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Status Replies posted by DreamySunday

  1. Looks like I might be back!

  2. Fully grown adults not bothering to use correct grammar makes my blood boil.

  3. I got...a rock!

  4. Funnest comment of the day on Skype: Wait wait! Let me get the popcorn so i can watch the midget murderer claim another soul. I swear i'm normal

  5. I got...a rock!

  6. Hmmm... Would anyone like to partake in an RP with me? im feeling rather... bored.

  7. Anyone wanna rp in FFA?

  8. Anyone wanna rp in FFA?

  9. How are you all doing today?

  10. i love role playing, but i know i suck at it

  11. Also, it seems Rainbow Power will make a return in the next episode.

  12. Help!: A need a character name for smart, but stoic and arrogant Earth Pony. He has background in a farm/orchard, but moved to Canterlot as a math/science enthusiast.

  13. You know that state of time wasting (Procrastinating i think the word is) and you're at the point where you have at least 3 RP's to reply to and you spend an hour reading them before going to watch Yugioh and hating yourself the entire time? Got that

  14. You know that state of time wasting (Procrastinating i think the word is) and you're at the point where you have at least 3 RP's to reply to and you spend an hour reading them before going to watch Yugioh and hating yourself the entire time? Got that

  15. -sobs in corner- Larson! We hates it! We hates it forever!!!

  16. So we're getting a third EQG movie. I was actually surprised by Rainbow Rocks, so I feel good about it. However, it's a little concerning to me that we have three EQG's and still no proper FiM movie.

  17. i saw the new ep a while about and i was like wtf why is bonbon a spy or secret agent or whatever she is yes i know one of her names is sweetie drops

  18. Who wants to start a bugbear wrestling rp?

  19. -does the got a job dance-

  20. does anypony want to Smash on wii u

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