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Everything posted by Mojo

  1. [colour=#0000FF]"I'm with you, Miss Carrot Top," [/colour]Hayseed said with a smile, [colour=#0000FF]"glad ta lend ya a helpin' hoof! I think the Doc's got Miss Derpy under control now."[/colour] As Mr. Waddle looked on, Dr Stable began his 'examination' of the crosseyed gray Pegasus mare. [colour=#FF0000]"Thank you for your cooperation, Miss Hooves. If you'll just hold still, I'll see how injured you are," [/colour]the unicorn physician said as he levitated some instruments in the air. One he used to look into Derpy's ears and another one measured the dimensions of her skull. [colour=#FF0000]"Remarkable! So far, there appears to be no damage to your cranium. But the only way to be certain is with an X-Ray. Miss Hooves, after you have finished shopping, I would like for you to come with me to the hospital so I may perform the appropriate X-Rays to see what damage you've done to your skull. Did Flam ask you to do anything that caused you to get injured?"[/colour] [colour=#FF8C00]"Now stop right there you mangy quack! You better take that insult back!" [/colour]an angry Flam continued to sing. [colour=#FF8C00]"I'd never hurt this lady fair and if you think I did, that's so unfair! Miss Derpy Hooves will tell you right, if you insist on accusing me then YOU AND I WILL FIGHT!!!!"[/colour] Flam reared up and shook his fisted hooves at a stunned Dr. Stable. [colour=#696969]"Gentlecolts, please! This isn't the place to battle one another!" [/colour]Mr Waddle pleaded.
  2. [colour=#0000FF]"Thank you, Miss Aloe," [/colour]Tilly Tome said as she followed the spa pony into the mud bath area. The elderly crystal pony looked all around the room in wonderment. She was still a bit overwhelmed by all of the modern conveniences she'd never seen before. [colour=#0000FF]"Oh deary me! There is much I have to learn about this new era of time, but I don't want to constantly pester you with questions. All I want to do for now is enjoy the pleasures of one of your famous mud baths. What do I do next?"[/colour]
  3. Ms. Harshwhinney was taking in all of the ongoing conversations, gleaning much knowledge from what everypony was saying and all the questions being asked. As the orange Earth mare began to formulate questions of her own, she suddenly heard the sound of galloping hooves behind her. When she heard the noise, she turned her head just in time to see.... [colour=#800080]"Oh deary me, am I too late to join the tour group?" [/colour]Tilly Tome asked as the elderly crystal pony came to a stop, panting hard for a few seconds. [colour=#800080]"Sorry I was late, couldn't get away from the library till now. I wanted to be a part of this tour group so I could reorient myself to all of the sights and sounds of our fair city. Many tourists visit the library and ask many questions. It is my duty as Tilly Tome, Crystal Empire Head Librarian, to have those answers! How is everypony today?"[/colour] [colour=#FF8C00]"Actually, Miss Tome, I believe you're right on time," [/colour]Ms. Harshwhinney neighed. [colour=#FF8C00]"I believe we'll be starting soon."[/colour]
  4. Mojo stopped walking when Flax Seed did. [colour=#8B4513]"If ya don't mind me sayin' so, chum, ya might have come on a bit too strong for most ponies," [/colour]the Paint stallion spoke, [colour=#8B4513]"I've been sellin' stuff for years from me wagon, and I gotta tell ya most ponies get kinda bummed out by hard sale tatics. Ya got really groovy products, like that stuff ya let me use on meself, but ya can't just toss it on ponies at random. Totally not cool. Tell'm how great yur stuff is and if ya need ta demostrate how great they are, why not use'm on yur gal pal first? Bet she'd love ta be a part of yur sales pitch! Maybe what ya need is ta use a distributor pony, somepony who could sell all yur wares for ya, somepony with experience sell'm all sorts'a stuff, somepony like.... me?"[/colour]
  5. The elderly Pegasus approached the front of the room to address the Rainbow team. [colour=#008000]"Members of dee Rainbow Team, in case you don't know who I am, I am Professor Clyde Krashkop und vee have an important job to perform dis day! It vill be our responsibility to mix all dee colours for all dee rainbows in Equestria! Vee cannot let our fellow ponies down! Failure is NOT an option! Some ponies may tink dat colour mixing is easy! Dat is untrue! Dere is specific procedures dat must be followed und I vill see to it dat day are! Dee vork vill be hard, but remember everypony is counting on us! I vill be proud to lead dis team to achieve our goals! Vee vill begin soon. As dee Colonel said, vee also must vork as a team, und dere is no "I" in TEAM! If you have any questions und concerns, bring dem to me! Othervise, get ready for action! Snell!"[/colour]
  6. Going to be gone ALL DAY this Thursday (June 13) due to an all day bus trip to Pennsylvania. Also, there's an alert on the Weather Channel of a possible severe wind storm (derecho) that could be heading to my area tomorrow or Thursday. So if I vanish from Canterlot for a while, it's probably because I lost power at the house AGAIN! Same thing happened last June in my area, so if I disappear for a few days (or a week) you'll know why.
  7. All eyes were on Saddlesore when Asteria kissed him on the cheek. Many restaurant patrons did 'spit takes' while a few of them nearly choked on their food. Their waiter gasped, his eyes bugged out wide before he tripped himself on the floor and came crashing down with several trays he was carrying. Three older mare passed out in their seats and had to be attended to. Even the owner of the restaurant was so stunned, she was speechless. Saddlesore also was affected by the kiss. No pony outside of his own family had EVER kissed him in his entire life! Another rush of happy emotions surged through him. It was even more stunning to the restaurant patrons to see the huge toothy grin beaming from the blue stallion's face. [colour=#0000FF]"Yes Miss Stillheart, I would concur. Now would be the opportune time for us to leave and go on our walk together. Waiter! The bill please!"[/colour] [colour=#800080]"Zee owner says your entire meal is on zee house, monsier!" [/colour]the waiter announced to the duo. [colour=#800080]"Thank you for giving us a night zees restaurant weel always remember."[/colour] [colour=#0000FF]"Wow Miss Stillheart, I sure wasn't expecting that. Shall we go now?"[/colour]
  8. Mojo nodded to all that Flax Seed had said. [colour=#8B4513]"I hear ya chum, you and your gal are very proud of what ya created, and ya should be," [/colour]the Paint stallion said with a grin. [colour=#8B4513]"I take the same pride in all the artwork, crafts and poetry I create. Wouldn't have it any other way! Didn't mean ta bum ya out with a lotta questions, only tryin' ta rap friendly with ya."[/colour] Mojo had an idea, but he didn't want to overwhelm his new friend with it all at once. Searching for the right words to say, the hippie brony cleared his throat to speak again. [colour=#8B4513]"How are yur sales goin'? Bet ya have a lot of regular happy customers that drop by ta buy yur fine natural products."[/colour]
  9. Though this app is written kind of in the 'old' style, I still like it! I approve!
  10. Great Cast app! This gets the Mojo Seal of Approval!
  11. All Ms. Harshwhinney could do is shake her head at the antics of her new 'best friend' Tankena. [colour=#FF8C00]"I hope that crazy Stalliongradian mare doesn't get all of you thrown outta here," [/colour]the orange well dressed mare grumbled as she finished her cup of punch. [colour=#FF8C00]"Wish there was somepony here I could recognize..."[/colour] She stopped speaking when she caught sight of Princess Luna in the distance. [colour=#FF8C00]"Princess Luna?" [/colour]the stunned blonde Earth mare asked. [colour=#FF8C00]"She's HERE? Among US? I have to go meet her!"[/colour] With an unlikely burst of speed, Ms. Harshwhinney galloped across the floor, nearly toppling every pony in her way. When she passed the still dancing and singing Tankena, she bumped her hard enough to send the green mare crashing to the floor as she rushed over to the Princess and bowed. [colour=#FF8C00]"Princess Luna! It is an honor to see you again!" [/colour]the orange mare neighed as Louise LaMare helped Tankena up off the floor. [colour=#008000]"What is with her?" [/colour]Tankena asked. [colour=#008000]"She knocked me over like Stalliongradian blizzard!"[/colour] [colour=#8B4513]"Don't mind her," [/colour]Louise said as the brown Pegasus mare helped her up. [colour=#8B4513]"Besides that, I think now is the time we should mix and mingle, meet other mares. After all, this is what MareCon is all about, right?"[/colour] [colour=#008000]"Da, you have point Louise," [/colour]the green mare said with a nod. [colour=#008000]"Alright, we mingle! Lead dee way!"[/colour] Louise gave a sigh of relief, partly because she had stopped her enthusiastic friend from carrying on any further. The brown Pegasus mare walked over to where Carrot Top and Cherry Berry were standing and starting to introduce herself. [colour=#8B4513]"Hello there! I'm Louise LaMare and this is my friend Tankena from Stalliongrad! It is a pleasure to meet you both!"[/colour] [colour=#008000]"Da! Great pleasure! Is that carrot cake? That is one of my favorites things to eat"[/colour]
  12. Granny Smith glanced over at the line and saw more ponies standing in it. This caused the elderly Apple matriarch to panic. [colour=#00FF00]"Jumpin' Gee-hoss-a-fat Strudel! We best git the lead out! Gotta keep them bushels of apples movin'!"[/colour] [colour=#006400]"Javol, mein sister!" [/colour]Uncle Apple Strudel neighed, eagerly moving more bushels of apples up towards the front near AppleJack's stand. Suddenly, looking down into one of the bushels, the bearded stallion was in for a shock. [colour=#006400]"ACK! UNEEMAL! Vhat in dee vorld is going on here?" [/colour]he yelled out. [colour=#00FF00]"What all the hollerin' about, brother?" [/colour]Granny Smith asked as she rushed over to gaze inside the bushel. [colour=#00FF00]"I don't believe it! Now where did all THEM things come from?"[/colour] [colour=#006400]"I vas going to ask you dee same qvestion," [/colour]the stunned Germane stallion said. [colour=#006400]"Vee better tell AppleJack about dees."[/colour] [colour=#00FF00]"I reckon I best be duh one that tells her," [/colour]Granny Smith said as she sneaked up behind her to whisper in her ear, [colour=#00FF00]"AppleJack, don't know how we donnit, but we got us a bushel of pears mixed in with all duh apples. Ya wanna try ta sell'm or should we send'm back ta the barn?"[/colour]
  13. Not wanting to miss Princess Luna's speech but excited when he heard about the cookies, Professor Krashkop rushed over into the breakroom, grabbed up several cookies and returned to his former place in the group, munching on the cookies as he stood. [colour=#008000]"Dees cookies are VUNDERBA!" [/colour]the Professor neighed as the green Pegasus turned towards Snickerdoodle, [colour=#008000]"Danka fraulien! You must give me dee recipe for dees delightful baked vonders! Are you on mein team? Dee rainbow colouring team?"[/colour] Professor Krashkop waited for a reply while still waiting for Princess Luna's arrival on the scene. She would no doubt come with great fanfare in her air chariot. That was something the elderly Pegasus stallion wanted to see with his own two eyes!
  14. Saddlesore once more searched his mind for what he thought would be the correct things to say to his beatiful dinner companion. [colour=#0000FF]"Oh no, no Miss Stillheart! You've been terriffic! This has been the best night of my life! I'm glad you're not disturbed by all of the attention we're getting. My guess is many of these ponies have never seen such a beauiful mare as you. On that point, I would certainly agree with them. I'll care to say that if you were to kiss me, it'd shock every pony in this place. Of course, I wouldn't dream of asking you to do such a thing, if you didn't want to. I have far too much respect for you to attempt to order you around like that."[/colour] The waiter, who was standing nearby, suddenly became so stunned at the mention of the word 'kiss', he dropped the tray of dishes he was taking back to the kitchen. Other ponies within earshot of their table looked skeptical, not willing to believe that ANY mare in Equestria would be capable of kissing the otherwise 'unlikeable' Saddlesore.
  15. Relieved that now Flax viewed him as a friend, Mojo quickly accepted the goop and applied it to his mane. The Paint stallion quickly rubbed it all in. [colour=#8B4513]"This stuff is really marvy, dude!" [/colour]Mojo neighed. [colour=#8B4513]"Love the fragrance too! Do ya have a whole line of mane and body care products? You and yur gal are bloomin' brilliant! I could never make such ripper things like this. Sure, I can make pop art, paintings, jewelry. even sell one of me own poetry books once in a blue moon, but never health and beauty aids! Betcha sell a lot of this stuff ta happy ponies! Do ya distribute it yurself or have a middle pony that sells it for ya?"[/colour]
  16. Entering the bowling alley with their new friends, Mr. Waddle, Pigpen and Professor Krashkop took in all of the sights and sounds around them. [colour=#696969]"There seems to be a large crowd today," [/colour]Mr. Waddle said, [colour=#696969]"I sure hope there's an open alley for us to use."[/colour] [colour=#FF0000]"Only one way to find out," [/colour]Pigpen said as the shaggy, smelly stallion walked over to the bowling lanes. [colour=#008000]"I cannot vait to get started!" [/colour]the Professor announced with glee. [colour=#008000]"Cranky, Mended Heart, do dee two of you bowl often? How are dee lanes? Are day striaght or do some of dem have some slight curves in dem?"[/colour] As the green Pegasus stallion asked his question, Pigpen got close to two groups of ponies who were bowling in the far left lanes. The unkempt stallion didn't say a word, but was suddenly stunned to see both groups abruptly quit their game and leave. Most of the group were trying to hold their noses as they rushed outside. [colour=#FF0000]"Gee, I wonder what got into them?" [/colour]Pigpen asked, shrugging his shoulders as his flies continued to buzz around his head. He then turned to shout out to his friends. [colour=#FF0000]"HAY GUYS! GOT AN OPEN LANE WE CAN USE OVER HERE!"[/colour] [colour=#696969]"That's wonderful!" [/colour]Mr. Waddle neighed. [colour=#696969]"Be right there!"[/colour] [colour=#008000]"Vhat vonderful luck vee are having today!" [/colour]added the Professor. [colour=#008000]"Dis vill be fun, ja?"[/colour]
  17. I'll be attending a convention for work the latter part of this week. So, I'll be away from the internet (and thus, Canterlot.com) starting this coming Thursday (6-6-13) through Sunday (6-9-13). Have no net access where I'll be staying, so I be out of contact here until I return home.
  18. Mojo was stunned by Flax Seed's reaction to his conversation! Although it did make him feel somewhat uncomfortable, the Paint stallion retained his natural peaceful charm. [colour=#8B4513]"Whoa Flax! Chill out! I'm feelin' some real negative vibes here! First of all, chum, I'd never try ta swindle you and your gal outta yur farm! I don't havea farm meself and wouldn't have the time to care for one if I did! I'm a travellin' salespony and I love me work! I stay with me parents on the good ol' family farm when I'm here. Hay! Two snooty unicorns ya say? Bet those squares were Flim and Flam, right? Heard about what two hooligans tried ta do ta Sweet Apple Acres a while back! Flim and Flam act even worse than the establishment! And what's all these bad vibes about me thinkin' I'm better than you and Wheat? That's not cool, dude. Really pal, I'm not the competitive type at all. Betcha the two of ya make a lot of marvy stuff ta sell! All I'm tryin' ta do is offer a helpin' hoof if ya need it. That's all. I wanna be yur friend, Flax, not yur enemy, can ya dig it?" [/colour]
  19. Tilly Tome was excited to hear all that Aloe had to say. This wonderful spa seemed to be a delightful place with so many interesting ponies all about. And all natural methods too! The elderly crystal mare was thrilled. [colour=#0000FF]"Miss Aloe, all of this sounds quite wonderful! Yes, yes I would love to receive a spa treatment! Do you have mudbaths here? I've read about those, even had them in the days of the First Crystal Empire, before King Sombra came along and..."[/colour] Instantly, Tilly Tome was shaken with fear. A flood of very bad, very painful memories rushed through her mind about that terrible time in history. Her head drooped, and her entire crystal body lost some of it's luster. Shaking her head to 'snap back' into reality, the gray maned mare tried to put all that out of her mind and think about getting a mud bath. This made her happy, and instantly restored the luster and shine of her crystal body.
  20. [colour=#8B4513]"I work with me hooves too, Flax," [/colour]Mojo explained, [colour=#8B4513]"me mum and dad still run our family farm. There. we ONLY grow organic fruits an' veggies usin' absolutely NO unnatural methods like magic. I stock me peddler's wagon with these things as part of what I sell! Ponies, griffons and even mules love'm! I also make lots of hoofmade arts and crafts items I sell too! Well Flax, Starflower's cool, for an older chick and Julibee's gonna be a big star someday. It's her bag, and I think it's groovy. I'm with ya on Canterlot, pal. Get a lotta bad vibes from that place. HAY! Me family's farm is in the Nimbusgait Lakes area too! Ya don't suppose we could be neighbors, could we? That's be far out! Marvy! Groovy! Say Flax, if ya don't mind me sayin' so, ya seem kinda down. What's buggin' ya? Maybe I can help, after all, I am the Pony of Peace. Dig me cutie mark!"[/colour] [colour=#8B4513] [/colour]
  21. Mojo was fascinated with Flax Seed, even though he hadn't formally told him his name yet. [colour=#8B4513]"That's marvy!" [/colour]the Paint stallion neighed. [colour=#8B4513]"I can dig it! Clothes that can improve your aura! Groovy! And ya say ya have a mate? YEAH BABY! Good for you! I haven't found meself a happenin' babe ta settle with yet. Me two travellin' companions are cool, but not really marryin' material for me. I mean, Jubilee is like me own sister, well, a sister with wings. And then there's Nurse Starflower, but she's a bit old for me, don't tell'r I said that though. I'm hoofin;' it solo today, Jubilee's in Canterlot performing in a stage play and Starflower's back home at her clinic. Say, if ya don't mind me askin', chum, what's yur name? Do ya live nearby? Me family farm's not far down the road. I'm goin' back ta restock me wagon."[/colour]
  22. Roleplay Type: Crossover Name: Pinkamina Apple Pie Sex: Female Age: Mare Species: Earth Pony Eye colour: Light Blue Coat: Bubble Gum Pink Mane/Tail: Dark pink, straight mane and tail Physique: Normal Residence: Ponyville (Sweet Apple Acres) Occupation: Apple Farmer Cutie Mark: Three red apples History: The pony now known as Pinkamina Apple Pie was once known by another name until the fateful day that magic changed her cutie mark and her destiny. Where she was at one time a maker of merriment and joy for the entire town of Ponyville, she now became a not-so-skillful laborer and unofficial leader at Sweet Apple Acres. Now her days are full of frustration and sadness due to the fact that despite her newly minted cutie mark, she doesn't seem to be very good at farm chores, planting and farm maintenence. Character Summary: Though she tries very hard, the stress level in Pinkamina's life is very high. She's not very happy or cheerful, her mind now filled with thoughts of duty and making the Apple Farm work. In her own words, "I don't care much for pickin' fruit, and plowin' fields ain't such a hoot." Pinkamina is doing a lot of adjusting to her 'newly discovered' role.
  23. I like what I'm reading here, but I am curious about one thing. How would this character interact with ponies? What are his opinions on ponies? Does he see them as equals, rivals or inferior to griffons? Might be a minor thing, but I think it'd improve this app even more if you added some of this to it.
  24. Well, since you asked, I must say this is a great app already! All the required fields are filled and though it is brief in some areas, I think there's enough here to pass. The only thing I see that's a bit off is the Cutie Mark. Griffons don't have them, so if you'll take all reference to them out of the app, then your app looks ready to me!
  25. Wouldn't surprise me. DOUBLE the price for HALF the episodes (13 vs. 26). I can believe Hasbro would pull a stunt like this. The sad thing is, a LOT of bronies WOULD pay that kind of cash for S3!
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