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Status Updates posted by ShadowWalking18

  1. July is such a busy month. Long week of work on a holiday week, making the work station an utter mad house. Then next week I go to my cousins wedding, then the weekend after that is a Raffle Contest that I hope I win the grand prize. So much to do, then there is Moving Day sometime next month @_@ Im getting dizzy.

    1. tacobob


      bring us back cake!

  2. June - 2016: I have a reason now to be excited for my birthday :P

  3. Kitty loves you. But becareful, cause Kitty's love....hurts.

  4. Latest report on the move: Family staying at a Residence Inn in New Hampshire while we wait to sign on the house tomorrow and should be fully moving in on Saturday possibly. Then....all the unpacking -_-

    1. tacobob


      Oooh! Look at Mister Fancy pants living in a NEW Hampshire! When I was your age, the original Hampshire was good enough for us! Now you kids with your hula hoops and your fancy highfalutin compression codes..back when I was a la...of....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...Buck Rodgers!

  5. Learning your dog has mange after he has been sleeping on your bed for the past week or so....not a pleasant experience.

    1. Dunder


      Burn it.

      The bed not the dog.

    2. stormchaser1991
    3. tacobob


      My dog usually didn't sleep on my bed..cause she would try to push me off...very slowly...push push push push.

  6. Life gives me headaches

  7. Life is boring where I live -_-

    1. tacobob


      Try not to ask for excitement, or you might get it. D:

  8. Limestone and Marble are my two favorite new ponies. Limestone especially.

    1. QuickLime
    2. ShadowWalking18


      Quicklime you need to app for Limestone Pie. It would fit your name :P

    3. QuickLime


      Now that's an idea

  9. Looking for RP, or to start one...

  10. Looking for rp?

    1. Pretzelparty


      well... somepony has challenged razor to a match in the arena=3 so in a way , yes I am :P

    2. ShadowWalking18
  11. Love Darts make fun tools *Evil smile of mischief*

    1. Elderflower


      :D So the tools are the darts...or the ponies? Hehehe
  12. Me + Accounting = *Drools* @_@

    1. Dunder


      I've never seen anyone so excited about accounting.

    2. Lyipheoryia
    3. ShadowWalking18


      Actually its the opposite.

  13. Meaning to life: Ponies.


  15. Micromanaging is annoying

    1. RainbowDaringDash


      Depends what in :P Though mostly, yeah, thats what is made for, annoying everyone

  16. Minor finger inury recieved. Recovery good, but will now keep supply of bandages around house stocked. Literally had none before now.

  17. Moonlight is the new ship.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SunsetSombra


      Still prefer SunLight!

    3. Bellosh


      Moonlight is a bit one-sided for my taste. Don't like ships where one character's more emotionally dependent on the partner than the partner's dependent on the character.

    4. ShadowWalking18


      Well love does crazy things to people. Besides, already seeing fimfics about it so its another ship for fans to have :P Expect fan art in...*Looks at watch* Seventy minutes ago :P

  18. My birthday is coming up here soon:)

    1. ParrySlice


      When your birthday comes remember this quote.

      Frank Lloyd Wright

      "Youth is a circumstance you can't do anything about. The trick is to grow up"

  19. My dog, Casio, had to be put to sleep today after severe health problems. :( rest in peace now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. leapman


      Sorry man, I'm here for you brother.

    3. Solaria


      See you in Heaven's dog park, Casio.

    4. tacobob


      Hopefully your pup will run into mine...Then they can take over the place. :)

  20. My newest goal in life. Become CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation and devote a number of that billion to developing dimensional door ways to Equestria.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShadowWalking18


      Then develop technology similar to the movie Avatar and permanently transfer my conscious to my own pony body and move there. I will of course offer this to all fellow bronies that wish to do so.

    3. tacobob


      Or become a very good wizard and learn how to open portals to other worlds like in Lev Grossman's "The Magicians" series. Knowing my luck I'd end up in Ponyville..But not in Generation 4.

    4. ShadowWalking18


      If inter dimensional travel is not possible, i'll go with the advanced genetic engineering.

  21. My thoughts on an Twilight Alicorn transformation: ........will she freak out? :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trombone2525



      This is a really good Twilight Alicorn fic. I'm sure it will answer your question ;)

    3. Lovinity


      Patrick: I personally dislike the idea of Twilight becoming an Alicorn. Does any pony know if it's been confirmed yet? Anyway... she's already "ahead" of the other 5 mane ponies... and I personally don't think she should be even more "ahead" than she already is. If she does become an Alicorn... I hope for the show's sake they can keep up the ratings and the quality of the show content.

    4. ShadowWalking18


      I think the Alicorn thing will be temporary and if not. I don't care really :P it will be some interesting material for my fimfictions :)

  22. My...everything...hurt.

    1. Shadowbolt0


      *Licks* Licks make everything better!

    2. PyroBlaze


      Sorry to hear that, hope you get better.

    3. TwoBits


      Oh dear, that's no fun D: I'm sorry

  23. Nature is a perfect thing.

  24. New episode! Watching it after work today :)

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