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Status Updates posted by Solaria

  1. Why is everyone so intent on forcing the feminist label on things? If anything, I'm an equalist.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GhostGirl


      ..it's been sullied.

    3. leapman


      There is a thin line between a pride and prejudice.

    4. starswirlthebearded
  2. Wildstar Online, Elder Scrolls Online. Anyone have any good info or opinions?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ashton


      Only MMO I play is WoW and that's like 1 month each time a new expansion comes out...

    3. LoWang
    4. GhostGirl


      RiverHippo adores ESO. You might ask him about it.

  3. Will you cater to every fantasy I've got? Will you hose me down with holy water if I get too hot? Will you take me places I'd never go?

    1. RedCedar


      I can do that. I can do that.

    2. Dio


      Take me to church.

  4. Wings of dappled light soon grace the northern mountains. The Sunsworn return.

    1. Apolline Allura

      Apolline Allura

      And the affluent will buy them.

    2. Solaria


      Your matriarch's money is no good here!

  5. Wings of light now stand ready. Laughing darkness makes its move.

  6. With the crown come the trappings of royalty.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dio


      With the trappings come the traps. One can only hope not to trip when they trot. It's pretty much a disaster more often than not.

    3. Solaria


      Tripping the traps while trotting is less a disaster than knowing the traps have not tripped and trotting in anyway.

    4. Dio


      If you were to trip the traps that you were trotting into already knowing they had yet to be tripped, I doubt that tripping the traps would be required for you to be considered a disaster. Indeed the trappings are those of a foal more than a trap.

  7. Woo, sterling silver Green Lantern Corps power ring is on the way.

    1. GhostGirl


      Sweet action!

      I should get a red power ring at some point...

    2. tacobob


      I got the one DC put out a few years ago that sold out instantly...Was the first to actually look like the comic book ring. I just wish they sold an battery to go with it. :(

  8. Woohoo! Got one of those rare nights of sleep without super apnea, and holy fudge butter am I wired. You people who can sleep normally have got it made. WHO WANTS TO RUN A MARATHON?!

    1. AlextheAngel


      I envy people who sleep. ._.

      But I'll still run that marathon!

    2. InSaNiTyCaT


      I say no to Marathon! But I can sleep through thunder storms, earthquakes UK, hoovers, ya know!?

    3. CanvasMayHogany


      I WILL I WILL!! (I will sleep i mean, Im am not running a marathon)

  9. Y I no see you on chat no mo?

  10. You brought that furry evil here.

    1. Dio


      It is the furriest and evilest.

  11. You have a friend request!

    1. Dio


      Can you hear me now?

  12. You have forgotten me, but I could never forget you...

  13. You know what the worst part of being a narcoleptic? The darn incon-zzzzzzzzzzzzz...

    1. Dio


      Narcoleptic Spoonfox sounds like the name of a band.

    2. Solaria


      It would be funny because it'd be true :l

  14. You know you're a Star Wars nerd when O66 is called during work bingo and your head fills with the Emperor's voice ordering you to execute Order 66.

  15. You know, back in my day spring break was only a week long. Methinks second job is fibbing to get me to come in.

  16. You know, darkness is often perceived as a tool of evil or fear. What if it was originally intended to veil the weak and innocent from the predatory?

  17. You know, puppies are pretty okay when you're both asleep in a warm bed. Then you wake up and remember everything they do.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solaria


      That's when I know he needs to go outside, so yep.

    3. Dio


      At least they're adorable.

    4. tacobob


      Ha! My dog would try her best to push me off the bed so she could have it all to herself!

  18. Yurgh, one of those days when I can't get anything right at work.

  19. And lo, the wanderer returned. Not for anything so philosophical or empathetic as "I wonder how those others I once talked to are faring.." No. Something akin to "I'm pretty bored. Didn't I used to pone rp?"

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Solaria


      Quite so! Around the same time, too. Sugar sense was tingling.

    3. Elderflower


      When doki calls.

    4. Solaria


      Sugar family get-together is still a must.

  20. It's Friday Eve. I'm excited.

    1. Dio


      The rest of us should run I'm guessing :P

    2. Solaria


      Just because my avatar now has a little red hood and GREAT, FLAMING EYEBROWS doesn't mean my excitement will be evil.

  21. So at the behest of the significant other, I have begun the Mass Effect trilogy. Everyone waxes poetic about it, yet in my first foray all I could think is "Shepard has got the shakiest hands I've ever seen. I hope there's some kind of super futuristic cure for mouthbreathing while sniping, or this is going to be a long game."

    1. Elderflower


      I'm a big fan of the first game. The love isn't as strong for 2 or 3, though. 


      But yeah, Shep needs an inhaler I think, it could really make a big difference. 

    2. tacobob


      Eh? #2 was probably the best of the series..#3 was good...until the....well, I will let you discover that bit.


      Also (And this was done by the VA who does Maleshemp.)



    3. Dio


      I liked ME1's story, but the gameplay is absolute garbage. ME2/3 had much more solid mechanics, if dated compared to modern cover shooters like The Division and Gears of War. Storywise, ME3 had its moments, but Casey Hudson threw a fit at the last second and the ending rewrite pretty much sank the game. That said, the series as a whole is quality sci fi with a great universe, interesting characters, and plenty of room for growth. Can't wait for Andromeda at the end of the month.

  22. Someone or something has drawn me back from the void. I blame Dio.

    1. Dio


      I'm the admin. Gotta love me.

    2. Dubstep


      We blame Dio for everything anyway.

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