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Brony Pet Peeves?


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hi hi

On the contrary SuperWriter, Blue-Purple, Yellow-Orange is a perfect complementary color scheme. I suppose everyone is entitled to their personal opinions, but from a formal artistic point of view, Rarity with dark skin is a fantastic color scheme.

Brown and Blues is such a great color scheme it boggles my mind, but don't take my word for it.


Mark Rothko, a master of modern art and color for color's sake made this, "No. 61"


John Singer Sargent, no doubt a famous painter if ever there was one, made "Madame Paul Escudier" back in 1882, getting a little bit tetradic with red/yellow, blue/cyan.


You may be familiar with Grant Wood's "American Gothic," which is primarily a blue/brown color scheme, though it has a few green/red accents in the background.


Johannes Vermeer made the famous "Girl With The Pearl Earring" in a blue/orange accented analogous scheme.


Pablo Picasso, another rather famous painter, used a blue/brown scheme to paint "Three Musicians."

...I guess its a pet peeve of mine when people complain about the skin color on humanized ponies. Especially when they try to pass it off as some kind of objective truth.

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Fine. Fine.

-Doubting the fact that it's a little girl's show

-Shoving pony down people's throats

-Ponifying Everything

-Too Many Puns

-Obsession (Too Lazy to go in depth)

-"LOL I'm just like *insert name here*"

-Overly Dramatic Crap

-Crack Pairings

-Most Shipping


-Crappy Pony Memes that have no point (What if Gummy...)

-Making Villians look good

-Ignorance toward actions (especially haters)

-hypocritiscm (Furries are disgusting! -obsessed with cartoon horses)

That's about half.

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Fine. Fine.

-Doubting the fact that it's a little girl's show - Agreed

-Shoving pony down people's throats - Agreed

-Ponifying Everything - Depends... some of it is amazing...

-Too Many Puns - Split... Puns can get annoying, but some are fine

-Obsession (Too Lazy to go in depth) - unsure

-"LOL I'm just like *insert name here*" - Agreed... see former statements on how people are too complex for that

-Overly Dramatic Crap - lol Drama

-Crack Pairings - I sorta disagree here, just because crack pairings can be hilarious

-Most Shipping - Big agreement here

-"LOL LESBIANS" - Again in big agreement

-Crappy Pony Memes that have no point (What if Gummy...) - I don't get it... I guess I haven't seen it... But yeah, can see how that would be annoying

-Making Villians look good - If I think you mean what I think you mean, then yes, I agree

-Ignorance toward actions (especially haters) - This is a general population thing. And yes...

-hypocritiscm (Furries are disgusting! -obsessed with cartoon horses) - Meh... while I agree about being a hypocrite, enjoying a show about ponies has nothing to do with the furry fandom or culture. Right idea, wrong example, at least imo. That is a touchy subject though. I think we already had that debate elsewhere.

That's about half. that's about half my comments <3

Seriously though... Though I agree with these peeves, they don't seem to bother me as much... I would say how, but it is not loving or tolerating at all... Well kinda... its complicated.

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hi hi

On the contrary SuperWriter, Blue-Purple, Yellow-Orange is a perfect complementary color scheme. I suppose everyone is entitled to their personal opinions, but from a formal artistic point of view, Rarity with dark skin is a fantastic color scheme.

Brown and Blues is such a great color scheme it boggles my mind, but don't take my word for it.

Can't say I agree, but you do have a valid point there. I would like to note I never said my opinion was fact, I just find dark brown to be a color that doesn't mix well with brighter colors.

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-blink blink-

Wow was not expecting this thread to get this popular lol

I'm sorry, were you expecting for everyone to be all "love and tolerate"? We have to let out steam some how XD This is a great community but its not without its annoyances ;)

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Well I'm in the clear then, saying "I'm like so-and-so" is a VERY Rainbow Dash thing to do

>_> actually... yeah! You are in the clear there.

I'm not that bothered by the .MOV vidoes. To be honest Shed did go overboard, but it's a parody. Vulgarity I can tolerate to most extremes, and although HotDiggityDemon takes it to a far extreme, I'm able to tolerate it BECAUSE hes a brony. He makes a parody of what he loves, and frankly a lot of work and effort go into it.

It takes a lot of strength to laugh at yourself. Frankly I'd only find the .MOV vidoes to be offensive if it was made by a brony hater.

But then again everyone has different thresholds of tolerance.

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When we're talking about "the community," are some of these grievances part of Canterlot, or just the fandom as a whole? I'm guessing the latter.

Is there any solid evidence outside of the fact that some of these things are taking place, or is it just common opinion? With stuff like shipping, sure. I'm talking about the more abstract complaints I've seen, such as how people proclaim to be just like a pony. I claim I share a lot of personality traits with Pinkie, and some with RD (with a splash of Twilight) -- is that annoying, or just an observance?

It's an interesting topic, to be sure!

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No that's not it, just didn't expect a thread that /I/ made to boom like it has XD

Oh don't sell yourself short. A good idea for a thread is a good idea for a thread.

They are Minor annoyances that I wanted to moan and groan about Lol! I don't tend to mention them but I figured everypony needed a place to vent about small annoyances and get it off their chest!

Yup. Agreed. No matter how great this community is, it has its annoyances. No matter how small or large there are flaws. Nothing is perfect. But I love this community anyhow :)

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Seriously though... Though I agree with these peeves, they don't seem to bother me as much... I would say how, but it is not loving or tolerating at all... Well kinda... it

s complicated.

I don't believe in "love and tolerance". It's absolute crap in my opinion.First off, it originated from a troll quote (on 4chan I believe). Second, my "bronies" say it, and then do nothing of the third. Third, many just use it now in the way that "I like something terrible. Lol love and tolerance guys." Some people will do whatever They want and then expect this. It's absolute crap in my opinion that you're expected as a brony to be like that. I don't believe in it, sorry. I have my own form of tolerance and psychological thoughts, but again, in a different form. I won't judge anyone for following "love and tolerance", but don't expect me too.


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I don't believe in "love and tolerance". It's absolute crap in my opinion.First off, it originated from a troll quote (on 4chan I believe). Second, my "bronies" say it, and then do nothing of the third. Third, many just use it now in the way that "I like something terrible. Lol love and tolerance guys." Some people will do whatever They want and then expect this. It's absolute crap in my opinion that you're expected as a brony to be like that. I don't believe in it, sorry. I have my own form of tolerance and psychological thoughts, but again, in a different form. I won't judge anyone for following "love and tolerance", but don't expect me too.


Most things originated from troll quotes or 4 Chan. And I think you misunderstood my meaning, I used that term basically as a call to community standards as what I was thinking was not proper for me to say in the forums (read: against the rules). I say it within the community, but honestly I have my own brand of tolerance, and it has nothing to do with love.

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Love isn't an absolute term -- it's all in the context and tone. "I love this chocolate ice cream" doesn't have the same meaning as "I love you, Swirly." Romantic love, love of a pet, location, an object, parental love, sibling love -- the list goes on. Tolerance, by that token, also has various degrees of context, and it will always vary with who you ask.

"Love and tolerate" may be a meme and seldom followed absolutely by those spouting it, but it's not a bad decree to use in one's moral cauldron, either.

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While there's nothing in the fandom I hate (then again there isn't much i hate period), there are a few pet peeves.

One main thing is adult art and writing for ponies. I get the whole Rule 34 thing, but I'm not a fan of it.

I'm also not a fan of Grimdark stuff.

As for love and tolerance, it's a good moral compass. I always chalk it up to the fact that people have things they enjoy that others don't. Case in point: ponies. Now a person who doesn't like ponies can either tolerate and ignore it, or troll it. So the drama free way is to tolerate and ignore. I'm personally try to be as pleasant and drama free as possible.

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Actually I thought of one that kinda realtes to what others have said

while I have no problem with grimdark (as long as it's not *too* dark) I dont understand the desire to make the ponies swear like sailors, especially of little things "oh ****! I'm out of milk" this goes double when we have so many "replacements" that aren't as offensive, both canon and fanon. I don't mind a precision F-strike now and then, that just serves to point out exactly how bad things have gotten, but there's no reason for every other sentence to contain an explication!

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Here's a list of my brony pet peeves:

1. People who assume that I think RD is lesbian because she's a tomboy with rainbows. I don't. I've built my opinion on quite a few little moments in the show where Rainbow Dash acts in a way that I think indicates that she feels some attraction to another female pony. I don't like it when people lecture me about falling for stereotypes about homosexuals, since I'm one of the last people who would ever do something like that.

2. People who diss the show without ever having seen it, which is basically everyone who disses the show. Even I read Twilight before I started dissing it, just because I didn't want to be some fool who was insulting something that they knew nothing about.

3. People who get offended when I suggest a shipping that doesn't match their own. Dude, it's just shipping. You can put any two random objects (they don't even have to be alive) together and come up with some half plausible reason why love each other. It has no bearing on the actual character, and if someone has a different shipping than you, deal with it. It doesn't really matter.

4. People who say that I take my bronyness 'too far'. How exactly is buying four different articles of Rainbow Dash related clothing 'too far'? How is spending fifty dollars on a pillow 'too far'? I'll admit that I have spent a bit over one hundred dollars on MLP related merchandise, but lots of people spend more than that on sports shoes, and people don't accuse them of taking it too far. It's only because being a brony is a fairly new thing that people see spending what is honestly not all that much money on MLP stuff.

5. People who post NSFW pony pictures in places where a kid might see them. I can understand that thanks to rule 34 there are people who like that, but it's a CHILDREN'S TV SHOW! Don't make graphic images that show up even when google safe-search is on! What turns you on is none of my business, and let's keep it that way! If you want to draw stuff like that, feel free. I might even look at some of it. Just don't put it in a place where any little kids who like the show might stumble across it. How many parents are gonna say no when their kid asks to look up a picture of Applejack? None, because inappropriate pictures shouldn't show up there. And yet they do.

I've got a few more, but these are my main ones.

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3. People who get offended when I suggest a shipping that doesn't match their own. Dude, it's just shipping. You can put any two random objects (they don't even have to be alive) together and come up with some half plausible reason why love each other. It has no bearing on the actual character, and if someone has a different shipping than you, deal with it. It doesn't really matter.

4. People who say that I take my bronyness 'too far'. How exactly is buying four different articles of Rainbow Dash related clothing 'too far'? How is spending fifty dollars on a pillow 'too far'? I'll admit that I have spent a bit over one hundred dollars on MLP related merchandise, but lots of people spend more than that on sports shoes, and people don't accuse them of taking it too far. It's only because being a brony is a fairly new thing that people see spending what is honestly not all that much money on MLP stuff.

5. People who post NSFW pony pictures in places where a kid might see them. I can understand that thanks to rule 34 there are people who like that, but it's a CHILDREN'S TV SHOW! Don't make graphic images that show up even when google safe-search is on! What turns you on is none of my business, and let's keep it that way! If you want to draw stuff like that, feel free. I might even look at some of it. Just don't put it in a place where any little kids who like the show might stumble across it. How many parents are gonna say no when their kid asks to look up a picture of Applejack? None, because inappropriate pictures shouldn't show up there. And yet they do.

#3... Part of the reason why I dislike shipping as a whole. They are fictional characters, and people get so worked up over the pairing *they* feel is best.

#4 LOL! Oh wow... I'd hate to hear what they have to say about my money eating hobby of choice... 4 brony t-shirts and a $50 pillow?? Oh my.... I have spent, collectively, on my hobby a total of approximately $1,500, which basically covers 6 items... (audiophile, those items are 2 sources, 1 amp and 3 headphones) Man... thank you for the laugh. I can see how that would get annoying, which is why I only tell people who would understand how much I spend on my gear :P

#5 Oh yes, how many times have I stated that. Parents need to be more attentive, but the community needs to moderate it better too.

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4. People who say that I take my bronyness 'too far'. How exactly is buying four different articles of Rainbow Dash related clothing 'too far'? How is spending fifty dollars on a pillow 'too far'? I'll admit that I have spent a bit over one hundred dollars on MLP related merchandise, but lots of people spend more than that on sports shoes, and people don't accuse them of taking it too far. It's only because being a brony is a fairly new thing that people see spending what is honestly not all that much money on MLP stuff.

That reminds me! I need to get back on Welovefine and pick out a few shirts for my Birthday coming up.

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SOME People still use "Love an Tolerance" like a

proverb or a way to say "i'm doing bad things, but tolerate me pls". That's what irks me.

(Sorry if I'm being a bit aggressive about this.)

They do? I've never seen that.

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You know what else is terrible? If somepony leaves just one cookie left in the cookie jar. ONE! What am I supposed to do with that? Have a cookie monologue?

I'd rather go cookieless than suffer having the tease of one cookie.

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You know what else is terrible? If somepony leaves just one cookie left in the cookie jar. ONE! What am I supposed to do with that? Have a cookie monologue?

I'd rather go cookieless than suffer having the tease of one cookie.

what's worse is when you have a bunch of little cookies, and you're eating them absent-mindedly, and you think you have one left, but you don't, and you're forever unsatisfied with the amount of cookie, regardless of how many you had before D:

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