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Status Updates posted by Hawkeye12

  1. Been so busy lately... oh well, at least I'm hyped up on skittles right now :D

  2. Come into a world of chaos and meet Discord, only at the World Friendship Expo! http://www.canterlot.com/topic/21043-the-delightful-draconequus-open-to-all/

  3. Cool site, I approve!

  4. Creepy smiles! Creepy smiles everywhere!

  5. Dang, I feel like I'm too late to post in the Action Event RPs.... oh well.

    1. DerpRavener


      I'm sure you could still get in, it's just a question of figuring out what a character was doing in the time. (Without knowing the character) My first thoughts are either initially hiding or getting trapped by rubble.


  7. Finally found my 3ds after about a month after I lost it...first thing I do? Just played Fire Emblem for 4 hours straight. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shadowbolt0


      Fire Emblem Awakening?

    3. Hawkeye12


      Yep, Awakening. Oh and I do have Smash also, great game to lose friends over, right up there with Mario Kart. XD

    4. Shadowbolt0


      Just ordered awakening. Super excited for it to arrive

  8. Forgot to make a status about this earlier, but Love Wins! Woot!

  9. Going to be inactive for an unknown period of time. A couple weeks at the most. Things have been going on and getting progressively worse...ah, you get the point. Again, sorry for my inactivity. :/

    1. Avery


      Hope everything clears up for you. Don't want anything bad to happen to ya

    2. Windwright


      Take care of yourself first. We'll be waiting for you when you get back.

    3. tacobob


      Hope to see you back real soon!

  10. Gonna get some posts out!

  11. Got my first pony merch for Christmas! Merry Hearths Warming everyone! :D

  12. Gotta love those moments when you refresh the page and there's a new banner out of nowhere. I like it. :D

    1. stormchaser1991


      yes i know those moments and love them i also love this new banner then the last lyra and bonbon needs more love

    2. tacobob


      Lyra and Bonbon are best background ponies. They need their own show!

  13. Grr... my copy and paste isnt working on this ancient laptop...will fix it as soon as I can, promise! Then we can all enjoy some chocolate rain... >:)

  14. Ha! Had enough time to get a couple posts out! Take that, life!

  15. Happy birthday to me! :D Going skiing all day with some friends (or at least attempting to... it's been a year XD)

  16. Happy thanksgiving everyone! Now then... *runs off with the mashed potatoes*

  17. Have a problem? Come on down to Discord's good deeds booth and have your favourite draconequus (attempt to) solve it! http://www.canterlot.com/topic/20441-ponyville-attempting-good-deeds-open/

  18. Hehehe... crazy? I'm not crazy, you're crazy! >:D

    1. starswirlthebearded


      *looks at avatar* Yeah.... you're probably right... *laughs maniacally*

  19. Hm, my brain's in a creative mode at the moment, got a new character in mind!

  20. Huh, so I leave for a few days and I miss an event going on? Of course XD

  21. Huh. Them EQG things just keep getting better and better.

    1. Jessiecat


      Good to know. I still haven't seen it.

  22. Huzzah, the computer finally came! Massive post splurge will be coming very soon! *dances awkwardly*

  23. I am...so behind in my RPs. I'm not even bust of anything, just lacking the...motivation? I dunno, but, erm, sorry for that.

    1. Avery


      Hey, it's totally fine. We all need a break every once in a while. Perhaps find some music or maybe something else? Maybe that'll help ya get motivation back. I usually listen to music, but that's me.

  24. I haven't upgraded yet, but am I the only one that's really skeptical about Windows 10? I really don't want my computer to be like a giant smartphone...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hawkeye12


      Yeah, I'm guessing it'll be buggy. Geez, what happened to the simple days of Windows 7?

    3. Dunder


      Yeah, don't upgrade.... all the cool kids are doing it.

    4. tacobob


      Meh. With the exception of a sound driver issue, Windows 10 is working fine with me.

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