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Everything posted by QuickLime

  1. Why is birthday cake icecream always white cake with white frosting? :I

    1. tacobob


      Ice Cream Cake Law.

    2. QuickLime



  2. Just a reminder this is a action/adventure, however mercenaries, gore, bloodshed, extreme violence, and intoxication arn't allowed, so please don't do these things
  3. Celestia has fallen, Eternal night reins now, what will happen to Equestria? Is this poor universe doomed to be consumed by the inky, blackness that is NightMare Moon's magic? We'll find out! This idea is to help encourage more roleplaying in Free For All and to show off some of it's potential! It's more than a place to frolic with Alicorns, or do yet ANOTHER "Elements of Harmony" Roleplay where new ponies get the elements! It's about universe expansion, alternate scenarios! And that is what we have here! Basically this is an alternate universe, Celestia lost, now Equestria is going to have a fight on their hooves! OR alternatively they could slip into the darkness... Basically this Rp is all about fun, while I have a few rules in place, this is open to everyone, with all levels of Roleplay experience, there is no required post lenght, there is no level of literacy (However if you could use third person and not use *'s to signify action that would be great!) I have a few basic rules then I'll link to the threads so you can join the fun! 1: No Alicorns, sorry guys, save for the princesses there will be none of those 2: No relations to the Mane cast, sorry, not something I really want to allow. 3: Canon to the show races only, Bat Ponies, changelings, ect are all okay! 4: Don't try to twist the plot to be about your character, this is for everyone! 5: There is a limit of 2 characters per user ! And that's it! Now below are the two open threads, and the OOC thread! In the Ooc thread are some banners and suggestions of characters you might want to play, if you choose to play as one you are welcome to use the banners Ooc Thread First thread Nightmare Moon has taken over and wishes to address her subjects Second Thread You hear Celestia's voice, begging you to help Equestria.. Do you listen? There you have it! I'm pretty excited for this idea!
  4. Check out my Nightmare Universe threads in FFA :D

    1. SongHeart


      gah. it's one of those RPs that makes me go brain dead looking at them they're so good and being braindead means i can't think of a way to get my character in.

  5. Check out my "Before the Elements" OOC thread for Princess shenanigins and fun!

  6. UUUUGH I want an Augustus Waters so baaaad

  7. Too much angst in Rps nowadays!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. tacobob


      That gives me an idea! *Starts making an OC named 'Little Boo-Hoo'*

    3. QuickLime


      Nuh, won't pass, too close to Honey Boo-Boo

    4. tacobob
  8. He should probably make his own thread for it to avoid confusion ^^:
  9. Gonna be dressing up as Hazel Grace for The Fault In Our Stars premiere!

  10. So I'm sure you'v seen the RPH around and have thought to yourself.. "HEY ! I can do that! " Well you'd be right! In fact helping other people with their applications is how a lot of the RPH that are in work today have THEIR jobs, I myself started out helping out with applications, with the sheer desire to help this site's users expand their work, and to do the very best that they can. However one should be sure to do this job for the right reason, if you get some glee out of tearing someone's application to shreds? This isn't the job for you, if you do it to lord over users and feel superior? Also not the job for you! The reason you should do this is to help other people grow as writers, after all we all are here to roleplay yes? We should encourage others to always do their very best, and encourage them to ever improve! BUT if you want to help your fellow users, then you are going to have to follow some guidelines, some rules if you will, to ensure that you don't lead them astray! First and foremost, please read the Elements of Honesty, and keep them close to read again if you are unsure of something you want to say, for example, you should NEVER come in and act like you are a Roleplay Helper, a simple disclaimer saying you aren't staff and that anything you say is just your own thoughts that may be corrected by official staff. Never use words like "Cant, not allowed, wont" ect, in fact the Elements of Honesty say it best themselves.​ Don't be usin' absolute statements like can/can't/will/won't.Leave it to the RP Helpers to decide what is okay in an application or not, Be polite and respectful to the person you are helping, don't make them feel bad, but DO feel free to offer them suggestions, critiquing an application is far more than saying what is wrong with it, it's suggesting how to fix it, and also praising what is genuinely good about it! Build people up, don't crush them down! If a user acts hostile, or unhappy with your help then bow out gracefully and let a staff member handle them, if a staff member comes in to handle an application, bow out and let them handle it (It's their job after all, if they don't do it they get the fungeon ) Don't argue with a user in their app, even if they disagree, and overall keep in mind that you are there to help, if they don't want your help then that's okay! And please please PLEASE above all else, CHECK YOUR FACTS! Don't suggest something because you THINK it's true! Read the site rules, read the rp rules, read the site lore, before correcting something you THINK is wrong but aren't sure of, and in fact if you really aren't sure, don't mention it at all and let a staff member point it out instead! We appreciate your efforts to better the site, help with these suggestions/guidelines in place and things should go hunky dory! Read the Elements of Honesty, be kind, be respectful, and be helpful! This is QuickLime signing off!
  11. amazing song all must hear
    1. Sailu


      UMMMM WHOLLY **** this is awesome!!

    2. starswirlthebearded


      I've seen him in the subway before :P

  12. That does it! I'm going to RE WRITE SNOWDROP!

    1. Winter


      Yes please. Make a wonderful video to go with it too :D

    2. QuickLime


      Naw, just gonna write it, no video for you 8D

    3. Sailu


      I'll look forward to it and can't wait!

  13. A simple fix to SnowDrop coulda been eliminating the bullying, and have had Snowdrop become blind RECENTLY and having to adjust to it :I I should really write that

    1. Sailu


      i could have seen that happening

    2. Lux


      Or just eliminating the blind factor and still have a pony that wants to share her love of snow. (This is kind of why I made Snow Dancer as to show this.) But yes, that could have been a good fix.

  14. Cashmere knows his pain :I
  15. Be kind, please rewind!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darkwind


      I remember when the VCR ate my tapes.

      Such a traumatic experience for a kid.

    3. DreamySunday


      *traumatic flash back* No! NO! Please VCR not Pokemon! take anything else but not Pokemon!

    4. tacobob


      VCR: Nom Nom Nom.

  16. Holy poop you can draw amazingly well!
  17. Making a pony that looks sweet and innocent but is really a rather harsh fashion critic

  18. Why would it be? Equestria is accepting, I can't imagine a group of individuals having to show "Pride" for something that wouldn't to them be a big deal at all, I have a feeling in Equestria Love is Love and it doesn't matter who you share it with
  19. Sorta sad my request thread fell through, mostly due to people not actually reading what I wrote :(

  20. Moping about being single is probably not going to make you look attractive to potential partners btw :P

  21. I'm having a "Good art" day where things come out how I want them :D


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