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Status Updates posted by Elderflower

  1. I'm searching for a best friend for a WoE OC! The awkward, adorable, narcoleptic creator of Sailor Mare! :D Anyone have a good fit?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Elderflower


      I haven't decided on where she lives yet. As for a good fit: someone with patience would be good. She can go from being flat and lifeless to being ridiculously energetic and enthusiastic over anything she deems cute.

    3. Blueblood


      Hm, well, Sky's pretty chill for the most part; I don't think he's likely to get too worked up over things. Dunno, you think he'd be a fit?

    4. Elderflower


      Yaaay. :D Sky's a good fit.

  2. It's been drizzling all day. It's not much, but every little bit counts. Unfortunately after today it will be hot, dry, and windy once more until Thursday. Our much needed downpour is nowhere in the near future.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tacobob


      here! Load this! It's a rain dance. :3 http://youtu.be/y2e1515l7Tc

    3. Kodokuna


      This might sound crazy, but Taco might be onto something. Perhaps performing a rain dance will calm down Celestia's heat wrath. Seriously though, I'm going to try this later tonight.

    4. tacobob


      Yay! I'm helping!

  3. It's midterm break! I'll be non-existent until Sunday, folks!

  4. Just as a head's up, I'm probably going to be scarce this weekend. I apologize for any delays in posting this may cause. D:

  5. Just keep drawing ponies forever.

    1. tacobob


      Tis nice to see you back. :3

  6. Last call to join a fun party full of giant rosebushes, hexes, prizes, and tea! Check it out before I close sign-ups and get the thread started! http://www.canterlot.com/topic/20264-elderflowers-backyard-extravaganza/

  7. Life has been busy. Post binge coming tomorrow. Prepare yourselves!

    1. Elderflower


      Or today, rather..

    2. Dio


      My body is ready.

  8. Lilac's party is live, folks!

    1. Dio



  9. Lilac's party post will be returning post-event for all who participated in battle threads as a way to soothe the spirit after all this. Keep an eye out!

  10. Looks like I'm catching the nasty bug that's been going around. A weekend of nights with a bad flu? Can't wait! WOO. ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Elderflower


      I'm definitely bringing my tea+honey into work tonight. Having a kettle in my shack is awesome!

    3. Ciraxis


      Huh...and one would think that all this BOWS would give immunity too status alignments.

    4. tacobob


      Only ribbons.

  11. Lots of posties to be done tomorrow. *Cracks knuckles*

    1. Zeig


      *waves some pom poms in the air. To show encouragement, 'ya know*

  12. Masquerade~ Paper faces on parade~ Masquerade~ Hide your face so the world will never find you~ *Sob*

    1. Dio


      I'm Orlesian.

      You already know.

      I've dodge assassins.

      From Denerim to Val Royeaux.

    2. Elderflower


      You have done Andrew Lloyd Webber proud, Dior.

  13. Not sure if I'm writing a bridleway pony because I want to or because I just want another reason to listen to nothing but broadway music. Probably both. Masqueraaaaaaaade~

  14. Nothing like a Majora's Mask binge and copious amounts of tea to celebrate a raise!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Solaria


      See the impending doom and masks are awesome, but the whole time travel mechanic and seeing the before/after hooked me. Plus the songs!

    3. Elderflower


      Yeah and I'll admit to wanting to marry adult Link when I was a kid. Hot dang.

    4. tacobob


      Wonders what sort of tea Elderflower drinks.

  15. On my way to my Uncle's place for a weekend of darts and lobster boil ups! Gotta love having fishermen in the family.

    1. tacobob


      mmmmm. Lobster!

    2. Elderflower
    3. tacobob


      Needs to crash this party!

  16. On today's training schedule: eight hours of playing in harnesses!

  17. Profile now has sufficient bows. Or does it? Perhaps I need more bows. I like bows.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Davroth


      I think it could work if you incorporate it into a pattern, like a checker-board. That could work. Then again, bows kinda loose their bowness if you make them to small, you are absolutely right on that. :)

    3. Kodokuna


      I 'bow' to the Princess of Bows. :3

    4. tacobob


      Bows to NO PONY! \|o|/

  18. Returning (albeit not full force) to play around on Sugar Star!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. GhostGirl
    3. QuickLime


      ELDER IS BACK!!!!!

    4. XanXeto


      I wasn't apart of the community before you took your leave of absence, but either way, welcome back!

  19. Sleeping beauty is our prettiest princess <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elderflower




    3. Dio


      *is prettiest pony princess*

    4. Solaria


      Pffft hahahaha

  20. That break was way too short...hello again real life.

    1. Apolline Allura
    2. ArrowWing


      Real life?I don't believe I've been there yet.

  21. The caribou don't actually have horns for their BWAAMMPs. Just a big red button. http://inception.davepedu.com/

  22. The crystal ponies need more love! C'mon, Canterlot - get those hooves going and type up some crystal fun!

    1. RegalSteel


      Sparkle Horses!

    2. tacobob


      Just don't watch them eat..It's kind of creepy. o_o

  23. The only good thing to come out of this darn dress debacle. http://bit.ly/1wvpiJW

  24. The sister community to my town is being evacuated, which means we'll be sharing the house with my cousins's family for a while! I will be scarce online the next few days.

  25. The weather in my hometown is hormonal. I crack a window because it gets too warm, and a few hours later it's snowing on my bed. What even...wat?

    1. Dio
    2. Elderflower


      Land of the the beaver and maple syrup and apologies! And snowing on beds.

    3. tacobob


      And lots and lots of lumberjacks.

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