, all the threads I've looked at look amazingly fun, it's just I haven't had the time), and that I'm too lazy to upload the same piece of art to several websites.

For those of you who want to keep track of what I produce, I'm pretty active on my tumblr. If you want to keep in touch personally, feel free to add me on Skype (username: brainedbysaucepans).

Stay amazing and be well!

- Saucy

Feel free to drop by anytime. You're always welcome here! :)

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Well, I've been coming here less and less in the past couple of months, and while I've had a great time here, there doesn't seem to be much point in me sticking around any more.

Sorry to see this...All the posts I've seen from you have always been well written,full of character and a lot of fun to read..Wish I was in more RPS with you...Once I get my proper PC back, I will make sure to follow you on Tumblr.

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For the next two weeks my activity will be sporadic to nonexistent.

The nonexistent times will be next weekend.

All of this is due to moving. I'll try to be on as much as I can.

Update: might be a bit longer than originally thought

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again everyone, I'm here to regretfully inform you all that because of work and real life issues my time on Canterlot will be next to nothing. I'm at a very busy state in my life and as much as I love Canterlot I'm on the go more and more often and am finding it harder to do forum based role plays such as these.

I'm still very interested in Roleplaying but sadly the only medium that is readily available to me is Skype and even then that is only on Mondays after 3pm central time.

If anyone would like to contact me my Skype information can be found in my profile.

Happy role playing everypony, I’ll miss you all!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am back! My beloved child sleeps for a few hours at a stretch for his naps...and I do believe my writer's block is gone!

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  • 2 weeks later...

After what has been a pretty lax semester so far, all of my assignments are hitting me at once both this week and next. I'll probably still be around chatty sections of the board, but I'll be slower with RP posts while I try to tunnel my way through this mountain of schoolwork.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be attending a convention for work the latter part of this week.

So, I'll be away from the internet (and thus, Canterlot.com) starting this coming Thursday (6-6-13) through Sunday (6-9-13).

Have no net access where I'll be staying, so I be out of contact here until I return home.

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Life sure moves fast when you are trying to complete restructure your life.

Hello friends. Long time no see. I know it's been awhile with no communication from me and for that I'm pretty sorry.

See, in January, my life began to fall apart because I finally confronted my husband about his latest emotional affair with a co-worker. Around mid-February it turned into a full blown affair and I eventually filed for divorce. It just wasn't fixable at that point, despite years of me trying, encouraging counselling and trying to emotionally reconnect to him. He just responded by being a passive-aggressive manbaby. All of my other mysterious unexplained absences from this board were directly caused by depression associated with my marriage and my husband's tendency to get emotionally involved with other women. As a matter of fact, part of the very reason I JOINED this forum was so that I could have something to do while I was at home because he would passive-aggressively intentionally hit on women because I was not at his disposal. Partially the immersal in a less-painful fantasy world helped tremendously. But eventually I got to the point where things just kept falling apart and the fantasy was just not fulfilling anymore and was worsening my depression. On top of this all of my projects were due in the Feb-May time slot, and when you are going through something as traumatic as a divorce, no matter how amicable and mutually agreeable, focus just doesn't happen. You get stuck in a rut of being bummed out and every day just blending to the next.

I live in Massachusetts, and work in Boston. I moved to the area 10 years ago for the man I just divorced. My divorce was finalized 2 weeks ago, the trial was the day that Boston was on lockdown from the manhunt for the Marathon Bombing suspects. He only just moved out May 1 after originally trying to leave April 1, and unfortunately moved 2 blocks away from me (literally, I can see his back door from my yard. Who does that?)

I've begun the long and tedious process of picking up the pieces of my life, reconnecting with people he really frowned upon me communicating with, and trying to get projects that my ex has constantly emotionally sabotaged me on completed. All in all, though, my life is very full but I am exponentially happier and fuller. I am starting a business, a small press dedicated to producing childrens' books, and an etsy store to sell off the years of vintage items I collected when I assumed we were going to buy a house together. I do not have any regrets, and all my friends have told me that I am my old self again now that this is over. A little older and wiser perhaps, but still me, after so many years of being "Carl's Wife".

I kept the apartment we shared and most of the stuff, but have to cull a lot of the things I had collected in my unhappiness. Unfortunately, Canterlot.com is one of them. I just don't have the time or energy to commit to it anymore at all. :( I will miss you all, and am glad that Canterlot was a part of my life for awhile, and will be eternally grateful to Mane and Artax and the rest of the staff for their support and understanding, and to the rest of the friends I made while I was here (but especially Jen and Dio, who had front row seats to my entire collapse and were tremendously helpful through it all even today, I love you both!). It was good while it lasted and I wish everyone the best of luck! Goodbye Canterlot, I'll never forget you. <3 <3 <3 If this can serve any lesson to anyone, just be kind and honest to each other, always.

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Hai. I know I barely knew you, but you have no idea how hard your words hit me; it's something I can personally relate to. I'm sorry we didn't get to know each better and wish for you to come back, but I know that might not be a possibility.

I'll pray for you tonight. Hopefully you'll find a future you can happily live in.


Kodokuna Haisha

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We miss you very much, Scotchie. Remember that even though the site may have a focus of an unhappy period in your life, the people here do care about you.

I hope you'll stop by to visit us; if not here, in Skype. :smirk:

I will, I promise, now that things have settled down a bit!


Hai. I know I barely knew you, but you have no idea how hard your words hit me; it's something I can personally relate to. I'm sorry we didn't get to know each better and wish for you to come back, but I know that might not be a possibility.

I'll pray for you tonight. Hopefully you'll find a future you can happily live in.


Kodokuna Haisha

Thank you :) I hope things get better for you as well!!!

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I wish you all the best, Scotchie. Please don't be a stranger and stop by once in a while whenever you feel ready. As a small side note; I was a little kid caught in the middle of a divorce myself. I have a small understanding of what you have been through and can commiserate.

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I am very sorry to see you go Scotchie, but I understand. I am however glad that you have made it through that dark time and found the sun again, I'll just miss joking about Eighties nostalgia and bad movies with you. ;)

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Just as a heads up to folks: I'm currently in the process of recovering from overtime at work (as well as simply being back in the plant, which is a bit of an adjustment process) while transitioning into shift rotations. I know I have been scant these past few days (and I'm sorry! :C), and while I get a day off in order to rest and prepare my body for shift work at the plant I can't promise that my roleplay presence will be particularly strong. I'll post when I can, but I'll probably be exhausted and overworked until some point next week - this will likely end up in me picking what threads to post in based on whether or not I'm holding others back. I'll post this notice in my character log as well. Please bear with me - my summer job is very physically demanding in a pretty unpleasant place and being thrown into shift rotations after a full week of work can leave this Flower somewhat braindead! I'll try to get as much done as I can tomorrow while I'm rested, but I also have a few errands to run. ;-; Sorry for the inconvenience everyone! I'll try to avoid really holding things up - luckily I'll be on days so it may not be too too bad.

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