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Everything posted by Mojo

  1. Hearing the lovely voice of his dinner companion made the blue stallion smile wide once more. [colour=#0000FF]"You're correct, my dear," [/colour]Saddlesore said as he took another bite of the dessert they were sharing. [colour=#0000FF]"I won't allow anything to spoil this wonderful evening."[/colour] Only now did the blue stallion take notice of the other patron's reactions. Then it dawned on him that they were all marvelling at the couple. This caused his head to droop slightly. [colour=#0000FF]"It appears we're the centre of attention tonight, Miss Stillheart. I certainly never meant for that to happen. I'm so sorry. Are you alright?"[/colour]
  2. [colour=#00ff00]"You got it, AppleJack!" [/colour]Granny Smith shouted out before turning to her brother. [colour=#00ff00]"C'mon Strudel, move yur caboose! Still got plenty of ponies in line! Hop to it!"[/colour] [colour=#006400]"Javol, mein sister!" [/colour]Apple Strudel answered back as the bearded stallion brought over several loaded baskets of apples on his back. [colour=#006400]"Vee still have plenty of apples for dee ponies to purchase. I vill keep dem coming to you!"[/colour] [colour=#00ff00]"That's the spirit! This here sale's the best thing that's happened ta Sweet Apple Acres since that last Apple Family Reunion! Remember that one, brother?"[/colour] [colour=#006400]"Javol Granny Smith!"[/colour] [colour=#00ff00]"Good! Once we git a rest break, y'all kin tell me all about it!"[/colour] [colour=#006400]"Vhat?" [/colour]Apple Strudel asked in stunned amazement before a smile came across his face. [colour=#006400]"Oh, I vill mein sister. I vill show you dee photo album as vell."[/colour] [colour=#00ff00]"And while yur at it, y'all kin show me pictures outta that thar photo album too!"[/colour] [colour=#006400]"As you vish, Granny Smith," [/colour]Apple Strudel said with a smile.
  3. Pulling his trademark peddler's wagon behind him, Mojo trots along the road, humming a happy tune along the way. It had been a long day, but at least in the opinion of the happy-go-lucky Earth stallion, productive. He didn't sell much of his wares today, but he did make enough bits to make him happy. As he was trotting down the road, he spotted a new pony he'd never seen before. This stallion was rather lanky, taller than he was but was dressed in some very funky clothes. [colour=#8b4513]"Hay there friend! Name's Mojo, are ya new here? I'm diggin' those threads. Did ya make'm yurself?"[/colour]
  4. [colour=#ff8c00]"Gadzooks!" [/colour]Flam shouted out, [colour=#ff8c00]"Miss Derpy must truly be ill to reject these muffins! These soft, pleasant smelling, delicious looking..."[/colour] Starting to drool, the lanky unicorn viciously tore into the pack of muffins, eating every one of them. [colour=#0000ff]"Hay buddy! At least ya couldda shared them muffins with the rest of us!" [/colour]Haymaker shouted before turning to Carrot Top. [colour=#0000ff]"Them muffins must be powerful good ta git that city feller to hog'm all fer himself. Did I hear ya say ya needed ta do more shoppin', ma'am? I'll gladly help ya out with that!"[/colour] [colour=#696969]"Oh my! What shall we do now to help Miss Hooves?" [/colour]Mr Waddle asked as Doctor Stable galloped back in. [colour=#ff0000]"You there, blonde foal, aren't you the sister of Haymaker?" [/colour]Doctor Stable asked. [colour=#b22222]"Yes sir, Mr Doctor, sir," [/colour]Haywire replied. [colour=#ff0000]"Please go out and trend to her. I placed her into your family's cart outside. She's still sleeping, but I'd feel better if you would stay with her until she awakens again."[/colour] [colour=#b22222]"You kin count on me, Doctor!" [/colour]the rust coloured filly neighed with a salute. [colour=#b22222]"I done got all my shoppin' finished already!"[/colour] [colour=#0000ff]"Good idear, sis!" [/colour]Hayseed shouted as his little sister galloped away. [colour=#ff0000]"Now then, I must corral Miss Hooves to do a thorough examination on her. Will any of you fine ponies help me?"[/colour] [colour=#696969]"Well Doc, I don't know what I can do, but I'll certainly assist you all I can," [/colour]Mr Waddle said. [colour=#ff8c00]"Be right with you, soon as I finish these WONDERFUL muffins!" [/colour]added Flam. [colour=#0000ff]"Well, I don't know," [/colour]Hayseed said as he turned towards Carrot Top, [colour=#0000ff]"What do you think, darlin'? Maybe Derpy's not ill, she's actin' weird, but this could be normal for her. Maybe we best jist leave her alone."[/colour] [colour=#ff0000]"I'M the Doctor here, young stallion, and I say she is in need of medical treatment!" [/colour]Dr. Stable neighed before turning to Miss Hooves. [colour=#ff0000]"Now Miss Derpy, you are quite ill, I wonder if you have a moment to submit to a simple cranial examination so I can determine the amount of damage you have."[/colour]
  5. After thanking Quicklime for the badges and room key, Louise LaMare, Tankena and Ms. Harshwhinney decided to mingle with the growing crowd of mares. [colour=#008000]"We will have good time this weekend, da?" [/colour]the green Stalliongradian Earth mare neighed. [colour=#FF8C00]"Yes, I'm sure will have a ball together," [/colour]Ms. Harshwhinney said as she rolled her eyes. [colour=#8B4513]"C'mon Whinney, give Tankena a chance," [/colour]Louise whispered seconds before Tankena pulled out her balalaika out from her luggage. [colour=#008000]"HAY EVERYPONY! WE START PARTY NOW!" [/colour]she announced as she began to play a Stalliongradian folk song. [colour=#008000]"We are the ponies of Stalliongrad![/colour] [colour=#008000] Our hearts are warm when the weather is bad![/colour] [colour=#008000] We work real hard then we sing and prance![/colour] [colour=#008000] The time is now to do our special dance!"[/colour] Then Tankena began to dance the hakhop, kicking her hind feet and then shouting [colour=#008000]"HAY!" [/colour]when she threw her front feet up in the air randonly. As Louise LaMare stomped happily in time with the music, Ms. Harshwhinney was applauded. [colour=#FF8C00]"What a crude display by this, this.."[/colour] [colour=#8B4513]"Now Whinney, you got to get into the spirit of things! Would you like to get some punch?"[/colour] [colour=#FF8C00]"I would LOVE to punch her, er I mean, oh PUNCH! The beverage! What a great idea! Excuse me," [/colour]the regal Earth mare said as she backed away from the dancing and singing Tankena. Turning around, she spotted Derpy making a mess while pouring herself some punch. [colour=#FF8C00]"Are Louise and I the only NORMAL ponies at this convention?"[/colour]
  6. Aloe's words seemed to calm Tilly Tome down. The newly arrived Crystal Pony was relieved that there was no scary monster lurking inside this shop. [colour=#0000FF]"Oh, what a relief," [/colour]the elderly mare said as she emerged from her hiding place in front of Aloe. [colour=#0000FF]"I am so sorry to have reacted the way I did, but I've never seen such wonders before like that, that, MANE dryer you called it? It seems that much has changed in the past one thousand years. I am Tilly Tome and I hope I haven't disrupted things too much here. I was curious to see what a Ponyville Spa was like, and I must say, I am rather impressed. What other modern conveniences do you have here aside from that, mane dryer device?"[/colour]
  7. [colour=#008000]"Oh my! I hope I'm not too late! Dat vould not be a good example to set for mein team!" [/colour]the airborne Professor Clyde Krashkop neighed as the elderly green Pegasus stallion flew higher and higher up towards Cloudsdale. Although it had been a long time since he had last visited the city, he knew where the weather factory was and that things in that factory hadn't change a bit since his foalhood long ago. Seeing the crowd of volunteers gathered below him in front of the gate, the Professor descended to come in for a landing. As was his norm, the white maned Pegasus miscalculated his approach, coming in too fast and too high. When his hooves touched the cloudbase, he bounced once before going into a roll that continued until his body crashed into the gate entrance. All in all, it was one of his better landings. [colour=#008000]"Do not vorry dear friends! I am here, reporting for duty!" [/colour]the Professor neighed, staggering back up on his four hooves. Walking very wobbly, he made it to the mare who was passing out the uniforms and was soon properly attired. Spotting Sugar Apple, he immediately galloped up to her and saluted. [colour=#008000]"Professor Clyde Krashkop, reporting for duty, fraulien!" [/colour]
  8. Instantly, everypony in the dining room area gasped in shock at the words of the elegant unicorn mare. Saddlesore, the most grumpy, unpleasant and irritating pony in town was willing to SHARE a dessert with another pony! Several restaurant patrons did 'spit takes' with their drinks and one elderly mare in the back of the room actually fainted. Even the waiter turned wide eyed when he heard Asteria's words. [colour=#ff0000]"Share a dessert? With HIM?" [/colour]he asked. [colour=#0000ff]"Of COURSE with me! Do you see anypony else at this table?" [/colour]Saddlesore grunted before turning towards Asteria. [colour=#0000ff]"The order is perfect just the way it is, Miss Stillheart. It is my hope that you will enjoy our Bananas Foster as much as I do."[/colour] The nervous waiter nodded and then returned to the kitchen. Five minutes later, he returned with the dessert and set it on the table between Asteria and Saddlesore. [colour=#0000ff]"Please Miss Stillheart, I would like for you to take the first bite."[/colour]
  9. Hi Lux! Excellent griffon app! All of the required fields are filled and it's very well written! Unique angle for a griffon, great creativity here! Well done!
  10. Tilly Tome had just arrived at the train station in Ponyville. The elderly Crystal Pony had never ever been outside of the Crystal Empire before, though she had read many books and scrolls that described the 'outside world' in detail. However, since all of those now ancient texts dated back at least a thousand years, the librarian was astonished and stunned at nearly everything she saw once she stepped off the train and set hoof in Ponyville. Even the most trivial of things made Tilly Tome observe with a combination of fear, wonderment and awe. So much of this strange new land looked unfamiliar, but when she saw the Spa, the elderly Crystal Pony breathed a sigh of relief. [colour=#0000cd]"A SPA!" [/colour]she neighed happily. [colour=#0000cd]"We have one of those back home! I wonder if it's any different from that one? Well, only one way to find out!"[/colour] Mustering up more of the bravery that inspired her to journey far from home, Tilly Tome entered the Spa. Her eyes 'bugged out' looking at all of the modern conveniences in the place! True, the Spa Salon back in the Empire had been somewhat modernized under the peaceful rule of Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor, but still there was just SO MUCH more to see here! Walking over to one of the unoccupied large hair dryers, Tilly Tome unwittingly flipped the ON switch. When the machine began making whirling noises and shooting out hot air through the helmet piece, the frightened Crystal Pony quickly ducked behind a sofa in the lobby. [colour=#0000cd]"M..M...M....M...M... MONSTER!" [/colour]she shouted out, pointing a front hoof at the still functioning hair dryer. [colour=#0000cd]"Perhaps I made a mistake coming to this place after all..."[/colour]
  11. Hi Imoverthere! This is a very well written app! All of the required fields are filled and I can really get a good 'feel' for this character by what you've written. Outside of one minor spelling error I caught in the text ("grateful" instead of "greatful"), this looks good to go!
  12. Oops! Didn't even realize I hadn't changed the tag yet, sorry about that Lux. "I just don't know what went wrong!"
  13. Hi CobaltFl4sh! Because this is a Crossover app, the threshold's not as high as with a Mane RP character. All of the required fields are filled and although this app is brief in some places, I think it'll pass. Good job!
  14. Any further progress on this app?
  15. Listening to Asteria, Saddlesore quickly realized his verbal gaff when describing the desserts. The prospect of sharing a dessert with the beautiful unicorn mare did have a certain appeal to him, so the blue Earth stallion [colour=#0000ff]"You are quite correct, Miss Stillheart, I shouldn't have used their names when describing the food. My apologies for a poor choice of words. What I meant to say was the desserts here are excellent! I would love to share a Bananas Foster with you, if that is agreeable. As for a way to exercise, after we're finished eating, we could take a lovely moonlight stroll together in the nearby park. It's a clear night so we can see plenty of stars in the sky!"[/colour] Saddlesore did enjoy being around the elegant unicorn mare. He was beginning to feel a little better about the situation. Although learning to understand and talk 'Asteria-ese' has been an ongoing challenge, he was still enjoying her presence. By now, the restaurant was full, every seat filled and still, the vast majority of the patrons couldn't help but keep staring at the mismatched couple in amazement. Everypony was still stunned to see the normally grumpy Saddlesore with a beautiful unicorn mare that all of the single stallions in the room would LOVE to be with! Even the head waiter still looked puzzled at the couple as he slowly walked over to the table. [colour=#ff0000]"Would either of you care for dessert?" [/colour]he asked.
  16. (ooc): Thanks for the info, Frost, I edited the previous entry to reflect this fact! [colour=#696969]"Why that's a splendid idea, Cranky!" [/colour]Mr Waddle neighed happily. [colour=#696969]"We would love to join you both in a rousing game of bowling!"[/colour] [colour=#ff0000]"Sounds great!" [/colour]Pigpen added. [colour=#ff0000]"I haven't been bowling in months. All that work collecting trash and running my Antiques shop keeps me hopping. Usually, I bring my own ball, but I couldn't find it. Maybe I sold it or lost it in the junkyard. Oh well, I'll get a loaner at the alley."[/colour] [colour=#008000]"I have alvays loved bowling," [/colour]Professor Krashkop said, [colour=#008000]"As a retired Professor of Physics, I love dee simple applied physics in dee game! Dee placement of dee ball, estimating dee correct speed und angle of contact vith dee pins! Dee game of bowling is VONDERBA!"[/colour] As the green Pegasus stallion spoke, the flies buzzing around Pigpen's head flew off and did a quick 'fly by' around Cranky and Mended Heart before returning to their orbiting rotation around the unkempt stallion's head. [colour=#ff0000]"Ah! Looks like my fly friends like you guys! Shall we all go to the bowling alley together now?"[/colour]
  17. By now, Saddlesore was getting used to his dinner companion's unique way of looking at things. Still, wanting to be a good gentelcolt, the blue pelted Earth Stallion decided to try to encourage her to try one. [colour=#0000ff]"Miss Stillheart, sometimes we ponies eat to live, and that's fine, but there's other times when we eat for pleasure. The desserts here in this restaurant are wonderful! Ok, there's little real nutritional value in them, but the enjoyment of eating them more than makes up for this. There are four specialties of this establishment, and if you allow yourself a moment of pleasure, you'd enjoy any one of them! First, they have a chocolate eclair that puts anything that Gustav LaGrande ever made to shame! Then there's the red velvet cake, even Mulya Mild would be hard pressed to improve upon the flavour! One of my personal favorites is the Bananas Foster over waffles! Delicious! And finally, there's the rainbow pie al a mode! It's made with a blend of fruit that's the pastry chef keeps a guarded secret. Are you sure you wouldn't want to indulge yourself with one of these tempting desserts? I could ask our waiter to bring samples to our table so you could taste before trying if you like, ok?"[/colour]
  18. [colour=#0000ff]"Thank you, Miss Stillheart," [/colour]Saddlesore said with a sigh of relief. [colour=#0000ff]"I'm very glad we got all that settled. You are correct that it's difficult to see each other due to your profession, but on those occasions when you are in town, please do drop by!"[/colour] Saddlesore felt so good about the situation that he was smiling again, much to the amazement of the other restaurant patrons. [colour=#0000ff]"This has been such a great evening together, Miss Stillheart. Would you care for any dessert? This restaurant has a fine selection every time I come here![/colour]
  19. To quote Twilight Sparkle: "This is bad!"
  20. Hi SilverWisp! I do remember this app when it was up before. Looks like all the required fields are filled, and I am assuming you have the owners of Bass Drop and Fresco's permission for their relationships to this character, correct? One thing you should know, there's already an approved OC with the name "Abracadabra" on the board now. I know that 'Poof' is the nickname for him, but I thought I should mention this now. Also, I don't think the SRP Staff will go with an "unavailable" for Residence Even a travelling pony has to call SOMEWHERE home. I'm ok with this, but I don't think it'll pass in the next phase of analysis. Same with the messager bird, I like it, SRP Staff might not. Anyway, great start for this app! Just needs some more tweaking to get it approved!
  21. Just need two more Staff approvals before this app can be officially 'accepted' into Cast.
  22. Well, I have examined this app, and I approve! Good work!
  23. (ooc): Here comes a whole group of adventurers! Texas Tilly Silver Larry the Cable Pony Sye Klops Con Mane Five ponies approached the huge door to the palace together. The lone mare of the group, named Texas Tilly (or Tilly for short) was decked out in a blue and white cowpony outfit. Her bobcat-like fur and features were clearly visible. Next to her was a larger metallic looking alicorn stallion, apply named Silver. This computerized pony, like Tilly, came from an alternate world and are now stuck in Equestria, their bodies transformed into their present 'pony' forms. Next to the robotic Silver was a rotund stallion in a cowpony hat, the not-so-famous comedian Larry The Cable Pony. With them came two detective stallions, the one eyed super sleuth Earth Pony Sye Klops and the Equestria unicorn super spy Con Mane. All five spotted Indimara Jess waiting and knocking on the door. [colour=#8b4513]"Howdy ma'am!" [/colour]Larry the Cable Pony said with a wide grin. [colour=#8b4513]"How about a date?"[/colour] [colour=#ff0000]"Quit yur flirtin' lover boy!" [/colour]Texas Tilly neighed as she rapped on the door with her two front hooves. [colour=#ff0000]"Looks like no pony's answerin' this here door. Hay Silver, kin ya open it fer us?"[/colour] [colour=#696969]"AFFIRMATIVE!" [/colour]the cybernetic alicorn spoke in robotic voice as his horn glowed. The doors began to glow slightly as they swung open. [colour=#696969]"TASK ACHIEVED!"[/colour] [colour=#8b4513]"Looks like ol' tin head's purty useful after all! GITT'R DONE!" [/colour]Larry giggled as Tilly rushed over to him, waving a hoof in the air. [colour=#ff0000]"You best not be makin' fun of mah pal Silver, unless ya wanna hard kick where the sun don't shine!" [/colour]the furious mare snarled, making Larry cringe in fear. [colour=#0000ff]"Now let's not quarrel," [/colour]Sye Klops chimed in. [colour=#0000ff]"Remember, we're all friends here ready to help on a noble quest!"[/colour] [colour=#006400]"Quite right, Detective Klops," [/colour]Con Mane said as the dapper dressed stallion adjusted his bowtie. [colour=#006400]"Let's enter the palace and find out what this task is all about,"[/colour] Tilly and Larry nodded and then followed the others inside, Larry lagged behind as the overweight stallion walked with Indimara Jess. [colour=#8b4513]"Say miss, know of any good restaurants round these here parts? I ate had nutin' ta eat since lunch and that was only an hour ago," [/colour]Larry asked. [colour=#ff0000]"LARRY! STOP PESTERIN' THAT LADY AN' GIT YUR KEISTER UP HERE!" [/colour]Texas Tilly shouted back to him. [colour=#8b4513]"Jist hold yur horses, gal! Say! I made a funny! Hold yur horses, and they're all horses! I don't care who ya are, that's funny!" [/colour]Larry laughed.
  24. Asterial's sudden moment towards Saddlesore stunned everypony in the restaurant. The waiter dropped his tray, his mouth gaping open at the sight. Others were gasping too, due to the sheer surprise of the entire situation. Saddlesore, the grumpiest pony in all of Equestria, had not only came to dinner WITH a female guest, but it was seem that this stunningly beautiful unicorn mare was about to kiss him! Not in a MILLION years did any of the regular customers of the restaurant EVER expect to see such a thing! Even the owner of the restaurant, a rather middle aged looking pink unicorn mare, looked on in absolute amazement at the pair. Saddlesore didn't notice any of this because now he was very concerned. It was getting harder and harder to 'read' this emotionless mare. Was she agreeing to become 'just friends' or was she trying to avoid that responsibility as well? The blue stallion quickly dismissed his doubts and decided to do something he rarely ever did, think optimistically about his current situation. He found his feelings for Asterial were returning, and he smiled as he spoke gently to her. [colour=#0000ff]"My dear Miss Stillheart, try to understand. Friendship isn't about 'gain' and 'loss' of time and wealth. True friendship cannot be quantified in such terms. Miss Stillheart, I really enjoy spending time with you! You are by far the most interesting mare I've ever met! Admittedly, sometimes I can't understand what you're saying to me, but that doesn't matter. I would very much savor the honor of being your friend. You brought up somepony named Gerrard earlier, and I certainly don't want to come between the two of you. But you are wonderful, Asterial. Please try to understand when I tell you, I am very fond of you and would enjoy visiting with you in the future. I am sorry I let my emotions overtake me earlier, I didn't mean to mislead you into thinking we should rush into a deeper relationship so quickly. I'd love the chance to get to know you better, and perhaps in time, our relationship could move to a higher level. But for now, Miss Stillheart, could we simply enjoy the remainder of this evening together? No contracts, no agendas, no 'loss and gain' talk. Could we just spend this time together, celebrating our new found friendship as we dine?"[/colour] More gasps and ponies with their mouths gaped open from the crowd as Saddlesore smiled yet again! A few ponies in the crowd were fumbling around trying to find their cameras to capture such a rare moment forever on film! Saddlesore smiling? If Gabby Gums still had her column in the Foal Free Press, she'd definitely write this up for that newspaper!
  25. [colour=#00FF00]"Got'm comin', AppleJack!" [/colour]Granny Smith shouted over to her brother. [colour=#00FF00]"Need more variety baskets up here, Strudel! Git the lead out and hurry!"[/colour] [colour=#006400]"Javol mein sister!" [/colour]the bearded stallion shouted back as he pushed two more bushel baskets up to the Apple Stand with his head. [colour=#006400]"I vill have more very soon!"[/colour] [colour=#00FF00]"Good Strudel! Looks like my granddaughter's sellin' a lot more of'm than we figgered in the first place! Good thing we got so many different kinds of apples here at Sweet Apple Acres!"[/colour] [colour=#006400]"Javol! Vee even have Zap Apples vhen day are in season!"[/colour] [colour=#00FF00]"Darn tootin', Strudel! And besides that, we even got Zap Apples when thar in season too!"[/colour] [colour=#006400]"You are alvays correct, mein sister," [/colour]Apple Strudel said with a smile as the elderly stallion brought up two more variety bushels to the apple stand.
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