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"Hello Dinner-- I mean Ponies!..."


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" Greetings Ponies of Equestria. I'm Lillian Antonescu. And that's all you need to know. Go away. "


Aheheh. Sorry for Lillians rude behavior. It's been a while since she's been around others.


Allow me to introduce you to Lillian properly. She's a stigoi, an ancient monster in Romanian Folklore that's known to shape shift into horrendous creatures, abnormal speed, invincibility, and drains the life energy out of any living creature including plants and insects. Now you see why Equestria has a problem with her eating habits.


Centuries ago she traveled from a far away land and discovered Equestria. The land was teaming with life, which was a perfect feeding ground for her. Thousands of Plants and animals have died from her intense hunger and left the stench of death everywhere she went. Princess Celestia and Luna confronted her in the Everfree Forest, ordering her to go back where she came from or face the consequences. ((And that's all I got for now. I don't know how they did it but they managed to get rid of her))


Now the Strigoi is back and meaner then ever.


Lillian is an author of many black magic books. Sadly you can't find her guide books anywhere in Equestria since Black Magic isn't allowed. She had a knack for baking, fashion design, Ballroom dance, and Combat.


She lives in a Gothic, Victorian 2 story house in Everfree Forest.


My goal for this character is for her to learn that Friendship isn't a lie.


If you want to send me a starter feel free to do so!

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Well, I've seen much uglier devils. At least this one has the good grace to look pretty while killing everything.

Incidentally, that'd be a fun FFA thread meeting/dealing with a creature like that.

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Well, I've seen much uglier devils. At least this one has the good grace to look pretty while killing everything.

Incidentally, that'd be a fun FFA thread meeting/dealing with a creature like that.

Why Thank you! ^^

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Hello there and Welcome to this forum. Please do enjoy your stay here as long as you are able to. Try to keep up with the show the best you can. We'll have to wait and see if we end up eventually being in an RP together.



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Oooh! Contrast to the happy pony world of color! that should brew something interesting~

At any rate, I hope that you enjoy your stay here in Canterlot to the absolute fullest! ^.^

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I guess I should jump on the introduction forum bandwagon at some point....

Anywho, hey there! I just happened to stumble across this thread and saw that you were looking for a Discord roleplayer. Well...hi! I do play him in Canterlot Chronicles, so if you ever want some chaos in that world just shoot me a pm!

There's also FFA, where anyone can be Discord, but if you want me to play him there I could do that. Lillian does seem for for FFA after all. Pretty interesting character by the way. :)

And welcome to Canterlot! *gives chocolate milk*

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Thank you all for being so kind to me! Also Discord roleplayer I'll send you a starter soon! Aaaaand.... Lillian has something to say to all you lovely ponies.

" The day I stop consuming life energy is the day you 4 legged oafs cease stuffing your faces with Apple's! Don't judge my eating habitats! ....... Oh right. Nice to meet you all. "

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, Lillian! I can't admit that I share the same, life-draining skills with you, but I know someone who kind-of does. MEET TIREK! He eats magic and feeds off of pony's cutie marks. Well, now that he's here, gottogobyeseeyousoon.

(Welcome to Canterlot)

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