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Status Updates posted by ToothpasteThy

  1. There is no sound more powerful than silence.

    1. Sky


      But silence helps to enhance other noise.

      Makes me think of John Cage's 4:33.

    2. Eventide


      Hello darkness my old friend...

  2. Running away to work for two weeks as a volunteer at Rock Solid-- a rehabilitation place of sorts. Really excited, but who knows how active I can be here.

    1. Sky


      Hey, active or not, that's pretty awesome of you to do, I don't know many people who would volunteer to do that kinda stuff ^3^

    2. Lyipheoryia
  3. Huh... Uploading to the gallery doesn't seem to be working for me... Am I doing something wrong? Like using a phone? xD

    1. DreamySunday


      Your art needs to go through approval first. And their are only so many people on that job. So sometimes it can take a little bit. :)

    2. ToothpasteThy


      Had no clue. I think I might have accidentally sent them two of the same pic xD

  4. And with that, my true entrance into the internet world has come to a close. RIP BKC, you may keep my sanity at the door in rememberance <3

  5. The dankest of post counts.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ToothpasteThy


      I almost don't wanna post again today just because it's at 420, but then there is the fact that I don't support smoking in any way, shape or form. xP

    3. Lyipheoryia


      420 was related to smoking?! Huh. I didn't know that...

    4. AlextheAngel


      Fun fact: If 420 were put as a date, it would be the date four days away from my birthday. Just felt like throwing it out there. :)

  6. That feel when you want to help out in a project or something, but realize that you have almost nothing good to contribute xD

  7. *edits post six times just to make sure it looks fine*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tacobob


      I usually work on my post via an external program since I have a HORRIBLE habit of working on a post while having a zillion tabs open..And when I close a tab, I end up closing the Canterlot one. And if Canterlot goes down while I post..I don't lose the post. Wooh.

    3. Arcus


      That feeling when you're working on a post, you switch to a different tab for ONE second, you tab back, and Canterlot refreshes. R.I.P my post.

    4. ToothpasteThy
  8. Dang. DJMidli plays some pretty bassy swag.

  9. And then after two days, Toothie finally decided to make that one post to reach 400.

    1. Imagination


      Here's to another 400!

  10. Laser Sharks. Cuz why not? gg, Savant.

    1. starswirlthebearded


      because everyone deserves a hot meal

  11. Gosh darnit. I need to wisen up and start seeing which RPs have the right dedicated players who will actually stay active.

    1. Lyipheoryia


      I have formed waaay too many rp's that have been inactive (many in which the users were new members)! Makes me sad =(

  12. Oh dear. Almost 400 posts. Not sure if I should be proud or achieving such a figure, or be ashamed for having made that many posts on a forum.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lyipheoryia



    3. DreamySunday


      I've got over 2000! Mwahahaha! I'm so alone...

    4. RainbowDaringDash


      I nearly have 8 thousand....... :(

  13. I despise it when people are arrogant to try to make an identity for themselves. It's worse though when they challenge you and you beat them. Why do I have to feel so bad for humbling someone? >.<

    1. TheFinestSorcerer


      What were the circumstances?

    2. Lyipheoryia


      I always feel bad in situations like that...but sometimes, guilt is what keep us human :).

    3. ToothpasteThy


      A kid was wanting to have a running race with me because he beat me last time with a cold. He didn't know that I had just finished jogging 3K that first race, and he flaunted his win. He challenged me again, we were both fine, and I won a sprint down the block by 3s. I could tell he was frustrated, but he tried to hide it :/

  14. Oh, update. I've spent the past 5 hours locked outside of my house.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ToothpasteThy


      Yeah, fine. It's wasn't that cold out, so it was survivable. I also hung out in my friend's garage a lot because it was unlocked and heated. Faint connection to wi-fi too. Kinda sucks that he wasn't home though xP

    3. Rosewind


      Probably might be worth it to get like, one of those rock key things.

    4. ToothpasteThy


      Yep. That's something that is going to happen. Cuz chances are that I'll do it again.

  15. Figuring out your own cutie mark has to be one of the toughest things to do. ;3;

  16. I like it how immediately after I wonder why we hadn't been having many new people pop in, a bunch started to show up xD

  17. Anyone else notice that only one person has joined Canterlot this year so far?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ToothpasteThy


      Wat? I must be blind ;-;

    3. RainbowDaringDash


      3 actually. Iv got my friend to join, but he lost his account the moment he got it.... Don't ask, and i swear iv seen two different names other then that.

    4. ToothpasteThy


      Well I only pay attention to the introductions thread. Keep in mind that I posted that status before Harmonize showed up :P

  18. I wonder if I should preform a social experiment soon...?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Noedig


      I posted too late to read that...

      How about you bait trolls? That is always fun to troll trolls, ha-ha!

    3. ToothpasteThy


      Naw, it'll all be good. Most of you won't ever know when it happens :P

      Maybe. I havens decided what I'm gonna do yet xD

      Anyways, let's not use this topic any longer so we can avoid too many random notifications. Thanks~ ^.^

    4. Quillhart


      Hello, I am a notification ;)

  19. I have nothing to say about celebrity deaths. Unless I want to come across as an absolute jerk.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. ToothpasteThy


      Hmm. Anyways, should we let this status rest in peace? I'm not exactly in the mood to speak of it any longer xP

    3. starswirlthebearded


      You need not know a person for them to have an impact on your life, they need only inspire you through their life. "The key to immortality is first live a life worth remembering." -Bruce Lee

    4. tacobob


      Hmmm. Even the guy who voiced Disney's animated Robin Hood just died. D:

  20. And here I sit doing nothing other than being like "I've heard the name David Bowie before..." and that's it.

    1. RedCedar


      I was the same when the name was Freddie Mercury.

    2. brianblackberry


      You people's lives are sad.

    3. ToothpasteThy


      I'm sorry, I'm too busy listening to Mystery Skulls music ;-;

  21. I was sketching randomly, and I think I've come up with an official sketch of Rhenn. That's never happened owo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ToothpasteThy


      As it is right now, I'm letting random ideas flow through my head so I can sketch multiple designs until I come up with exactly what I'd want~

      Of course, I'm sketching pencil/paper style, so no colors are included

    3. AlextheAngel


      Either way, your art is really good. :D

    4. ToothpasteThy


      Only my sketches are worth looking at, or my messier artworks. Anything that looks clean and clear also looks extremely static. I might as well have drawn a log. My sketches however don't use any base whatsoever, leaving the character model to be much more flexible and dynamic. The problem is that it is a sketch. When I get a computer, I think I'll try to learn how to digitally ink and color to improve upony my sketches. ouo

  22. I don't know what it is, but... Having Scootaloo in my avatar or signature is just so... Perfect.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ToothpasteThy


      Thank you for reminding me to actually design a legitimate ponysona. I keep forgetting everything on my 'ideas for art' list

    3. Lyipheoryia
    4. tacobob


      Best Kid Pone.


    1. AlextheAngel


      Oh... my...

      *Instantly subscribes* :o

    2. ToothpasteThy


      Haha, oh yes. The glory of his guitar is unparalleled! Well, maybe it is by PrinceWhateverer. But Whateverer doesn't have the voice for perfect screams like this guy! xD

  24. I have finally conquered every last stage of Super Monkey Ball 2. I am extreme happy. Childhood: Complete.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solana


      Now, beat Megaman X.

    3. ToothpasteThy


      Megaman? Ack! Impossiblu!

      I think I'll go 'achievement get' with some other game. Like Cooking Mama >.>

    4. Admin


      You've come a long, long way.

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