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Best Song?


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There are so many.... Smile, Smile, Smile is one of my favorites, it always makes me happy, then there's Find a Pet which was also awesome, but I absolutely LOVED This Day Aria in the season finale. yeah, This Day Aria is probably my fav. I have to say though, back in season 1 Winter Wrap-Up was my favorite

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some forum posts say a lot and expand on things. they don't have much influence in the world. some governments do little and say a lot. they can hold massive amounts of influence on the world. this thread says little and only expresses previously established, arguably obvious ideas. this page may end up resulting in world domination. the only way to make sure that that domination remains a good thing or, if that is impossible, nonexistent, we must all come to the realization that Becoming Popular is the best song.

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Becoming Popular is the best song.

It was. Until I heard so many remixes, I just got sick of the same tune, over and over again. I have about 10+ of those said remixes on my playlist.

But back to topic, either This Day Aria or Love is in Bloom (extended of course). And Smile, Smile, Smile

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This Day Aria. :)

Rarity's Dressmaking Song is a close second, because Rarity. ;)

Then, Find A Pet, Becoming Popular and rounding out the top five probably Winter Wrap Up. :smirk:

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Both Art of the Dress and Becoming Popular are high on my list because Rarity is my favorite pony.

Find a pet, smile smile smile, and winter wrap up are favs of mine as well.

This Day Aria is going to make me sick, its so catchy that i cant get it out of my head....anytime there is a significant stretch of silence my mind goes straight back too.

"....This day is going to be perfect...."

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while listening to the wondertastic 46 minute video above, my mom came into my room and asked me to turn down the volume because her marriage group was meeting and it was too loud. i asked if because it was a marriage group, i could play love is in bloom very loudly. she said no.

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I have all the MLP songs on my MP3 player, I play Smile Smile Smile pretty much every morning as I get ready for my day. It's like the perfect anti-depressant!

Best. Song. Ever.

This day Aria is pretty freaking sweet too, not as good but it's awesome.

I use winter wrapup when I clean.

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some forum posts say a lot and expand on things. they don't have much influence in the world. some governments do little and say a lot. they can hold massive amounts of influence on the world. this thread says little and only expresses previously established, arguably obvious ideas. this page may end up resulting in world domination. the only way to make sure that that domination remains a good thing or, if that is impossible, nonexistent, we must all come to the realization that Becoming Popular is the best song.

While I may not agree with which song you said was best, I must say I love the way you said it!!!

"Art of the Dress" ate my brain for a long while. "Winter Wrap Up" was a close second.

Now "Love is in Bloom" wins by a hair.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What are your guys' favorite song from My Little Pony?

Mine is This Day Aria. I just enjoy the vocals of it really.

I find them rather beautiful~

What about you guys?

Same as you.

But I also really like the Flim-Flam Brothers Song, Smile Song, Giggle at the Ghostly, Find a Pet, Winter Wrap Up, and Becoming Popular (The Pony Everypony Should Know).

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  1. At the top it has to be This day Aria, it is the only song I can listen to over and over again and not get sick of<3
  2. Art/Stress of the Dress! It's so catchy and I love all the little sounds added to it , it is one of my favorites
  3. Winter Wrap up! It's so catchy that I got it stuck in the head of a friend of mine who's a non brony XD
  4. Opportunity! Gawd that song makes me want to dance!
  5. At the Gala! I love all the various goals in the song and Rainbow Dash's part is my favorite.
  6. Smile Smile Smile because whenever I'm sad I listen to it and it cheers me right up

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I actually initially DID NOT think highly of the music in FiM. It wasn't until "Find a Pet" when I buckled down, listened to every song, and realized how truly incredible Daniel Ingram is!

My top favorite song would have to be "Opportunity", because it's extremely classy for a cartoon, it's wonderfully-performed and written...and it has a charm that is unmatched by any single cartoon song I've heard in a while!

"This Day Aria" takes my second place here. I originally placed it as my number one, but after the finale...the whole effect of it kinda wore off. Now listening to it, it's an incredible song, but with the nerves that accompanied it in the finale...it feels a little less full of emotion. I don't know...

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