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How Do You Chill?


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Fairly self-explanatory subject matter here. Assume the following: it's Saturday evening, you've dealt with the daily problems and resolved them, you've got nowhere to go tonight and nothing really important to do, and you've got a good four to six hours to kill. What do you do with that free time?

Myself, I'd spend it holed up in my room with a cup of tea, tinkering with my computer- either in the sense of system maintenance, cleaning, or just killing time blowing up playing with my friends on a variety of games like Star Trek Online, Minecraft, or TF2. Nothing special, really, but it calms me down and helps me relax, and that's what's important.

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I'm a musician that works on my craft most of the time. song ideas, lyrics, riffs etc but outside of that i play video games, watch movies, go to bike parks and jump for a while martial arts and chill with friends.

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I tend to play Pokemon or Pokemon Ranger (except those blasted timed missions!) while on video call with my boyfirend when I need to relax. Or, if my boyfriend's out, I'll marathon something on Netflix while I play.

When the creative bug bites me, though, I'll usually break out fabric and work on a new skirt, or I'll try to get some writing done.

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Rp, talk to my gf and friends, games, games, games, music, more games. *Points to the two games Monochrome pointed out* 100% yes!

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I play Shining Force 2 and watch copious amounts of Top Gear UK.

Shining Force 2 is like, best game ever.

I watch episodes of my current anime, play/rage at Smite, maybe put in some work on a side project if I have one, and cruise through the internet. Putting that down in words makes my weekends seem incredibly boring. Although once ESO hits I'll be busy devoting inordinate amounts of time to that for awhile.

Unless it's a drill weekend, then I'm probably catching up on sleep because I probably went to sleep late the night before and only had a couple of hours before having to deal with the ineptness and generally unpleasant company of a terrible unit for a full day.

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I love checking out this site when I sit down to chill. I also like to write and recently have been quite happy to sit and create new characters to play on this site. :D I also love to just chill with my friends and talk or watch a movie or play a game or laugh or all of the above! :razz:

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Well, most of the time I spend my evenings after school (weekends too) Jamming on my 1987 sky blue Martin Stinger or my Cherry red Memphis Jazz Bass. Write music, lyrics, sing, that sort of thing. Skyrim is fun. Here and there I might go outside and enjoy the company of the moon while listening to ambience on my iPod. However, at school my day is comprised of flirting with everything that moves and telling the LET 1's and 2's to get their sorry, lolly gaggin' selves in formation. It's fun being a LET 4.

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Well, most of the time I spend my evenings after school (weekends too) Jamming on my 1987 sky blue Martin Stinger or my Cherry red Memphis Jazz Bass. Write music, lyrics, sing, that sort of thing. Skyrim is fun. Here and there I might go outside and enjoy the company of the moon while listening to ambience on my iPod. However, at school my day is comprised of flirting with everything that moves and telling the LET 1's and 2's to get their sorry, lolly gaggin' selves in formation. It's fun being a LET 4.

If you are half as fun as this answer makes you sound, I think we're gonna get along juuust fine. :smug:

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Well recetly I've been listening to the scott pilgrim Vs the world the game soundtrack, playing Scott pilgrim Vs the world the game, watching Scott pilgrim Vs the world the movie and reading the Scott pilgrim Vs the world graphic novels............yeeeeah I'm kinda obsessed

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Usually I read, kill time on the Internet (mostly Tumblr and online RP stuff), or else I play a lot of Pokemon or Guild Wars 2. Sometimes I get a wacky idea in my head that has to be drawn, which can take up a good couple hours of my time at least.

One good thing about college, though, is being able to meet new people on the same brainwave--in the last few months I've started going out places and hanging out with folks far more often than I ever did in high school! Of course I still like to keep social stuff spaced amply apart in frequency, but it does make a nice change to sitting at home and being a recluse.

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