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Status Updates posted by Elderflower

  1. There should be a magical girl university. I want a mahou shoujo career! >C Gimme

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elderflower


      This is how student debt starts isn't it

    3. Dio


      We're all magical girls already. Some of us just don't know it yet.

    4. Elderflower


      So where's my Tuxedo Mask?!

  2. Today in the life of Elderflower: HOW AND WHY IS IT THIS LATE ;-; Good thing there's free coffee at work...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Davroth


      Free coffee... I can't deal with free coffee. It makes me drink too much free coffee.

    3. Elderflower


      I think the plant would fall apart without free coffee.

    4. Davroth


      Coffee very much sustains me. :P

  3. Viking caribou have successfully invaded my heart.

  4. Watch out, stallions of Canterlot. Sugar Star's dad will end you all.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Solaria


      I accept parenthood with the dignity of the Prench.

    3. Blueblood


      Certainly knows how to make a Prince quake in his polished shoes!

    4. Rosewind


      I think all Canterlot stallions should watch out, period.

  5. We killed it at the con! People are still buzzing about our table and I'm still buzzing! But thankfully I've recovered, so it's time for a posting spree~

  6. Who needs a life when you can spend all day drawing ponies and watching X-Files? NOT THIS GUY.

    1. starswirlthebearded
    2. Elderflower



  7. Would you like a violin that summons fireflies when played beautifully? How about a magical cutlass or a cloak that lets you breathe underwater for a spell? Check out Elderflower's Backyard Extravaganza OOC in the Gathering!

    1. Elderflower


      Er, the Gatherum. Hemhem...oops.

  8. Yaaaay. Rewrote Sugar Star's app to properly reflect her dokidokiful self. So adorkable!

  9. After a week of steady rehearsal, work, and hospital visits, a posting spree is incoming! 

  10. I have a fairly busy weekend ahead of me and apologize for any posting delays it might cause.

    1. Blueblood


      That's OK.  Continue giving our well wishes to your friend in the Hospital, btw!

    2. Elderflower


      Thank you ❤


      She has her diagnosis and treatments have started. Barring all goes well she'll be out of the icu after the weekend!

  11. My busted hdd has finally been replaced by a shiny new one! I'll finally have my computer back this weekend once the cinnamon roll is done doing the thing with it. (:

  12. All aboard the art object express! Any more book binding and I might just saddle stitch myself into oblivion.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. Elderflower



      I can't humour :c

    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      Well, you said, "All aboard", so I just associated that with a train. :P

  13. I require a new plush animal. I...think it's time for a red panda.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. weesh


      sounds like it is time to ask Dan Hess to make a Weesh plushie again.

    3. Elderflower


      Weesh plush! D'you have pics?

  14. I should be working on the sketchbook I'm about to hand in...

  15. Moosefest tonight! Mooseburgers, live music, and all that good stuff!

  16. Note to self: don't watch a musical before going out in public, dancing feet are contagious! Even if yours are no good, hahaha!

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      I'm singin' in the rain!

    2. Davroth


      I'll neither confirm nor deny if I can relate to that.

    3. Elderflower


      That's answer enough~

  17. That awkward feel when your roommate walks in on you cleaning and whispering sweet nothings to your camera. *Ahem*

  18. Tonight after my roommate's birthday party, I attempted to woo her with a fan dance. Except I didn't have fans...I had two frozen pizzas.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elderflower


      I think it would have worked if she hadn't fallen asleep halfway through. She missed the big finish

    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      Did you shove both pizzas in your mouth at the same time?

    4. Elderflower


      I...I didn't. I failed. I'm sorry ;-;

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