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Romance in FIM?


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So, i'm sure we've all read a fanfic or saw a comic dealing with shipping characters together in some romantic way (Or a more R rated way, but anyway...) What do you think about there being some ACTUAL romance in the series? and if so, with which character or characters?

I'm not sure how i feel... first off, they would NEVER put two of the girls together... various groups would have a fit over that... So they would have to have a guy... and if they were to have someone be in a serious relationship with one of the main six, he would have to be pretty major too, along the lines of Spike and Applebloom (not quite in the 'main' cast, but not quite a background character...) And if THAT were to be so, i dunno if the series would be quite the same with six girls and a guy... I'm sure theres some way they could do it, but I'm not entirely sure how that would be...

I think they should address it to some degree, even little girls have to deal with romance sometimes... but i'm not sure how they would be able to present it properly that would be A: Educational B: Age appropriate, and C: Entertaining...

I dunno... random topic of discussion, Go!

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The only romance I can see happening that Hasbro will even really allow (since it IS a kid's show) are-dot dot dot

Rarity and Spike - This is based more off Spike's failure. IF they decide to go with it, it'd be a simple "I don't like you that way", which could be the moral of the episode, now that I think of it.

Twilight and Original Character - This could work very easily, but it'd have to be a villain in disguise, with him being defeated and Twilight being sad at the end to truly work.

That's all I can think of right now... :P

But yeah, it mostly depends on whether or not it'd fit into Hasbro's "practices", so to speak.

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hi hi

I don't think it would ever happen with the mane 6. A crush like Spike has on Rarity or Scootaloo has on Rainbow Dash is probably as far as it'd go. Although they clearly have grown up couples like Mr. and Mrs. Cake.

As far as lessons about friendship that relate to relationships, I suppose they might try to squeeze something into an episode about supporting friends who's parents aren't getting along. Although, if they did, I imagine it would be more of a hidden message like how the Dragonshy Dragon's smoke was a sort of subtle message about smoking around children.

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Although, if they did, I imagine it would be more of a hidden message like how the Dragonshy Dragon's smoke was a sort of subtle message about smoking around children.

I took that as a pollution metaphor.

@ Topic

When we consider the age group the show targets, I do think they already took it as far as they will ever do, with rarity's "date" at the gala. Romantic relationships really are of little concern to children that age, except in that specific romantic believe in the "knight in the shining armour"-kind of romance, which the show debunked, within it's restrains.

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I really would prefer they don't add any real romance in the show, especially not involving the mane cast. Part of it is because I want to protect the ships I'm a fan of, but really it extends beyond that. I just don't really think its necessary for this show and it might detract from the characters to attach them to anypony, especially long term. Also, part of what makes the show great seems to be its way of more or less distancing itself from the sort of plots "girl's shows" are known for; a romance plot kind of might work against that.

If they have to include romance, it should probably be with minor characters. Perhaps the mane six help setup a romance for a minor character (somepony like Big Mac or Cheerilee, or perhaps an entirely new character)? Or perhaps even an episode dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. Cake when they were younger could be doable.

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I have to agree with Phil. While it'd be interesting, it'd really kind of ruin the distancing from the stereotypical 'girl's show' and I know for a fact a bunch of shippers would be hella pissed. Minor characters or maybe for an episodic moral maybe, but as an actual canon-ship? Nope.

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I honestly don't think Hasbro/Lauren Faust would really make any shippings. From what I read, Lauren Faust never planned for any of the characters to have any relationships with one another.

On the other hoof, (heh, heh) I think Fluttershy & Big Mac would make an adorable pair. =)

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Eeeeeeh, I dunno. I couldn't really see romance in such a show. I'm not the kind of guy who goes 'ew romance get it away', on the contrary romance is great. IF done properly anyway. The problem is it's shoehorned in so many times and it's done so cheesily you just can't take it seriously. And FiM isn't a very serious or dramatic show, so any romance added in would have to be taken very lightly.

I could easily see them handle romance the same way another kids show does though. If anyone here has seen Phineas and Ferb they should know of Isabella and Phineas or Candace and Jeremy. Having an unrequited crush is a great way to slip in some shipping but not have it be too serious. Because hey, we've all been in that situation and we can relate but it's not throwing LOOOOOVE in our face repeatedly. That's probably how I'd like to see romance in FiM.

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Snips or Snails having a crush on Diamond Tiara would be HILARIOUS, and appropriate in the setting.

But as for the main six? I think keeping them away from romance as intentional. After all, friendship defines them, not romance. The only way that romance would come into this is if it was a plot point involving not abandoning your friends.

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Snips or Snails having a crush on Diamond Tiara would be HILARIOUS, and appropriate in the setting.

"Oh my gosh! That would be, like, so totally gross and uncool! I mean, like, seriously!"

Having an unrequited crush is a great way to slip in some shipping but not have it be too serious. Because hey, we've all been in that situation and we can relate but it's not throwing LOOOOOVE in our face repeatedly. That's probably how I'd like to see romance in FiM.

Sooooo.... Spike and Rarity then?

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Well, wasn't one of the 'rumors' we heard about Season 2 was that the Mane Six's parents would be making an appearance?

I'm with the majority here, don't think big time 'romance' would play well with the cartoon's target audience.

However, I CAN see comic moments if, say, some of the foals had crushes and/or say, Snips and Snails get 'crushes' on their teacher (common theme seen elsewhere).

MAYBE, I COULD see Prince Blueblood perhaps returning to try to 'charm' Rarity again.

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I agree that it would be a bad thing if romance became at all a focus of the show. As a vehicle for friendship-based lessons and stories, though, it may have a bit of potential.

For example, one of the things teenagers have to deal with is the jealousy that arises when one of a group of friends starts paying more attention to potential boyfriends/girlfriends than to their old friends. I could definitely get behind an episode where (to take one of the more common M/F ships as an example) Fluttershy and Big Macintosh start spending a lot of time together, leaving Rarity without her spa partner and Rainbow Dash without her pegasus buddy. Throw in some possessiveness on the other side from Applejack and you've got the makings of a perfectly good episode, with lessons about letting your friends have time for their other pursuits, without meaning that you aren't friends anymore. The relationship could then continue in a low-key fashion for the rest of the season, in much the same manner as Twilight's friendship with Zecora.

The only problem I see with this idea is that they've already had three episodes dealing with jealousy, and while it is a big issue, that may be enough episodes for now. It would probably end up reading a lot like Griffon the Brush-Off, although the key difference would be that the "interloper" isn't actually a bad pony, but there's still enough love and friendship to go around.

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Snips or Snails having a crush on Diamond Tiara would be HILARIOUS, and appropriate in the setting.

See that I could see happening, although I doubt that either of those characters would get much of a role in the show beyond being a foil or comedic relief for more important characters.

I am sure we will see more parents. As for characters getting together in the show, background characters only and only if it involves the cast learning some friendship type lesson at life. Other than that it'll be unrequited crushes for comedic effect (Spike is the primary example of this). I honestly can't see real romance for the main cast without changing the dynamics of the show and that is why they won't do it, and not because it may upset the shippers (the producers could care less about that).

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  • 3 weeks later...

The only relationship I could ever see happening (and it's an improbability bordering on impossibility) is the Spike/Rarity thing. As it was already said, it would detract from the show and the characters... Plus it would piss a looooooot of bronies off one way or another ("She's mine!!" or "They don't go together!!")

It will be interesting to see what becomes of Valentines Day next year, as unlikely as a theme-based episode is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What I would LOVE to see is an episode about LISTENING TO YOUR FRIENDS when they tell you that awesome person you're dating is a total jerk. :oops: Yeah, it's an off-kilter moral, but this show doesn't seem to shy away from those. Might be a bit too mature for the targeted demographic, though.

...though, it probably would in effect be a merge of Griffon the Brush-Off and the Prince Blueblood stuff. But it's still an important lesson.

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What I would LOVE to see is an episode about LISTENING TO YOUR FRIENDS when they tell you that awesome person you're dating is a total jerk. :oops: Yeah, it's an off-kilter moral, but this show doesn't seem to shy away from those. Might be a bit too mature for the targeted demographic, though. ...though, it probably would in effect be a merge of Griffon the Brush-Off and the Prince Blueblood stuff. But it's still an important lesson.

I know! We could have a Prince Blueblood type character charm the pants off Twilight/Fluttershy the rest will be discouraging her, only to met with rebuffs

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