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Everything posted by Ciraxis

  1. First Rule of Ciraxis - Don't be a Jerk (In Vain).

    1. Lyipheoryia


      That last part, though.

    2. tacobob


      Or a jerk in Spain.

  2. That would sound quite different if taken out of context. I must say I find Yuri Maniac Pixie Dream personality very endearing (read: hilarious). Any post with her is a gold, and the picture is no different. It captures personalities of both of them perfectly.
  3. Inkbrand once more proves that he's Future Dad In Training. Also OHmygodsthisisadorable!
  4. EVERYTHING! Hail fandom glorious romance flotilla! I mean look at this expressions. There is a LOVE LOVE here.
  5. Why day has only 24 hours? I demand 50% raise!

    1. Corsair


      "The twins keep us on Centaurian time, standard thirty-seven hour day. Give it a few months. You'll get used to it... or you'll have a psychotic episode."

    2. Lyipheoryia
  6. Ciraxis

    Dat POV tho

    <Gasp!> A stalker! But seriously, quite an unusual choice for perspective. Me likes.
  7. Of course it's not complete. There is still the most important pony of them all left - Derpy.
  8. Looking for Characters with knowledge of ancient Equestria lore or with adventuring streak.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShadowWalking18


      My griffon always needs an adventure to drive him mad and maybe get smushed by a rock.

    3. tacobob


      I always have my archaeologist character, Pocket Change..

    4. Lyipheoryia


      Agile is always willing to go for an adventure.

  9. Ciraxis


    Gosh, he's adorable.
  10. October 10th, the day when two colossi will grapple. Have you made your choice? Mine was done long ago. My life for Aiur!

    1. Smartbrony


      Had to look up Aiur to figure out what you were talking about. I thought you might be talking about some end-of-the-world prophecy. I was disappointed.

    2. Ciraxis


      Disappointed that world is not ending?

    3. Smartbrony


      Disappointed that something "different" is happening. I mean, at least Equestria has monster attacks!

  11. What's your favorite Godzilla movie?

    1. LostSanity


      I like the newer one that came out last year (2014)

    2. Gfan93


      Hmm...toughie. I'll waittill the new 2016 movie comes out to decide.

  12. Ahgggg! So many delicous ideas for RP's popping out all of sudden! Can't decide, can't decide!

    1. Dio


      Roll for initiative.

    2. DerpRavener


      Start ALL the threads!

  13. I am not the only one who goes to read his old posts and corrects the errors in them am I? And while still on the RP topic, new posts will resume shortly.

    1. Hawkeye12


      Well...now I'm kinda temped to do that. XD

    2. DerpRavener


      I go back and read old posts. I like to do it sometimes, to either refresh my memory or just take a trip down memory lane. I never correct them though, if I don't correct errors within a couple days I don't bother at all (except maybe by request).

    3. tacobob


      You're not the only one. -_-

  14. Ciraxis

    Balloon Play

    Another step in the right direction. Practicing poses is very important thing and this one does not look bad for first attempt. As always I look forward to more pieces from you Lux.
  15. Wow that's one nasty glare. Honestly if I didn't knew better I would thought that Nocturne was a villain. Splendid display of emotion right there.
  16. Ciraxis


    Messy sketch huh? The only thing that's messy is my jaw - due to how low it dropped.
  17. Take a wild guess what movie I watched today...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. strawbarry


      Jurassic World?

    3. strawbarry


      Also it's called Inside Out.

    4. tacobob


      Storm went to the wrong theater again.

  18. Ciraxis

    Lucky Star

    You drawing skills are progressing into good direction. You anatomy is getting better with each picture. Again I am not an artist so take everything I write with a grain of salt. I looking forwards to see how much better you can get Lux.
  19. Good gosh, I am actually posting fairly regulary lately. What have I become?!

    1. Dio


      You've lived long enough to become the villain.

  20. Ciraxis

    Cuddle Couple

    We should call this Antipode ship. Also probably one of my favorite drawings of your's Lux.
  21. I will be gone for a week from 27.04.2015 to the 4.05. (but I should be online at 4.05 already). In plans visiting botanical gardens, zoo (with ocenarium-afykanarium no less) landmarked buildings and museums. LOTS! of museums ( I am big sucker for those)! So yeah, no bears this time.
  22. No Lore, don't give yourself to emo!
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