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Derpy Hooves now canon.


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It's pretty cool, but I hope they don't take it too far. It's like making Big Machintosh say nothing except 'Eeyup'. Kind of takes the joke too far, no?

I would agree there. However, schtick is hard to break once the fandom catches on...

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this Derpy Hooves thing is taken too far...

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I think that if she is done in this way (namely hide and seek) then it will be awesome. Leaving her back story out (and thus to the fans to decide) would also be cool.

I think if we were given much more than her name, love of muffins, job and perhaps a hint at a possible dinky doo, She would lose... her sense of mystery, for want of a better word. After that very ham-handed explanation, let me try to make some sense: We know very little about derpy. this allows different interpretations of her to exist in the fandom, none of them flat-out wrong. She can be the completely blundering mail-mare, she can be the traveling companion of Dr Whooves or anything else. As soon as she is defined by the show creators, she is only what she is defined as. She cannot be anything else.

This is the same problem that I have with Luna: I love her and want to know more about her, but at the same time, I dont really want an episode about her.

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I disagree with your mystery is best approach when it comes to Luna. We already know much too much about her, and I am dying for more. In addition, they have already proven that they can successfully pull off a Luna episode.

But with Derpy, it is a bit more complicated. I want to see more, but I believe there is a careful way to do it without ruining the character. For example, use of unreliable narrator(s), or providing conflicting stories would add depth and mystery without actually establishing any canon at all.

The question I do not have an answer to, is whether or not I actually want to hear her name out loud in the show...

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