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  • QuickLime

    Guidelines and Etiquette for Chatting and Rping In CanterChat

    By QuickLime

    Hello and Welcome to QL'S Guide! I know I already posted earlier today on how to Register your nickname on Canterchat! Link to it is here! But for now I want to talk to you about how one should act, and roleplay in the new and improved Canterlot IRC Irc is a bit different than the old chat, this guide will be broken up into 3 parts 1: Name Etiquette 2: Chatting Etiquette 3: Roleplaying Etiquette Name Etiquette It should BE obvious but you should NEVER use a username that is not yours, and when

[8/28/2012]Leeches Will Leech

leeches will leech ------------------- sleep under the stars tonight. i wont let you back inside. why should i? you'll never get this close again. never in my bed again. no not again my friend. [chorus] somethin' about the way you walk, and the way talk and lie, sends my senses sky high. somethin' about my heart, makes you wanna steal. it's so unreal. [bridge] sleep under my bed tonight. sleepin' while i crawl. does it bother you at all? you'll never have a chance again. never see my smile again



Moving to Canterlot

Day 1 Well I just moved to Canterlot and I must say the ponies here are very friendly. More than I expected. I was greeted by a few nice people while unpacking my things and even received the welcome song from a fellow pony named SonicRainb00m. I've got a long week ahead of me. School starts tomorrow and I have to yet to become completely use to Canterlot. I only hope things get even better from here on out. Well, it's getting late and I still wasn't able to get everything situated. Ah, well. Im



27 August, 2012: "Good Time"

Today was an EXCELLENT first day of Senior Year. I feel like this year is going to be fantastic! And to answer some of your questions, I am NOT leaving the forums because school started! Haha, I wouldn't abandon you like that. That would be wrong! I love everypony and I've made some good friends over this week. So I'm here to stay! Dashie, out!



My first Blog

So i haven't done a blog since LiveJournal if that tells you how longs it been lol. However there are some things in my life i can not explain to people i know and you can always open up to strangers. If you are like me your parents constantly beat into your skulls "Don't talk to strangers!" but sometimes you need strangers everypony and so to you i open up. I want to start this off by explaining why MLP is so important to me. We all have our reasons, some more serious than others, but they are



In Which I'm Back From Expo

I've been gone for four days straight if you haven't noticed this is what I did:I went to Fan Expo in Toronto.It was awesome!I met Norman Reedus(Boondock Saints The Walking Dead),Shane from the walking dead,Sean Patrick Flanery (Boondock Saints),Jamie Marchi(Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt) and Trina Nishimura from heavens lost property!!!!That was fun and awesome and just GAH! I also got stuffs.I got some pins featuring Dashies cutie mark,Panty,Stocking and GIR!I also got Panty & Stock



Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Ponyville Elementary School… RINGGGGGG! School had just ended as the Cutie Mark Crusaders gathered up their homework, put it in their saddlebags, and headed for the exit, as their teacher called out, “Have a great weekend everypony!” The CMC turned around, waved their hooves at Cheerilee, cried out in unison, “Thank you, Ms. Cheerilee,” turned back around, and galloped out the door. They were in a rush to get to Trotter’s house, having promised to help him unpack the day before. Appleb



Chapter 2

Chapter 2 On the train to Ponyville, one hour ago… “I’m trotting on sunshine, woooah, and don’t it feel good!” Trotter couldn’t be in a better mood. He was finally coming home, after ten long years. He couldn’t wait to see all of his old friends again, and how they had changed throughout the years. He couldn’t help but sing out loud as the train came into the station. As the train came to a full and complete stop, he hopped out of his seat and headed for the exit. He waited in line as other poni



Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Sweet Apple Acres… “Ho doggy, that was one hard day of apple bucking, wouldn’t ya say, Big Macintosh?” said Applejack as she finished bucking the last apple tree for the day. Her big brother simply put the apple-filled barrel in the cart with the other barrels before replying, “Eeyup.” “After all that apple bucking, I can’t wait to eat whatever Granny Smith is cooking up,” exclaimed Applejack as she wiped the sweat from her brow. As if on cue, her little sister Applebloom came trotting



26 August, 2012: "Take Care"

Well this is the last day of Summer for me! I go back to school tomorrow, and let me tell you, this summer has really changed my life. A breakup, a lost friendship, a new crush, big band events, getting slimmer, teaching dance, working, etc. It's all been one big blur. Though, some parts were sad, I've gotten stronger from them and that's what fuels me to press on. That special crush? Can't let you know who that is! Because that somepony is special to me and I don't want anyone to know yet! Das



Spirits and Reality.

I had a rather odd Facebook conversation yesterday with an old friend who is very in touch with his spiritual self, thought I would post it here as a first blog post. I wonder if anyone reads these.. It's more or less mind-blowing (To me, at least). This, in no way, shapes my beliefs of religion or anything like that - it's just a sleep-deprived conversation about the odder things in life. The Bold paragraphs are myself talking, the non-bold is my friend. Sorry if it's too long, this is my first



Coconut Business

I have a coconut farm that's family owned in the Philippines...we don't sell/export coconut juice, but rather every part of the coconut besides the juice. My family and I thinking about investing to start a business exporting coconut juice. OMG if this works out, I'll be so happy.



25 August, 2012: "Hall of Fame"

Wow! Today was a great day! My band totally rocked the Back to School Fundraiser and helped some families in need! Plus! WE GOT ON THE FRICKEN NEWS!? It was surreal to see myself on the TV singing up close! It was crazy!!! Not to mention I had work today and that went well. I feel like I'm going somewhere in life. It's awesome!!! X3 Dashie, out!



Me grammar good

So I've had a second submission auto rejected by EQD for grammatical problems. I wish I knew what program they use. It would be nice to be able to see exactly what it's flagging, and if it's in english.



24 August, 2012: "The Fighter"

So this is my first entry of my blog! Cool! This one will be titled 'The Fighter' due to the recent events that have been going in my life: heartbreak, disappointment, success, and failure. All of these things have made me stronger in the long run, and I will build my character upon these pillars of sand and salt. This entry will be short as it is just a test, or prologue if you will, for the blog. Dashie, out!



[8/24/2012]Wasteland I Was Born For

wasteland i was born for ------------------------ i was born, in a silver can. i was told, everything is bad. i was warned, the wasteland will change your soul. i was old, in my eager eyes. i was born, to sing under cloudy skies. not everything is bad. make life what you can. what's life for a man? [chorus] i will never know, i am just a child. i will never know, i am here with a gun in my hands. i will never know, i make my final stand alone. and i was born, to stand by the ones i make friends.



Summer wrap up?

So today I am posting the "end" of my "Twilight Years" fan fic. I would be open to continuing it if the characters and followers both want there to be more. I am also working on putting together my submission packet to send my vampire novel to a publisher. There comes a point when a pony just has to say enough is enough and toss the dice. Even if it doesn't get picked up, I'll e-publish it myself. But this is the first step. And that on top of some pressing blacksmithing projects. Be a busy B-



[8/23/2012]Care Free Me

care free me ------------ i have no worries at all. i am as care free as god. i learned my abc's alone. i can count to three on my toes. where are we, what am i? whats to be, our disguise? hello me! in the mirror. hello me! becomin' clearer... [chorus] settle my confusion, over and over. excuse my intrusion, over and over. i am the enemy of your dreams. i am the enemy, come get me. i am the god you love to see. i am completely care free. [bridge] i have no worries at all. singin' sad songs at ho



The Coltaran Chronicles: Chapter 1, Dark Moon Rising

The winds of destiny blow through two worlds, connected by the past, connected by the hearts that reside in both... [Equestrian] The story begins with Black Moon's arrival on a distant, ancient mountain residing outside of Canterlot, where he was told to arrive to obtain his orders by the Empress's daughter, Princess Floweressa, a full-blown Night Child. After arriving on the mountain-top, two Nightingales sacrificed themselves and brought the crystal to life, allowing Black Moon and Floweressa



Hebrew pony songs!

For the past month or so, I've began writing lyrics to, and covering, the various songs from MLP:FiM into Hebrew. Here's what I have so far. I've included the Hebrew lyrics, transcripted lyrics, and a direct translation. For the transcription, a capital H signifies a 'Chet', or the hissing/growling sound often heard in Hebrew. Here's a handy guide: Skip to 1:25 to hear it. Cupcakes: כל מה שצריכים זה כוס קמח, הוסיפו בקארה עכשו, משו שמתוק לא חמוץ, וגם קצת מלח לאופות עוגות היא לא קשה, גם הוסי



My Little Dashie

I know there's been a bit of talk on the forums and what not about this Fan Fic. I had just finished reading it, and... (pause to clear throat and wipe tears) This is probably the most beautiful piece of literature I have ever laid my eyes on. Not even The Notebook, and Romeo X Juliet combined, could make me cry as much as I did while reading My Little Dashie. I would love to read it again, might just do that tomorrow (or just pull an all nighter again)



Where Tiny gods tread

Reading and writing are both creative forms of escapism. I don't see watching movies or games as creative in the same way as reading. The images and world are already there for you in those, but in reading even you have a world described to you but it is your mind that renders the images and casts the characters. The world was built for you, some assembly required. Then there is writing. You build a world from scratch and populate it. Or in some cases, mark off your own corner of an existin



Comic/T.V Series/Animated show/anime thing.Me and my best (female) friends idea!

Alright so me and my best female friend have come up with characters a setting some basic storylines and about everything to make up a book series.But that is not what we want to do. Originally it was going to be a comic series but I have all those ideas in the title!So here is going to be the characters with a short description,the setting and some storylines.Oh and each characters "special weapon" because we can! Characters Colt-My main character.He is a model and is very nice to his friends a



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