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Status Replies posted by SteelEagle

  1. Geez, was this two part arc of the comics a major letdown. Comics are still on my pull list but...

  2. Probably time to crank out some pony posts! Maybe reinvogorate myself in the fandom

  3. Let's see, trying to get back into a rhythm of RP'ing.... is anyone here waiting on a post from me?

  4. Rarijack shipping makes me wish I was Rarity :P

  5. Sorry been so quiet, things just going on in my life. I haven't forgotten about Canterlot or RP, will do my best this week and just wanted to let you peeps all know I've been think of you. Pony on!

  6. It's been a while since I said anything here. How are you guys?

  7. I really wish i could rp

  8. Well, my PC is still busted :( sorry to everyone that i RP with, and sorry in general :(

  9. New mystery vinyls. See a pack of 11/12 for sale, buy them all. Get all BUT Applejack. Discord can go di.

  10. 5 Nights at Freddy's. Is the worlds greatest horror game ever created in my opinion

  11. I'm back! :D *dances awkwardly* Will try to get alll my post done as soon as possibru.

  12. Has this sites activity gone down? I remember a odd month or so ago i was getting a hundred posts per day and i was posting that much as well. Now, im lucky if i get more then thirty. Is it because of school or are people just leaving?

  13. For the people who I RP with. Haven't posted in every thread for a while now due to me having my mind busy with other things, but now I'm also leaving for the week-end so I won't be able to reply to anything until sunday! Once I get back I'll try to get back to it! Also new character in the making XD

  14. I'm a little bored... I know! I'll draw random things! :D

  15. Made my first RP post ever today!

  16. I wonder if I should get about posting ever again.


  18. Is it a good thing that I make my posts a lot longer than others? I hope that doesn't take away anything from other people I RP with...

  19. I don't know why I bother anymore. I mean, we all know Applejack is best pony, so I don't think yet another status about it is needed. Actually, it is. Applejack is best pony.

  20. Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Applejack?

  21. Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Applejack?

  22. Trying to think of some fun RP threads to do with some characters I haven't played in a while, but I'm in a creative slump.

  23. Applejack is best pony again. I mean it this time. No more changing. Apple horse is my one true waifu. That's final.

  24. Do you want your RP history to be taken into account for the June RP Rankings (WoE and CC)? Reply to this status update by 8 PM Pacific!

  25. Today's goals: finish bat pony guitarist. Sun Drop post in Watering Hole. I can do it.

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