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Everything posted by Pretzelparty

  1. I think I need to give up on trying to think up new characters... all I'm doing is frustrating myself...

    1. Blueblood


      Eh, they come in time. My latest OC was months in the making

    2. RedCedar


      Same with mine. Still haven't got her done yet, and I'm not even trying to draw her.

    3. tacobob


      Eh, just stick with what you got for now. :3

  2. Tryign to push through Writer's block...

    1. Lyipheoryia
    2. Blueblood


      *Cheers on PressyPone!*

    3. DerpRavener


      I know that feeling. I wish you the best of luck.

  3. *contemplates sneaking up on ponies to "borrow" their creativity from them... possibly with a straw*

    1. tacobob


      Ha! Good luck getting any from me! D:

  4. working on posts in horror thread, caribou party, and snowfall marriage. Please bare with my slowness ;(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tacobob
    3. ShadowWalking18


      *Puts on socks* Now I am clothed.....

    4. tacobob


      Nah, you're just a member of the Red Hot Chili Peppers during the early 90s.

  5. will be doing posts tonight

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pretzelparty


      *smoke pours out of head with frustration*

    3. ShadowWalking18


      *Lifts a flagon* Hooray!!!

    4. tacobob


      Hey! Canterlot is a smoke free web site!

  6. *repeatedly slams face against wall* stupid autosave...

  7. Writer's block, please leave my head ;(

    1. Lyipheoryia


      The horror! The HORROR!!! I, too, have bulldozed more than one of those.

    2. tacobob


      WAAGH! Don't go in my head Pressy's Writer's Block...I already have two there! Shoo!

  8. Aww! This is adaorable, hawkeye! Thanks for this
  9. Pretzelparty

    Snap Shot

    WOnderful work as always zeig! I like to imagine they are seeing something insane but inkbrand has learned not to question the craziness of the world they live in.
  10. Bleh! I hate colds ;(

    1. Blueblood


      Everyone does; at least I do. Get well soon!

    2. Hawkeye12


      Your avatar fits that status. :P Hope you get better!

    3. ShadowWalking18


      I'll cure you :D *Opens up a medical bag and pulls out a saw* :D

  11. I think I now know what my favorite pony episode is. :)

  12. ... and so it has come to pass that my Wacom bamboo has fallen. It was a trusty and beloved tool for my art and it shall be missed...

    1. DreamySunday


      When's the Funeral? :'(

    2. InSaNiTyCaT


      You have my condolences. :(

    3. RedCedar
  13. I want to apologize to everyone I'm in a thread with that I'm holding up, lately life has been taking so much o my time and stressing me out... so I'll try to post when I can. Once again, Sorry :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. starswirlthebearded


      I'm in the same situation as of late. I'm going to wrok on posts soon though!

    3. Blueblood


      Understood, take your time!

    4. tacobob


      ugh. knows how you feel. :/ I need to go and win the lottery or save the life of an old billionaire or find a magic ring..or..

  14. to start my use of Coco... I'm thinking of maybe a thread like inkbrand's tattoo parlor where Coco can make ponies outfits and I can draw them... if anyone has any suggestions for where coco would start don't hesitate to speak up!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. starswirlthebearded


      my jazz mare might use her services if this ever comes to pass...

    3. tacobob


      Yeah, somebody needs to cover up all those naked, naked ponies!

    4. Tymiko


      Hey, I think that idea is really cool! I just want to advise you to take caution because I know Inkbrand has a backlog of customers due to the demand of their art, so it might be difficult to keep up with your demand, as well. If you think you can, though, by all means, go for it!

  15. to celebrate my first cast app... Imma draw Coco! =3

    1. Lux


      Oh you got Coco Pommel? Congrats!

    2. Pretzelparty


      Thank you, lux! I ope I can do her justice. :)

    3. tacobob


      I'm sure you will. ^_^

  16. I aim to do much posting tomorrow... *glares at reality*

    1. tacobob


      yeah. Curse you real life! *shakes hoof at it*

  17. *makes sick typing noises*

  18. As usual, Zeig, you're work is positively awesome! thanks so much
  19. Will try and get some posts done but I think I'm coming down with something :(

    1. PyroBlaze


      Sorry to hear that. I hope you don't actually catch any colds. Or, if you do, I hope you will get better soon afterwards.

    2. tacobob


      relax and drink lots of ginger ale.

  20. From the album: Oc ships

    Presteza and her new coltfriend, Javasun! I'm thinking of making more pictures with these two....
  21. figures on the day I was plannign to spend posting im called to help someone Move. XD

  22. *is envious of Zeig's artistic superiority* Really though this is beautiful!
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