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Status Updates posted by Solaria

  1. Those weekends when you only pop in to Saturday overtime long enough to score a free breakfast.

  2. Everyone here loves me. I think I'll stay, everyone cares...

  3. We need a Super Pony Kart race in CC or something. In fact, would anyone be interested?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RainbowDaringDash


      i would join, it souns fun enough

    3. Solaria


      I dunno, is there one already Ciraxis? With go karts and crazy tossable things?

    4. tacobob


      Oooh! I wanna be Muttley! -wheezy snicker-

  4. That moment when you find out nearly everyone you know gets high.

  5. Watching kids buy Rarity plushes at Medieval Times.

    1. Blueblood


      Is that the place in Alexandria? I was there last Christmas!

  6. I'm definitely a child of the digital age. 3 days without home internet was awful.

    1. tacobob


      The horror..The Horror! (Faints)

  7. First session with my sister's boyfriend's band. Surprisingly, they play some delightfully heavy stuff. Time to grow callouses again.

    1. moonshineTheleocat


      Are you strumming a guitar with your fingers?

    2. Solaria
    3. Dio


      Don't drop it.

  8. I'm findin' it hard to believe, we're in heaven.

  9. One of those phone calls where the person on the other end almost seems to be trying hard NOT to understand what is being said. Trials of patience, those.

  10. My birthday present to me: 1:1 replica of Dark World Mjolnir in steel and leather.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ciraxis


      Oh, that's so cool! Next year, Frostmourne huh?

    3. Solaria


      It's not outside the realm of possibility.

    4. Elssir


      Wow! How cool. Exactly my style of presents. :)

  11. Ugh, apparently I have angered the gods. Still, striking me with illness mere hours before my birthday seems rather vindictive. Wait... that fits perfectly.

    1. SteelEagle


      happy biryhday! renmemver to get better health through love and good tidings wjoch i give you <3

    2. Solaria


      Moderately confused, but thank you nonetheless :)

    3. Elssir


      Happy birthday! I wish you a good health and luck.

  12. Wildstar Online, Elder Scrolls Online. Anyone have any good info or opinions?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ashton


      Only MMO I play is WoW and that's like 1 month each time a new expansion comes out...

    3. LoWang
    4. GhostGirl


      RiverHippo adores ESO. You might ask him about it.

  13. Lots of rp and cheese today, apparently.

  14. Hm... gin, rum, or jager? Keep in mind that this is a very important question.

  15. Well, according to my significant other I'm a punk music snob.

    1. GhostGirl


      eh, we're all snobs about something.

    2. Solaria
  16. 525, 600 minutes. How do you measure?

    1. leapman


      Measure a yearrrrr!

  17. Huh, third of the way done. 50 years to go.

    1. moonshineTheleocat


      Is that a Jay Naylor image you are using?

    2. Solaria


      Lynne being bored and gaming.

  18. Sunshine and rainbows and sugar and puppies!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scarlet


      aaaw cute, here have one of my kittens!

    3. Dio


      Namby pamby pony princesses!

    4. XanXeto
  19. My new record: from app start to approved in 2 hours flat.

    1. Halide


      Don't think anyone misses the sluggish days where -only- skye was allowed to approve characters.

    2. Solaria


      No nostalgia whatsoever? ;)

    3. Dio


      Nostalgia when that duty was handed down to me. The sole destroyer of apps.

  20. Really liking your art! Glad to see you got a good portion of it uploaded despite the issues.

    1. Zeig


      Thank you kindly. Funnily enough, I went on this crazy pony spree to kill time while I was waiting to get an album up and running. If everything had been working for me from the start, I probably wouldn't have drawn half the stuff that's in my gallery right now, heh.

  21. Ah, time to start season 4.

  22. One of those inexplicably happy days.

    1. Dio


      There must have been mischief.

    2. Solaria


      That would put a cherry on top ;)

  23. "Every human being relies on and is bounded by his knowledge and experience to live. This is what we call “reality”. However, knowledge and experience are ambiguous, thus reality can become illusion. Is it not possible to think that, all human beings are living in their assumptions?"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. starswirlthebearded


      we are slaves to our own perceptions, which leads to observations and experiences.

    3. Apolline Allura

      Apolline Allura

      Conversely, mexican food has been known to taste delicious while providing nightmarish diarrhea.

    4. Halide


      Allura, I'mma throw a brick at your celloist

  24. Like pawns on the chess board of the universe.

    1. Dio


      And then the pawns become queens.

  25. Unicorn Twilight was best Twilight.

    1. QuickLime


      The race didn't change the character though?

    2. Solaria


      Exactly right! It just feels like alicorn status is... tacked on. They don't explore it much.

    3. brianblackberry


      They do need to explore it more, that much I agree.

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