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Status Updates posted by Solaria

  1. Really liking your art! Glad to see you got a good portion of it uploaded despite the issues.

    1. Zeig


      Thank you kindly. Funnily enough, I went on this crazy pony spree to kill time while I was waiting to get an album up and running. If everything had been working for me from the start, I probably wouldn't have drawn half the stuff that's in my gallery right now, heh.

  2. Reassessment and recalibration.

    1. Zephyr Breeze
    2. Dio


      Your tiara and horseshoes are fine. Now let's go before we're late.

    3. Solaria
  3. Rock of Ages just goes to show that rock n' roll can make anyone hot, even Tom Cruise.

  4. Rousing myself to get back into action in the forums and rp

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dio


      Just promise me you won't get cold feet.

    3. Solaria


      You won't get the cold shoulder from me!

    4. Ciraxis


      Well, it's good that you didn't put it on ice any longer.

  5. Run, playthings...

    1. SteelEagle


      I like to run and play with things! Pick me! Pick me!

    2. Slazer


      Sure, sure, I need a work-out!

    3. NeoExlucky


      And the identity crisis continues. Will Phil ever recover from his amnesia? Find out next time on Canterlot Online!

  6. Sadness, despair, frustration, loneliness, ineptitude... I'm such a- oh wait, there's gaming. I'm good.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Solaria


      Oooh, good ones. I can't wait for Magicka 2.

    3. GhostGirl


      I'm easily most excited for Don't Starve Together because dude Don't Starve is amazing. I'm so ready to play it with friends.

    4. tacobob


      Lots of very cheap goodies on GOG. :3

  7. Seaside ponies and travelling merchants/traders beware, rumors that Black Pearl and her crew are on the prowl have increased as of late.

  8. Setting the heavens ablaze and tearing the skyline asunder.

    1. SteelEagle


      I know, right? Doritos Los Tacos do a number on me too.

    2. NeoExlucky
    3. Apolline Allura

      Apolline Allura

      Fire and lightning? Wings of steel.

  9. So dull.

    1. Apolline Allura

      Apolline Allura

      Could be worse. Everyone could agree and live in harmony.

    2. narwhaliagames


      Wow it seems to be a boring day for all of us

    3. Solaria


      Hm, true. Harmony would be a LOT more boring.

  10. So I must commend you on earning a tweet from Tara Strong in relation to your Twilight picture. The whole situation made me smile.

  11. So it turns out they're going to break the bones in my sinuses... Wonderful.

  12. Solaria has poked you.

  13. Solaria misses chat.

  14. Solaria will be sitting in room #Solaria if Fawkes wants to chat!

  15. Some day we'll realize that we're all one species. Imagine what we can do as a united human race when that happens.

  16. Something big and long-awaited is coming. The fact that this will be buried and ignored in pointless banter will be all the sweeter.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Solaria


      And of course, like all matters, it indeed involves Canterlot.

    3. NeoExlucky


      ..are you talking about Ladytavia?

    4. Apolline Allura

      Apolline Allura

      What's really good though?

  17. Something interesting usually goes here.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dessa


      Something awkward usually goes here.

    3. Solaria


      Something about positioning and moist lips ;)

    4. Dio


      Something inappropriate.

  18. Sometimes I forget just how much I love Gorillaz.

  19. Sometimes I go back, read old threads, see users I used to talk to every day. Where did those halcyon times go?

  20. Sometimes you just have to stand up and rock out to Dragostea din Tei

    1. Dio


      Office DJ F0X-3

    2. Solaria


      That'd be an awesome stage name.

  21. Sometimes, your greatest enemy is within yourself. Well, prepare myself, Me. I'm quite the opponent.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solaria


      Tricksters all.

    3. Apolline Allura

      Apolline Allura

      Don't forget the water nymphs~!

    4. Dio


      And batpones and catbirds, oh my.

  22. Sorry to everypony waiting on my Cadence rp responses. Tough times, I'll have them up soon.

  23. Sports car's first road trip test tonight. Let's do this.

  24. Starting to get the Nightmare Night excites! Custom ordered Organization XIII coat is in the mail, now if it would just get colder...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. YourLittleBrony


      Organization XIII for the win! I got a final form Xemnas coat that I rock my cosplay in!

    3. Solaria


      I'm not sure, actually. Still working on the weapon.

    4. Apolline Allura

      Apolline Allura

      Just get a plunger. <3

  25. Status.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tacobob


      What's on your mind?

    3. Solaria


      Hm, if I think about it I suppose lobster is on my mind. Lobster and Halloween.

    4. DreamySunday


      Late to the party response.

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