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Status Replies posted by PyroBlaze

  1. My computer charging cord died... I'll be making RP posts as soon as the new cord gets here... Which will be Saturday

  2. Man... I've been really lazy about posting here... Sorry about that, guys.

  3. I haven't upgraded yet, but am I the only one that's really skeptical about Windows 10? I really don't want my computer to be like a giant smartphone...

  4. I am back from my trip now! It was fun!

  5. I am back from my trip now! It was fun!

  6. *disgruntled grumbling*

  7. dark times are apon me... there has been a death in the family... dont expect any posts from me.

  8. You know that state of time wasting (Procrastinating i think the word is) and you're at the point where you have at least 3 RP's to reply to and you spend an hour reading them before going to watch Yugioh and hating yourself the entire time? Got that

  9. I don't suppose anyone has a WoE foal they're looking to RP? c': I'd love to get some use out of my pegasus filly, Amber Glass. c:

  10. So...I went from a B+ to a C ranking in Splatoon. Yeah. Okay. *cries in the corner*

  11. Today is random cookie day. Everyone gets a cookie, but we don't tell you whats in it *Evil smile* Those could be chocolate chips, or super hot spicey seeds. *Gives everyone a random cookie*

  12. Happy Birthday to me!!!

  13. Happy Birthday to me :)

  14. Please be Fallout 4 Please be Fallout 4 Please be Fallout 4 http://fallout.bethsoft.com/ (Something coming up in 9 hrs..)

  15. Need to think of new threads to do, but I'm in a slump. So who would be interested in having fun with any of my characters?

  16. "Sometimes to do some good you have to BE THE BAD GUY!!"

  17. I know I'm calling Zeig out of whatever it is that he is doing and wanting to give Cloud some new ink. I was thinking of something like the Rainbow Factory logo with a rose throgh it. Somewhere on his right foreleg. I was wanting it to be a permanent tattoo.

  18. I know I'm calling Zeig out of whatever it is that he is doing and wanting to give Cloud some new ink. I was thinking of something like the Rainbow Factory logo with a rose throgh it. Somewhere on his right foreleg. I was wanting it to be a permanent tattoo.

  19. Im literally crying right now, I just fell straight down onto my inkured foot, rebending the foot a bit, and now, it, bucking, hurts....

  20. Philosophy is like programming. A lot of fluff must be done before you get to the point.

  21. I just broke, well, more like fractured, my ankle. Its painful as hell lol, and stupid painkillers from the hospital did nothing... Anyone else ever had the same experiance?

  22. Why do I keep coming up with concepts for arena fighters?

  23. Why do I keep coming up with concepts for arena fighters?

  24. Anyone wanna play with a constantly grinning changeling, a grumpy old unicorn, a performing pegasus untrusting of magic, or a zebra pony who's afraid of everything?

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