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Everything posted by Dio

  1. As many of you know, we have been fighting the old forum software since before the server move, especially the archiving system. There was a bug in the system that caused data loss in some old threads. As a result, some older character applications no longer exist, even if the character is still in play and the player is active in the community. After some discussion we have worked out a bit of book keeping policy for this problem. Let me make this clear from the start: your characters will not be unapproved or taken away for lack of application. This announcement is simply to provide a pathway to rebuild an old application without having to submit to the entire applications process again. This process is optional. If you do not wish to build a new character sheet for your character, that's okay, too. The process will be as follows: If you have a character who was affected by the archival bug (ie: lost application data), you may create a new application for that character using our current application form. At the top of the application form, please link to the damaged application thread for that character so we can verify that this is a character you own and that you were a victim of the archival bug. RPH will verify your information and mark the application for proper sorting once again. Now you have a restored reference sheet for your prized RP character! As usual, if you see any bugs or glitches, please report them to the staff via PM or email at Canterlot.Guards (at) gmail.com! Thanks for sticking with us through everything thick and thin, everypony! You guys are what make this community great!
  2. One of these days I'll actually update my character log...

  3. Stay away from my daughter.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dio


      It's becoming mine since Flower talked me into apping Sugar Star's dad.

    3. Elderflower


      Sugar is forever aloner. All stallions shall fear the Admiral from Tartarus.

    4. Elderflower


      ...More forever alone. WHATEVER. WORDS ARE HARD.

  4. When that realization starts to set in that you literally cannot marathon everything at once.

  5. Totally called it. Harrison Bergeron.

  6. Sugar Star... I am... your father.

  7. Perpetually cute.
  8. do not lift the veil. do not open the door. do not split the veil.

  9. here we shall search and find. the eyes of day drinking the night.

  10. I think Daedalus has pretty much consumed all my active RP time -_-

    1. Elderflower


      Not in front of the children!


    2. Blueblood


      Blueblood does that to me a lot.

    3. Dio


      I'm not doing it for the kids.

  11. Dio

    Sugar Star

    much doki. wow.
  12. Add Pinkie and Twi disagreeing over these things to the list of universal and mathematical constants
  13. Sometimes I feel like the anti-idea siren from Harrison Bergeron is constantly blaring in my head.

  14. The nope meter is pegged.

  15. Dio

    Starlit Shimmer

    Rich kids of Stalliongrad!
  16. Daedalus - Dark Magic meets sass incarnate.

    1. Elderflower


      Stop tempting me to app Iron Bull. ._.

  17. Oh boy. Writer's block and IRL obligations are the best combo.

    1. Sethore


      Is the kind of block you can't write at all, or the one you can't write what you want to

  18. We've already removed one layer of the applications process by allowing SRP to immediately promote users to RP certified and move apps to appropriate sections without having to go through global moderators/administrators first. For now we would like the RPH+SRP layers to remain in place. We will re-evaluate as needs dictate.
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