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Status Updates posted by ShadowWalking18

  1. Current Location: Eye of Terror :P

  2. Dear kitten. Since I have hissed at you the customary four hundred and thirty seven times it is now time for me to...begrudingly. Welcome you.

  3. Did you ever get the feeling your OC reminded you somewhat of yourself....cause for me....it does.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MetalBronyATL


      If you want a good idea of what our dear friend MetalBrony is like in real life, look no further than Moonshield.

    3. QuickLime


      A quadruped with a shiny butt?

    4. MetalBronyATL
  4. Discord's cane had the Mark of Chaos on it :) Wooo for Warhammer reference :D

    1. Pretzelparty


      not necessarily a warhammer reference. I believe it's an entropy symbol... which is a part of I think Chaos theory.

    2. ShadowWalking18


      Don't ruin my inner nerd :(


    3. tacobob


      Looks like Hideo Kojima was amused by the quick Metal Gear reference..https://twitter.com/kojima_hideo

  5. Drawing ponies.....is easier then I thought

  6. Episode 1 season 5 checklist. Creepy Ponies? Check. Pinkie Logic? Check. Deeper ideas and thoughts achieved? Check. Forever creeped out by smiles? Oooooh yes. Very much so.

    1. moonshineTheleocat


      Big Sister is Watching you.

    2. Rosewind


      Smile, Sandcat!

  7. Equestria Girls: I give it a B-

  8. Equestria merges with our world via portal. Humans and Ponies get along great. Pony comes to visit earth and stays with a human friend. Hears it will rain later in the afternoon on the news. Goes out in the mid morning for a jog, by 9am it starts to rain. Pony comes back home drenched and not pleased. Sends a letter to the weather channel that says, "Next time make sure your weather team sets the clouds on the right time, it was suppose to rain at 12 not 9.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Hahahaha. Yeah that... that sounds interesting, when you put it that way.

    2. tacobob


      Nah. No humans allowed!

  9. Even though walking through a cloud wall is logical, given the nature of clouds. When Pinkie does it...it just feels like it should be impossible.

  10. Every go to sleep one night, and suddenly wake up in the middle of the night and just for a brief moment forget where you are?

    1. tacobob


      I sometimes get horrible sleep amnesia when I wake up..Mind you, the best kind is when you wake up thinking you have to go to work, until you realize, it's your day off! :D

    2. Solaria


      I do this every night.

  11. Everybody wants to rule the world

  12. Everyone gets a cutie mark

  13. Everyone gets a filly version of their favorite character to cuddle for an hour.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RarityDash


      FIlly Rarity is huggable. <3

    3. Dio


      Twolot Spahkol

    4. XanXeto


      <.< >.> *cuddles with filly AJ* :3

  14. Everyone is now Woona filly! Except Starswirl you're Celestia still :P

  15. Everything in our world, repeat everything in our world, all started with an idea.

  16. Everytime I hear the word darling now I twitch slightly. -_-

  17. Feb 5, 2016 - Time to take back the Earth

    1. Halide


      From whom? Did somebody grab it while we weren't looking?

    2. SteelEagle


      XCOM 2 comes out on that day.

  18. First day of packing thought: 'Where the heck did I get all this junk from?'

    1. Blueblood


      As a frequent mover myself... yep

    2. Bluelight


      Well.... for me it would be,"where did my halfsister get l this ****?" Considering my life is games and outside....

  19. Flash Sentry. He will be destroyed o_o

  20. FlutterVamp is best pony right now :)

  21. From a single Gynophobic griffon, to a whole family of OC's and a complex head canon lore O_O how far i've come in my griffon ocs.

  22. From the Darkest Dungeon*Lightning Strikes*

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