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Status Updates posted by Hawkeye12

  1. Should be able to make posts soon....hopefully....gah.

    1. Avery


      Hey, don't beat yourself over it. Just go at your own pace, everyone will understand if you can't post.

    2. Hawkeye12


      Nah, I've been meaning to. XD I did post in ours though just now... I'll get to my other ones later.

  2. So apparently yesterday marks one year since I joined this site. I'm usually committed if I've been active on something for that long, so sorry Canterlot, but you're stuck with me~

    1. Lyipheoryia



  3. So I was doing some...much procrastinated spring cleaning today and ended up finding my old Gamecube controller. Seriously, I've been looking for this thing for YEARS. So I hooked up the Gamecube and it surprisingly works! Sweet! :D

  4. So there was a grass fire near my school today. Saw it while walking to the bus. And while everyone was freaking out since it was right next to the recycling plant which could give off toxic gas, I stood there laughing maniacally XD No wonder people think I'm crazy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ndogmario


      "Everything is going according to plan"

    3. Kxrkat


      There was a decapitated rabbit on our field in school like a week ago.

    4. Hawkeye12
  5. So there's going to be a Deadpool movie? Why did no one tell me?! Seriously, nobody told me that my life would be completed!

    1. tacobob


      Geeez. They've been trying to do an DP movie since that horrible Wolverine movie came out..

  6. So...I went from a B+ to a C ranking in Splatoon. Yeah. Okay. *cries in the corner*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dunder


      They can take your grade, but they can never take your squid now.

    3. SunsetSombra


      I'm still lingering on level 9 - accursed internet connectivity makes for a very spotty ability to play online, lol (Stay Freeesh~)

    4. Hawkeye12


      Well once you get to ranked battles...you just can't stop doing em. But my freshness shall return! B)

  7. Sometimes I think brony music is better than modern music... Meh, oh well. *jams to the Living tombstone*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sailu


      but on the other side of the spectrum they are lacking in good modern music as of now and you have to really dig for it. but i'll toss out a few you should listen to... Lovedrug, The Delgados, Death cab for Cutie.

    3. SymphonicFire


      I love aviators and Twitch! Living tombstone is okay but it's predictable.

    4. Hawkeye12


      Aviators is awesome too ;) oh, and Blackgryphon, he's immortal (see what I did there?)

  8. Sorry for my lack of inactivity...gonna make some posts today!

    1. Hawkeye12


      Lack of inactivity....yes Hawkeye, you master of grammar...

    2. tacobob


      Hawkeye12, here's a lockpick. It might come in handy if you, "the master of unlocking", take it with you. Oopps. I needs to post as well! ><

  9. Sorry posting has been slow from me lately. I'm out of town until next week, so it'll be slow till then.

  10. Sorry to my fellow rpers for not being active lately.... been busy with exams and other life stuff. Now then... *sits and patiently awaits apparent change*

  11. The change! It's coming! Lyra's soul stealing eyes says it all! *braces self*

  12. The outlook I shall have in two days XD "99% of socks will be single on Valentine's Day, and they're not crying about it!"

  13. These ponies need to go to Pancakes Anonymous....

  14. Thinking about redoing my peryton character, maybe even making him a zebra. This proves that I spend way too much time thinking about OCs. XD

    1. stormchaser1991


      if you have to much time thinking of OCs start thinking about your family member OC

  15. Thinking about trying my hand at being a 'game master' for the first time in a long while and running a haunted house NMN like thread. Thinkedy Thinks....

    1. Blueblood


      Tip from my experience: Keep the pace going, don't let it flag/bog down.

    2. stormchaser1991


      in what realm your doing it in?

    3. Hawkeye12


      Probably CC or the Gathering, still working out the details but I think I'm gonna do it. ;D

  16. This...episode...just.......*squees to death*

    1. SunsetSombra


      Oh we know...we know! X3

  17. Was sitting in a dentist waiting room and saw a girl sitting next to me drawing a (really well done) picture of Discord. Awesome. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hawkeye12


      Nah, just smiled. She smiled back. :)

    3. stormchaser1991


      awesome about the picture wish i could have seen it

    4. leapman
  18. Well, great. I think I broke my finger...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hawkeye12


      Yeah, well, they're still good for typing the posts, s'all good~ It was just my pinky finger.

    3. starswirlthebearded


      You'd be surprised how important the pinkie finger is. I would know I've broken it before...

    4. Lyipheoryia
  19. Well, some...things...came up irl. I may be inactive for the next couple of days. Sorry about not getting to my promised posts.

  20. Welp, I've hopped abord the peryton bandwagon. ;)

  21. Whelp! I broke my laptop! Great...just great....going to be about a week until I get my new one...so no posts until then, sorry guys.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PyroBlaze


      That sucks, man. Sorry to hear that.

    3. AlextheAngel


      That's why you don't throw your laptop across the room! Just because you can't beat that one Borderlands 2 mission, doesn't mean you should just toss an expensive computer! Heh, just kidding. ;) Really sorry to hear that.

    4. Hawkeye12


      @Avery- How'd it break you ask? Stairs. Concrete stairs, and lots of 'em. It wasn't pretty. Though Alex's version would make for a much better story. XD

  22. Why must time be a thing, and why can't I have any of it?! :|

    1. tacobob


      And soon I might even have less of it. ugh. #:|

    2. stormchaser1991


      you guys just need to relax here this will help *gets out a weed cigarette and offer to them*

  23. Will be taking a mini-trip over the weekend, so posting will be a little slow. If anyone cares :P

  24. With all the CMC getting their cutie mark things I keep coming across, I should really get around to watching the episode...

  25. Working on my first PMV in almost a year! :P

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