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Apolline Allura

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Status Updates posted by Apolline Allura

  1. Cash Rules Everything Around Me.

    1. tacobob


      New car, caviar, four star daydream,think I'll buy me a football team...

  2. Maybach Black: "Civil rights are pretty worthless if you can't buy anything with them."

  3. Maybach Black: "Some ponies believe in Friendship. But I know about money."

  4. Maybach Black bout to be in full effect, kid. You can't speak to her without a few thousand bits on ya' person, nahmean?

    1. Corsair
    2. Apolline Allura

      Apolline Allura

      Guards on in and out the premise, maids in every corridor.

  5. Maybach Black bout to be in full effect, kid. You can't speak to her without a few thousand bits on ya' person, nahmean?

  6. Twilight Sparkle X Shining Armor. :3

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. NeoExlucky


      For the love of Luna...

    3. Sailu


      Neo..there is no hope come on lets go get some Cider and forget this all happened~!

    4. DreamySunday


      Twlicane/Everything I ship dat.

  7. ...so I went a little... Gilda. About a friend. Luckily, this turned out for the better, thanks to another friend.

    1. Solaria


      Always interfering, those friends.

  8. I got a best friend who's cold and aloof. Do I clip him or do I stew like the pissed off loyal friend I am?

    1. Sailu


      I've had friends like that i'd try to work it out then if that doesn't work clip him but still try to be in contact with him till he sees for himself what is the problem if his wise enough to come to that on his own and makes his way back to you, if not its not meant to be i suppose..

  9. Humanity has greater achievements than any other species known to this planet. However, our crowning achievement is dying. Congratulations, humanity, and keep on dropping.

  10. New years res - hang out with more females.

    1. GhostGirl


      Another excuse to hang out with ghostboss? :I

    2. Apolline Allura
  11. I'm gonna break FiMFiction over my knee.

    1. DreamySunday


      Why? And a better question is how? O_o

    2. Ciraxis



  12. Ahhhh... Bad mood over. And awesome lore idea rolling in.

  13. Attention any and all Fighting is Magic fans: Take my hand so that we will cast the black magic that will make the game what it once was, and punish the Hasbro execs responsible for the initial cancellation.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blueblood


      Are you seriously still angry?

    3. tacobob


      I'm getting the idea that what they're making instead of FIM will end up being much better. Have you seen Lauren Faust's designs?

    4. Apolline Allura

      Apolline Allura

      None of you understand me or could, really. But it's cool. Done now.

  14. Humanized Pones and Martial Arts. Someone'll like this.

    1. Sailu
    2. Duskfall


      Try humanized ponies and parkour.

    3. Sailu


      why not both? LOL

  15. To this day, the best fanfic I've ever read is still The Immortal Game by AestheticB.

  16. That feel when the holiday repels me from fam instead of exciting me for them.

  17. Red like roses, always brings me to the place you rest. White is yearning, burdened by a royal test. Black the beast descends from shadows. Yellow beauty burns gold.

  18. Pump those fists and never surrender.

    1. Slazer


      By Grabthar's Hammer.

    2. Dio
    3. ping111


      Hopefully, in that order.

  19. I was such a fool. Friendship really /is/ Magic.

    1. Dio


      Friendship outlasts faith.

    2. QuickLime


      And at last you seeeee the liiiight! And it's like the fooog has liiifteeed!

  20. The Burial Song... The Burial Song... The Burial Song...

    1. QuickLime



    2. NeoExlucky


      I could bury you alive but you might crawl out with a knife!

  21. "You kiddin' me? Let's eat 'em up, Thunderhead!"

  22. When the planets and the stars and the moons collapse; when your princess is an alicorn, all ponies hit the deck~

  23. Investigative reports indicate that Magical Mystery Cure is a terribly written mess that would have passed as a series finale at least.

    1. Corsair


      Reports also indicate that Allura is overly cynical, and that he needs to just relax and watch Season 4 in two weeks :).

    2. Dio


      *Allurian reports

    3. Apolline Allura
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