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Status Updates posted by Avery

  1. WELP... I'm sick. Been in a house of four sick people and not get sick. But when my dad gets sick and then gets better, I get sick... Nyeeeeh, my immune system is weird but great. I think it's also because I'm getting up eariler than usual.

    1. SymphonicFire


      Awwww get well soon!

    2. Halide


      Incubation periods are a cantankerous lot.

  2. -Waits for posts while making things-

    1. Zealot


      I have plans to post later today, don't fret. Hehe.

    2. Hawkeye12


      Gyah, I gotta post. Right. I'll try and get it out today. XD

  3. Just to let everyone that I'm currently in a RP with, my reply time MIGHT be off for a while. As I am currently in the works for making a very special video. Please understand.

    1. Zealot


      Understood, I'm really slow at the moment anyway. Should be able to reply imminently, but hey.

    2. Hawkeye12


      Yeah, no worries. I'll probably get to (re)typing my reply tonight. XD

  4. Rest in peace, Mr. Satoru Iwata. You will always be remembered as everyone remembers Nintendo. Lady Palutana has a speical place just for you, to watch over Nintendo and what you love.

    1. Hawkeye12


      I couldn't have said that any better.

    2. SunsetSombra


      It's just a terrible loss. ;.;

  5. I can't remember what happened in September. When eerything is gone, when it's dark and I'm alone...

    1. Shadowbolt0


      I feels like forever, since I can remember where the hell is everypony?...

    2. stormchaser1991


      I just wanting know the story of what happen of before i became so alone...

  6. Ugh, been so busy lately. Sorry that I haven't gotten to posts and such. This phone is still hard to get posts out with.

    1. Zealot


      It's fine. Take your time.

    2. InSaNiTyCaT


      It's ok! Hope you get the hang of it soon!

  7. And now for something completely different

    1. stormchaser1991
    2. RedCedar


      A man with a tape recorder up his nose.

  8. My computer is currently unable to work, I annoyed to say. My posts will be coming out extremely later than usual until I can fix this problem. Castle of Nothingness will be made once I return, as well as my post for A Fearful Sun. Sorry to say this.

    1. Zealot


      Damm. Ahh well, we can hold for you. Sorry to hear that. Hope it gets fixed soon.

    2. InSaNiTyCaT


      Ahhh, it's ok, hope to see you soon Avery!

  9. Alright, I need to watch the entire 4th season today before I do anything else. This will be a long day of recording!

    1. Zealot


      You're watching the whole 4th season in one day? Hehe, I know I said it was good but... Well, good luck. Hehe

    2. Avery


      Heheh, I just need to get back with my lore on everything. Make sure everything I write is as close to the canon as posible.

  10. Oh hey look... everyone's freaking out over Season 5. Meanwhile, I don't really care. Weeeeee, screw the rules, I have bright red haaaair

    1. Solaria


      I'm afraid if there was a point to this, I missed it.

    2. Avery
  11. Geat, now I'm a bit scared to try and get anything done around here. I'm not very keen on posting in other topics unless I was given permission. I want to write up my own OOC thread so that I can explain my ideas and whatnot... but I'm scared. I'm a scared little ember, halp.

    1. GhostGirl


      There's no reason to be scared! We don't bite. If you find yourself lost or really needing any help, feel free to shoot me or another staff member a PM. We're here to help.

    2. RainbowDaringDash


      Whats their to be scared of? We here at canterlot only like to help people :) Anything i can do to try and live up to that?

  12. Pffft... So this is a thing. I forgot about this for a while since I was sick. *Sigh* Idunno if I'll work up anything to RP here or something of that nature. This fandom is... very distant to me. I won't exactly do much...

    1. Lux


      Why distant from you?

    2. Avery


      I've been away for a very very long time, I kinda lost touch with it all. It's hard to be involved with such a fandom again, since some of the things that have happened made me go away from the fandom as a whole. I'm just a... how do I put it? Uhhh... Just a far away fan now I guess.

  13. I'm honestly quite surprised at how long my current RP is going on for. I guess that's the art of writing huh? Heheh. Now if only I felt more inclined like that about my actual writing .-.

    1. Zealot


      Hehe, it helps when the guy you're RPing with is having a great time with it. I like the characters and I like the story arc. It's a good RP, hehe. We should probably have a chat about it actually...

    2. Avery


      Heheh, yeah I guess so. It's the same with me. And I'm up to chat whenever, just shoot me a message and I'll happily reply. ...Just don't use the party cannon, that thing hurts.

  14. Yeah, sorry to everyone that has to wait on my posts. My phone is really not liking me trying to write anything. I hope by next weekend that my computer is able to be used again.

    1. Zealot


      Hehe, again, it's fine. We can wait. Hope it gets fixed soon though.

  15. Welp, today just went from good to absolutely horrible... grand, just.... GRAND.

    1. Lyipheoryia


      Maybe it'll go from horrible to great!

  16. I do hope I'm not being a visual bother. Sometimes that's all I feel that I am. But, if I'm not, would you care for a chat? Any subject would be fine, I'd just like to get around a bit more.

  17. Celebrating 100 subscribers on my Youtube Channel! ...Seriously didn't think I'd get this many haha.

    1. CandyStar


      Your just 28 away from me

  18. Taking it hard on yourself is a double edged blade, pretty hard to get used to hahaha.

    1. QuickLime


      The WHOLE world is going to be hard on you, the one person that should be cutting you some slack is yourself :)

  19. I hate my browser... it just suddenly kicked me out of what I was doing and I lost my response to my RP. ...Son of a B. Buzzing everywhere. *Groan*

    1. tacobob


      Do what I do...Type up your post with an text editor..e-mail program..Whatever..I got into this habit back in the old days when Canterlot.com tended to go down at odd hours. So if something happens, you'll be safe. O:)

  20. Today is just not a good day for me... I don't know why. It's just not a good day. Bleh... I need something soothing.

    1. Zealot


      Hope you feel better soon. You can always chat to me for some feel-good cat gifs. :P

  21. Keep it bright, and keep it right! To go on tales of old, and make new stories! This journey will have many twists and turns, are you sure you want to come along?

    1. Sethore


      'Luke, I Am Your Father.'


      Yesh? =3

  22. Well, won't be getting to posts anytime soon. I can try on my phone... But that would really be weird. I'll try, but I don't think it'll work

    1. franshpout


      If you manage to post on a phone... you're good. I have no patience with that thing XD

  23. Current RP that's going on is possibly my longest thread RP I have done. Quite a land slide that Zealot and I are making. Really need to update my personaility checks on some characters, but hey, what can ya do?

    1. Zealot


      And now that my uni work is out of the way, I'll be completely free to make it even longer! Haha! In all seriousness I'm having a blast with it. Can't wait to do more.

  24. Whew... finally all caught up with the series itself! Now to put it to my writing and everything is a-okay! ...The whole day I marathoned the 4th season and what started the 5th, now I can't wait for the next episode to start! Heheh!

    1. Zealot


      Told you that you would enjoy it. Hehe. Glad to hear you're having fun with it though.

  25. "Fire is a very fragile element, it can burn brightly, but it can also barely spark. Give it water, it goes out, making it sad. Give it more fire, it burns brighter, being happy. Take something away... it becomes enraged, causing a firestorm."

    1. QuickLime


      And take all the oxygen away it goes out

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