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Status Updates posted by Dio

  1. Saw Rainbow Rocks. MFW: http://i.imgur.com/OOlDtNw.jpg

    1. pollo20x6


      I thought it was amazing. They did such a better job than the first one. The way I describe it as, you know how teachers say "cut out the first paragraph of your essays cuz it's probably just filler"? That's how EqG 1 felt. Pointless. Too much set up for already established characters. It was ok, but dang, this new one was tight.

    2. pollo20x6


      And that post credits scene. ahhhh

  2. If you wish to discuss spoilers, please keep it to PM.  Discord allows for private messaging for fast conversations and the PM system on the boards exists for more text-heavy posts.  We will open official discussion threads when the episodes air in the US.

    1. Dio


      To clarify, I am speaking of the spoilers from recently aired episodes in the UK that have now hit the internet.

    2. Rosewind


      So we're not to talk about the Applejack/Rarity wedding. Got it!

  3. Feel like death.  Bake midnight cookies to feel better.

    1. Mau


      Doesn't have cookies. Slightly sad

    2. Davroth
  4. And then I rediscovered Super Mario Brothers Z.

    1. DreamySunday
    2. ToothpasteThy


      Omigosh, it's been years o.0

  5. Also anyone who hasn't seen Voltron: Legendary Defender on Netflix needs to go watch it now. It's produced by the same people who did Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra.

    1. starswirlthebearded


      It is amazing. I need to rewatch it.

    2. Corsair


      I just re-watched it.  Sporks are the ultimate utensil.  

  6. So I guess Attack on Titan S2 came in the form of Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress?

    1. ZephyrBurst


      My roommates and I said the same thing.

    2. Rosewind


      I've been watching this as well, and I heartily agree. Not a bad thing! It was made by Production IG so even the same studio as AoT is working on it.

  7. Pretty sure I'm altitude sick. This'll be a fun couple weeks.

    1. Lyipheoryia


      Are you...on a mountain?

    2. Dio


      Yup. Flew home to Appalachia after living in flyover country for a year.

  8. Small security patch deployed.  IPB has been upgraded to v4.1.9. We are not anticipating any issues, but if there are bugs please report them to staff!

    1. Eventide


      My activity streams are showing only topics from 2011 and 2012. Looks like it's chronologically restoring.

    2. Dio


      There might be a rebuild of timestamped data involved.  Check back in a few hours to see if the problem has self-corrected.  If it's not set correctly, check to see if your settings defaulted to something else.

  9. Square avatars are back!

    1. Bellosh


      No they're not..... -_-

    2. DreamySunday


      Some notification settings have been re-disabled by the relaunch. Figured I'd let you know :)

  10. IPS is doing some data center migrations, so site service may be a little spotty for the next couple days. Don't panic! We're working on it!

    1. Sky


      That would explain why I couldn't access the site for a little bit; Chrome told me the site had moved, and I panicked a little xD

    2. Lyipheoryia


      I panicked a little. Jk. A lot. Then I was told of the situation and felt better.

  11. *puts on hard hat and grabs tool box*

    1. ToothpasteThy


      Constructing the first post for the new forum?

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Where the welding kit?

  12. I am the muffin knight.

    1. Frogmyre


      Do you serve under the muffin queen?

    2. Ciraxis


      Knight, queen, what a difference? Still tasty! OM NOM NOM NOM!

  13. The REA Ball is live, everypony!

    1. Elderflower
    2. tacobob


      (Also) Huzzah! I do have on R.E.A pony OC..Wonder who else does? o_o


    1. Solaria
    2. tacobob


      Oh oh! You have a horse throat! You better take some cough stirrup!

  15. Feels good not being totally broke.

    1. leapman


      Chase that money man.

    2. tacobob


      I was not broke for a bit..Then I had to get a new car. And with a new car comes monthly payments..And higher insurance. Ugh. D:

  16. So what is this test block everyone is talking about?

    1. leapman
    2. SymphonicFire


      It's right above the recent topics block lol. It took me a while to see it too XD

  17. *takkatakkaing intensifies*

    1. Solaria


      Tactical keyboard nuke

    2. Dio


      The struggle is real.

  18. Sasha x Potato OTP.

    1. RarityDash


      supports this ship

    2. Halide


      An Orokin-charged minigun? My god...

  19. Can't stop. I don't even like Trixie.

    1. XanXeto


      Quick, combat it with this!

    2. Apolline Allura

      Apolline Allura

      Pfffft! Can't stop best pony. Y'all front on the greatest and most powerful.

  20. I think too much.

    1. Autumn


      "We think too much and feel too little"

    2. ArrowWing


      I'm the other way arround,I think too little and feel too much,just look at my track record.

  21. 7 hours doing heavy lifting and packing for someone else to move out of their apartment today for no pay. I don't know how I let my mum rope me into helping her friends.

    1. Kodokuna


      On a brighter side, you did community service! Assuming of course, you're still in high school and that's still required. ^^;

    2. Davroth


      Mums have a way of doing these things. We all are susceptible to that. ^^

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