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Status Replies posted by RarityDash

  1. The test box, that didn't really exist, seems to have bred an non-existant offspring! They are breeding! I mean, if they actually existed.

  2. Lilac's party post will be returning post-event for all who participated in battle threads as a way to soothe the spirit after all this. Keep an eye out!

    1. RarityDash


      Alexandrite is definitely looking forward to this. <3

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. I ship Alexandrite and Lilac so hard now. XD

  4. Crystal Faire event ends Saturday night, US time. Get your last posts in!

  5. Sombra invades the crystal faire... Called it. Now, what to do with a complete non-combatant?

    1. RarityDash


      or take part in the invasion threads. it can be fun to have a character react to such things, even if there's not much they can be do about. depends on how you play it.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  6. Thank you for being so nice to me...I just hope I get to role-play soon. I really dislike waiting.

    1. RarityDash


      If you want to get to RP immediately, you can participate in our Free RP sections right away. For other sections, our roleplay helpers are volunteers who at times have only limited time to put toward the site, but someone should be along to help you before long. :)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. New to the site...I don't feel really welcomed. :T

    1. RarityDash


      Welcome to the site! No reason not to feel welcome. We're all quite friendly here. :)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. My favorite pony song is any given song from Friendship is Witchcraft.

  9. and now ends a chapter (sort of) in the history of an oc... the it seems pressy is once again alone on the road: except for a fruit bat.

  10. Once I finish this app of mine I hope to get more actively into rp

  11. Helped a Grandma in ToysRus Find a Lyra figure for her granddaughter! She was so happy to have my help XD

  12. Sweetie Belle = Best Crusader. Forever.

  13. Gadzooks! They're remastering Day Of The Tentacle for the PS4 (And PC). My joy knows no bounds. http://kotaku.com/day-of-the-tentacle-is-getting-remastered-1667741724

  14. Not sure why, but my latest drawing that I've uploaded just never appeared yet o.o

  15. So far there is no such thing as a hippogriff in the show, right?

  16. I have finally seen Rainbow Rocks. It was pretty great. Aria Blaze <3

    1. RarityDash


      or well, that's the song. THe post-credit scene is here:

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. I have finally seen Rainbow Rocks. It was pretty great. Aria Blaze <3

  18. I have finally seen Rainbow Rocks. It was pretty great. Aria Blaze <3

    1. RarityDash


      Yeah. I knew there was stuff cut from the TV version. Why I waited. Consider how much I loved the credits song, I'm glad I did.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. I have finally seen Rainbow Rocks. It was pretty great. Aria Blaze <3

    1. RarityDash


      Yep. Hard to skip the credits when they had one of the best songs playing there. Intrigued as to where they can take that...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  20. Had an idea for a new oc... a somewhat villainous one. Maybe what I need is a change of place from playing good characters? :P Also thank youe veryone for supporting me while I've been so down lately. I love each and everyone of you! :)

  21. Yes! Best Princess (Anc Celestia) finally get their own Funko figures. :3 http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/10/funko-celestia-and-luna-hath-arrived.html

    1. RarityDash


      silly ponies implying Celestia isn't best princess.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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