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Everything posted by Ciraxis

  1. Maybe Heartwarming, he thought, doesn't come from a store. Maybe Heartwarming, perhaps, means a little bit more! And what happened then? Well, in Ponyville they say That the Merlot's small heart grew three sizes that day! And then the true meaning of Heartwarming came through, And the Merlot found the strength of ten Merlots, plus two!

    1. RarityDash


      Nah, pretty sure Merlot is just heartless. :D

    2. Dio


      I bet he's a Quebecois.

  2. Behold the sight of me, mongrels. Truly I am generous.

    1. RarityDash


      pft your generosity has nothing on Rarity (Rosewind will probably enjoy the new avatar though) :P

    2. Halide


      It was the humblest of creatures that had slain the martian invaders.

    3. Rosewind


      Hnnng, come to me, my sweet!

  3. Canterlot Chronciles needs more villans. Everpony who agrees, legs up!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. tacobob


      Curse you...Neo! You killed my father! Prepare to die!

    3. Dio


      I thought I already was the main villain for CC.

    4. NeoExlucky


      Tacobob...I AM YOUR FATHER!


    1. Pinstripe


      It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! TAKE THIS! MY LOVE! MY ANGER! MY SORROW! SHINING FINGER SWOOOOORRRDDD! GO! GO! GO!

    2. Pinstripe



  5. Why the best ideas for RP posts always come, when I am supposed to go to bed?

    1. tacobob


      Or when I'm at work....or being chased by clowns...or falling down a well? Ugh.

  6. ".....Well I will not turn away such gesture of kindness." Squall said, giving in. He helped himself with a glass. Not a full one, just enough to quench the thirst, not really in hurry of emptying it either. The taste was wonderful and Squall preferred to savor it as much as possible. "They don't do lemonade like this in Manehattan anymore." he muttered after fist few sips. "It's not about the biting 'Mister Soldier'. Anypony should be rewarded by their efforts, even more so when they do something from concern of others well being and not without expecting any gratification in the first place. And this... Squall held glass higher with his magic "This is an result of hard work made with affection. You can taste the love and care from each fruit used in making this beverage. And before you ask, you walk like one." unicorn anticipated the unspoken question, while taking another sip from his glass. "Ahh,yes. Something filling and what would stay fresh on the road. I have no idea how much road is before me, and how much I need to take." swordstallion said, eyes behind sunglasses half closed from sleepiness. "Which reminds me...have anypony seen this kid?" Swift pulled out a rolled piece of paper from his duster inner pocked. Orange pony put it on the counter afterwards and unfolded it,revealing poster with word 'MISSING' printed in the large font on the top, and a photo of filly below.
  7. Huh, too bad I didn't seen this topic sooner. Oh well, I just wait when you will start a M:TG one. The one that Kirby started kind of died (one mamber passed away, other got banned). I am not without fault either. I hope that whenever the next one will pop out it will not share the fate of Ravnica topic.....too soon.
  8. Thou should reclaim the Throne of the Night. We know that thou deserves it!

    1. tacobob


      Yeah! I second that!

  9. You back? YOU BACK! Happyhappyhappyhappyhappy.....!
  10. No king rules forever. The two of you have taken an titanic responsibility and amount of work on your shoulders. The fact that you did this willingly speaks far more then I can add in words alone. I wish you good luck in your lordship. Remember, while nothing is perfect everyone have your backs - and in that lays the true strength of our community. Oh...and I guess it call for a PARTY!
  11. 4/5 Good quality, but sate my curiosity....who she is?
  12. Feel to hot? Happy to provide help!

  13. I wish for the strength to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
  14. By the Power of Greyskull!

    1. DreamySunday



    2. Dio


      Fun fact. Nicole Oliver also voices the Sorceress of Grayskull in the 2002 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. Using the Celestia voice.

    3. Ciraxis


      Does that make Twilight The Strongest Mare in the Universe?

  15. Let's go hyper heh? 4,5/5 becose it remins me of
  16. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.

    1. starswirlthebearded


      Well... Loki said he'd grant us freedom from freedom. Does that count?

    2. Ciraxis


      No because:

      1. Loki is a consummate liar.

      2. He's just a puny god. Power of Friendship would mop floor with him.

    3. Dio


      "Harmony is slavery. Assimilation is the gross violation of sovereignty and cultural identity."

  17. [colour=green]"....Well, I don't think it matters much anyway if we came across each other or not."[/colour] unicorn shrugged. [colour=green]"Free drinks? Excuse me but how exactly is this profitable for you?"[/colour] the eyebrows over his sunglasses rose noticeably. [colour=green]"I don't mean to be offensive, just curious."[/colour] Squall added explanation. And then the other stallion had entered and unicorn barely contained his surprise after slightly turning his head. This guy was absolutely enormous! Swift always believed that his own Old Pony - an Earth Pony himself - was huge. But huge was understatement when describing the guy that had entered Lady establishment. [colour=green]"Well...sompony was eating his share of vegetables."[/colour] swordstallion though. The one of big pros of wearing shades was the ability to observe otherponies without them noticing that they were being watched. Swift Squall studied Bones movements with the corner of his eye - but more from habit then actual then actual intention. The way of walking, muscle movement and stance told Squall that he was a soldier. Amusing. It appears that Swift meet a REA members wherever he would go. But something in this pony was unusual. A quick glance at the stallion flank provided the answer. [colour=green]"A boxer..."[/colour] Squall mused quietly to himself. Yes, the strongly developed front legs indeed hinted that he used them way more then the hind ones. With his curiosity fulfilled unicorn stallion shifted his attention back at the Lady [colour=green]"Is that orchard behind the shop yours?"[/colour] Swift asked.
  18. Done and Ready. Removed any mentions of any alternate alias of her.
  19. Each world a dream. Each sleeper a God unknowing.

    1. Kodokuna


      Each person lives in their own Truman Show.

    2. abc



  20. Yes, I would like to have this application still open.
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