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My Crazy Obsession Seeking MLP Collector - WARNING


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Yay! You forgot the gag again!

I am internet savvy now, but I wasn't when I heard about furries. I'd bought a computer for the first time just 4 months prior. This would have been 2003. I was still trying to figure out what was going on, and was busy making lots of newbie mistakes. The first impression I got from it was horrifying, but it didn't shut my brain down in the process.

I pay a lot of attention to the news, but I've heard about one thing about furries and it was pretty open-minded. CLICKY

That's not to say that bad news doesn't exist, but I'm not seeing it.

Back on brony collector topic:

I have reliable sources that have told me that if they can't find a brony, they WILL hire an actor to strange. They really, really want to do an episode about this. 0.o

Why is this different from finding someone addicted to playing chess, and collecting chess sets? No one will think all chess enthusiasts are like that.

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With regards to the subject of furries being brought up, there was a panel they held at UBcon talking about the psychological component of the fandom, which was rather interesting to hear... (back over to the TLC thing) however as soon as I heard the psychology part in the clip... all I could smell was "drama" and "ratings".

Back on topic though: Not a collector, so they won't get me... and even if I do become a collector of ponies (or anything), no way am I going to go on tv... do not want my 15 minutes of "fame". *shudder*

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When people are introduced to an unknown topic, they tend to think the worst of it. You are forgetting human psychology. Think of that furry episode. Was that portraying the fandom very well? What do you think viewers thought of it? You forget that this episode might be the introduction to the fandom for many people. They seem to like to make people look bad. That's the point of the show, to expose "CRAZY OBSESSIONS."

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When people are introduced to an unknown topic, they tend to think the worst of it. You are forgetting human psychology. Think of that furry episode. Was that portraying the fandom very well? What do you think viewers thought of it? You forget that this episode might be the introduction to the fandom for many people. They seem to like to make people look bad. That's the point of the show, to expose "CRAZY OBSESSIONS."

Looking at the list of addictions in the "my strange addictions" show makes it clear that many of these things are not bad in moderation. Nothing is wrong with having a blow drier, or biking, or working out or owning a cat or having a rock collection. Do you really think people can't see that it is focusing on the extreme cases?

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Looking at the list of addictions in the "my strange addictions" show makes it clear that many of these things are not bad in moderation. Nothing is wrong with having a blow drier, or biking, or working out or owning a cat or having a rock collection. Do you really think people can't see that it is focusing on the extreme cases?

Where does the furry fandom fall between eating glass and couch cushions versus collecting rocks? While there are some normal things taken to the extreme (collecting rocks, hoarding), there are also a lot of weird and unnatural things (eating glass, romantic relationship with a car). I believe that to the outside observer, furries would fall more into the second category of the weird and unnatural rather than just an overactive hobby.

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I don't have a high opinion for the thoughts of people that rely on television as their only source of information about a topic.

At the end of the day, does it really matter what people think of the FiM community because of a show on TLC? The stigma is already out there, this program is just (in a rather uncreative way) grinding its heel into it.

I'm not denying the importance or the implications this can have on FiM supporters, but rather making a point that the value of the information -- as well as the target audience it is hitting -- should be put on the table as a matter of perspective.

TL;DR - The people watching this garbage may probably already be judgmental about more than just pony people, and aren't worth worrying about. Also cake.

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People tend to be quite stupid, Weesh.


Because Chess is normal, not different and outside of the status quo.

I question that - where I live I am one of only 4 people in the whole town who knows how to play chess...

Where does the furry fandom fall between eating glass and couch cushions versus collecting rocks? While there are some normal things taken to the extreme (collecting rocks, hoarding), there are also a lot of weird and unnatural things (eating glass, romantic relationship with a car). I believe that to the outside observer, furries would fall more into the second category of the weird and unnatural rather than just an overactive hobby.

Actually people are getting sick of the "Furries are ****ing WIERDOS!" I'm starting to see more and more people DEFENDING furry saying "hey if they like to do it, that's fine and some of that Art/Fursuits/etc are cool!" Furries are certainly not mainstream by any measure but we've moved up a few pegs since CSI: and MTV turned over our rock and exposed us to the world...

I'm finding myself (...) wanting to believe that humans are better judges than that (...)

... ... ... *cant hold it any longer and bursts out laughing*

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I'm finding myself torn between wanting to believe that humans are better judges than that

Some are, some aren't. Although why do you think they make these shows? Because people are fascinated by freaks and weirdos. With things like Hoarders, people are like... oh yeah, they have psychological problems and need help, but they're pretty normal. But they like the shock value at seeing these people living in terrible conditions and slowly burying themselves alive. They don't make these shows to shed positive light on weird people and portray them as normal. They make them for shock value and more or less to have some kind of freak show, even one that's subtle.

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It would be eighty-five percent harmless. Would it be a good thing? Nope. I know people who watch this show and they tend to think those who episodes focus on, as well as what they represent, are complete freaks. If its something normal taken to the extreme, they laugh at it. If it seems odd, then it colors their perception of the topic. However, personal experience with bronies will silence such problems- not a single brony will have a serious issue because of this.

Should anyone fall into this trap? No. But the community is making a mountain out of a pebble here.

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No matter what you say, even if you're positive. it will get tweaked to make us look bad to some extent. It happened with the furry fandom. I think it's a similar show... the one that showed fursuits... the suits were purposefully **** to make her look bad. They forced her to make a new one in a week, and not use her better suit... and it just generally looks weird from the way they did the editing...

so yeeah. let's hope nopony gets over their head and wants to be an attention seeker and ruins the pretty nice perception of bronies that people generally have.

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It could be worse.

CSI could make an episode about us.

Happened to furries.

Still can't believe they produced that.

The sad part... the CSI: episode was one of the BETTER media portrayals of furries... x_x

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I'm tired.

I'm a little bit sick.

I'm a little surprised that I said that it retrospect.

I think we're all just so used to the brony community. the vast majority of us are very tolerant, as per the mantra, and when we interact with those who dont think like that its a bit of a surprise and slightly disconcerting. I for one have over time under no true effort of my own become estranged to any friends who arent fans of the show. Not only from the teases and jibes, I can handle that with a good natured come back, but because we dont share the same morals and values on the same level anymore. This fandom HAS changed me, I cuss less, I think about others feeling more before I speak, and I even perform random acts of kindness more often. But when I see a lack of these and similar characteristics in the ones I am close to it makes me think now. Anyway sorry to interrupt just thought I'd get that out there.

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I keep hearing about this infamous furry CSI episode. Anyone who forms an opinion about a real group of people portrayed by a fictional crime drama doesn't sound like someone that should have an opinion I'd care about. I know it happens, so consequently I'm sure there are lots of people with opinions I don't care about. :lol:

It is unfortunate, though. It really is.

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I keep hearing about this infamous furry CSI episode. Anyone who forms an opinion about a real group of people portrayed by a fictional crime drama doesn't sound like someone that should have an opinion I'd care about. I know it happens, so consequently I'm sure there are lots of people with opinions I don't care about. :lol:

It is unfortunate, though. It really is.

I'll say it again; some people tend to be stupid.


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I keep hearing about this infamous furry CSI episode. Anyone who forms an opinion about a real group of people portrayed by a fictional crime drama doesn't sound like someone that should have an opinion I'd care about. I know it happens, so consequently I'm sure there are lots of people with opinions I don't care about. :lol:

It is unfortunate, though. It really is.

The cool thing about CSI is that no matter how crazy or strange something it, Grisom knows something about it, and is completely unphased. Then he becomes very curious and open minded while learning about it.

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The cool thing about CSI is that no matter how crazy or strange something it, Grisom knows something about it, and is completely unphased. Then he becomes very curious and open minded while learning about it.

CSI:, while still milking ratings, was not specifically trying to cast furries as "monsters" and "freaks" more like "a really odd fandom" they *tried* to be less abrasive towards the group than most series did... but they couldn't resist the chance to use use the "freak show" for ratings purposes (I did like how, in the end, none of the Furries were at fault, and it was all just one huge misunderstanding, but really they did a LOT more harm than good, especially since it was either the first or second series EVER afaik to ever showcase furries and force them out of hiding and into the proverbial sunlight) As I said, it was bad, but it could have been a LOT worse, they did try to tone down the 'freak' aspect more than other shows did.

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