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Everything posted by Elderflower

  1. I never have enough likes to give, gosh darnit. ;-; That tattoo design is ridiculous levels of pretty.
  2. ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ Eeeee thank you! I normally try to avoid rainbow manes like the plague as well, but...it just seemed to fit so well. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, though looking at the colouring for the braid is frustrating. I may have to revisit it.
  3. From the album: Elder's Flower Bed

    The creator of Sailor Mare!
  4. I'm searching for a best friend for a WoE OC! The awkward, adorable, narcoleptic creator of Sailor Mare! :D Anyone have a good fit?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Elderflower


      I haven't decided on where she lives yet. As for a good fit: someone with patience would be good. She can go from being flat and lifeless to being ridiculously energetic and enthusiastic over anything she deems cute.

    3. Blueblood


      Hm, well, Sky's pretty chill for the most part; I don't think he's likely to get too worked up over things. Dunno, you think he'd be a fit?

    4. Elderflower


      Yaaay. :D Sky's a good fit.

  5. Elderflower

    Sugar Star

    I am still fawning over this. :C Can I hit the like button again.
  6. Lots of posties to be done tomorrow. *Cracks knuckles*

    1. Zeig


      *waves some pom poms in the air. To show encouragement, 'ya know*

  7. Elderflower

    Sugar Star

    Aaaaahh ohmigosh this is amazing. ;-; She is totally living out her Sailor Mare fantasies! Thank you so much! It was definitely successful - her mane especially looks so soft and nice!
  8. I keep hitting my like quota. :C Boooo.

    1. XanXeto


      The quota needs to be extended. Everypony deserves your likes.

    2. Elderflower


      That's right! We're doing the world a great injustice!

  9. Elderflower's spring celebration is live! Join in the fun for PRIZES.

  10. Last call to join a fun party full of giant rosebushes, hexes, prizes, and tea! Check it out before I close sign-ups and get the thread started! http://www.canterlot.com/topic/20264-elderflowers-backyard-extravaganza/

  11. Thanks so much! I'll be apping her soon! I'm super excited to play her.
  12. Would you like a violin that summons fireflies when played beautifully? How about a magical cutlass or a cloak that lets you breathe underwater for a spell? Check out Elderflower's Backyard Extravaganza OOC in the Gathering!

    1. Elderflower


      Er, the Gatherum. Hemhem...oops.

  13. She looks so darn good!
  14. Elderflower


    From the album: Elder's Flower Bed

    I wanted to share her banner 'cause she looks good in makeup Dang girl.
  15. Because she's Lucy. I named her Lucy.
  16. From the album: Elder's Flower Bed

    I have no idea what to name her. .__________________.
  17. From the album: Elder's Flower Bed

    Rosemary and thyyyyme. One of these days I'll be satisfied with something I draw once I'm finished drawing it. ;-;
  18. Even in the afterlife I'll be apping ponies and birdlions on Canterlot.

    1. Imagination


      This is a good thing!

    2. Dio


      Fluffies are always welcome~

    3. moonshineTheleocat


      *defibs Elder back to the land of the living* Oh no you don't!

  19. Too much cuteness. Cannot deal. Momo gives me diabetes in the best way possible. Ahhhhh.
  20. The only good thing to come out of this darn dress debacle. http://bit.ly/1wvpiJW

  21. Nothing like a Majora's Mask binge and copious amounts of tea to celebrate a raise!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Solaria


      See the impending doom and masks are awesome, but the whole time travel mechanic and seeing the before/after hooked me. Plus the songs!

    3. Elderflower


      Yeah and I'll admit to wanting to marry adult Link when I was a kid. Hot dang.

    4. tacobob


      Wonders what sort of tea Elderflower drinks.

  22. I name characters after flowers a lot too. Flowers are awesome, and this is awesome!
  23. Elderflower


    Undersea creatures haunt my dreams! I, too, cavort. Bwehwehwe!
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